
Kimorchii's avatar

Registered: 11/12/2004

Birthday: 12/24


Generous donators/gifters of all kinds:

l0l carly
Starry Eyed Stocking
Fabul0us Sh0ta
Lippy T
Fox Bakudan
"Drunk/Hungover Santa" x4

Anons: 4

You have my love and thanks!

Recent Visitors

Fluffy Floof on 08/27/2024
K on 03/11/2021
Leonaenae on 06/12/2020


I have a weakness for bunnies and other chubby looking animals.
My username is old, but I have decided to keep it for specific reasons, aha.
I also don't do random friend requests, sorry.

Joined: November 2004
First Hiatus: 2007
First Return: November 2013
Second Hiatus: October 2015

Current Status: Hiatus, popping in here once every blue moon.

User Image
Pixel Art by Da-Eh


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His Yandere Report | 01/18/2024 4:31 pm
His Yandere
His Yandere Report | 01/14/2024 9:35 pm
His Yandere
I sent him a screenshot of our ongoing convo in comments just now haha.
Anyway, PM's seem to work for me, at least recently.
I only came back about 3 months ago, maybe?
I was super busy with life that I didnt have the time to log in,
But now ive got some time, which i spend collecting daillies and old items, hah.

I could show ya some new art ive made, though itll have to wait for at least tonight.
My kids are sleeping and one of them sleeps next to my computer.

How about you? Gonna show some of your recent art pieces? smile
r2ann bum Report | 01/14/2024 8:36 pm
r2ann bum
lolol you're fine
i was just like "what did i do?" x'D

welcome back man~<3
His Yandere Report | 01/14/2024 1:02 pm
His Yandere
Also, you can call me by whatevers easier.
Brandy, Yandere, or Yan for short, doesn't bother me. ♡
His Yandere Report | 01/14/2024 1:01 pm
His Yandere
Haha, hey, ol' friend!
I'm happy to chat either way, I repsond to Comments more than PMs though.
Never really understood why, but hey, not gonna change it now.

Yes, we are still both drawing. ♡
He just recently got a drawing tablet,
So hes been praticing with that.

I just recently had a hand/wrist issue that stopped me from drawing
For like.. 3 months, but it seemed to sort itself out so,
I'm getting back into the game!

How have you been, friend? smile
His Yandere Report | 12/27/2023 8:36 am
His Yandere
Hey~! I noticed you commented on Misteor's profile awhile ago!
This is 'Sip of Brandy'!
I don't really log onto that profile anymore,
Hah, I hope you've been well, Kim!
It's been a helluva long time!
Gerbiie Report | 10/28/2020 3:15 am
Hey you! I randomly was sifting through old art from the Gaia days and it got me thinking of you. Haven't been on here in forever, but keep finding myself pop in and out sometimes. Hope you're doing okay out there. <3
Kiro_Shinigami Report | 11/03/2015 10:49 am
you all think there is hope for me yet? Many left cause they could not watch me die. Its oke..I cant blame you if you left.....

Kiro_Shinigami Report | 11/03/2015 10:32 am
I guess one can say I stopped caring and became an icecube XD
Nice people leave gaia before they become assholes, Its too late for me but you can still run!
Kiro_Shinigami Report | 11/03/2015 10:10 am
All the douchebags I know sadly still last XD......They last forever T^T.....its the good guy's that dont last long.