

Well, what to say, what to say. Funny, when you get to the computer you really seem to forget everything you had planned. Lol. Anyway I guess Ill do a little bio, those always seem to work:

Real Name: Give you a clue, it rhythms with "him" (a cookie goes to the person who can guess!)

Nick-Names: pathologically sunny (always happy) ***bo (the * stand for my name) ***my, ***ber. And a lot more I am not going to put up here.

Gender: female.

Age: over 10, less than 40 u get the picture? Oh and do not say old.

Favourite Color: olive green

I live in: Canada (lucky form me it is so big, it is really hard to narrow it down).

Color that looks the best on me: brown

Things about me:

-I am opinionated
-I LOVE chocolate
-I have a dog and a rabbit
-I am the type of person who can fit in almost everywhere
-I am very enthusiastic
-I do not give up easily
-I am almost always smiling
-I think the computer is the best thing ever made
-I think violence is bad
-I am very loud
-I am the type of person who will call out the answer if they hear the person sitting beside them say it (although I do this I do not cheat)
-I do not smoke or do drugs I think both are icky
-I hate hospitals they give me the creeps
-I like bananas
-I am not too fond of seafood
-I have been descried as crazy by enough people I have lost count
-I am an average student
-I want to be a photographer
-Random is good
-My other account is Just_the_Doctor

My friend wrote this while pretending to be me:

I am pathologically sunny smile It basically means crazily happy, I tend to see the bright side in everything, which annoys my friend. You may know her as shannytsui. She's my real life best bud.
I am tall, clumsy, have a smile that freaks out everyone and am very annoying and loud and a teacher's pet and say things when they should not be said, I enjoy being outgoing at the wrong times and being a copycat ^_^

Doctor Who Quotes (This is my all-time favourite show):

-The Doctor: [repeated line] Fantastic!

-The Doctor: [the TARDIS has just crash landed on earth and a newly regenerated Doctor appears from within. He is a bit disorientated after his transformation] Here we are then. London, Earth... Solar system. I did it.
[seeing Jackie and Mickey]
-The Doctor: Jackie, Mickey, blimey! No, no, no, no. Hold on. Wait there. I've got something to say. There's something I had to tell you. Something important. What was it? No, hold on, hold on... Oh, I know! Merry Christmas.
[he suddenly passes out. Rose emerges from the TARDIS]

-Charles Dickens: Oh, my... I hope this theory is validated... soon. Almost instantly, in fact.

-Emperor Dalek: You destroyed us, Doctor. The Dalek race died in your inferno, but my ship survived. Falling through time, crippled but alive!
The Doctor: I get it...
Daleks: Do not interrupt! Do not interrupt! Do not interrupt!
The Doctor: I think you're forgetting something. I'm the Doctor, and if there's one thing I can do it's talk. I've got five billion languages and you haven't got one way of stopping me, so if anybody's going to shut up,
[turns to Daleks]
The Doctor: it's *you*!
[Daleks reverse away from The Doctor]

-Rose Tyler: So everyone's basically a slave.
The Editor: Well, now you raise an interesting point. Is a slave a slave if they don't know they've been enslaved?
The Doctor: Yes.
The Editor: Oh. I was hoping for a philosophical debate; is that all I'm gonna get?
[imitates the doctor]
The Editor: Yes.
The Doctor: Yes.
The Editor: You're no fun.

-Captain Jack Harkness: Okay! This can function as a sonic blaster, a sonic cannon, and a circle-and-hold sonic disruptor. Doc, what've you got?
The Doctor: I've got a sonic
[fishes around in pockets, gets out his Sonic Screwdriver]
The Doctor: ... uh... oh, never mind.
Captain Jack Harkness: What?
The Doctor: It's sonic, okay, let's leave it at that.
Captain Jack Harkness: Disruptor, cannon, what?
The Doctor: It's sonic! Totally sonic! I'm soniced up!
Captain Jack Harkness: [shouting] A SONIC WHAT?
The Doctor: Screwdriver!
[monsters break through the walls]

-The Doctor: We're not done yet! Assets, assets!
Captain Jack Harkness: Well, I've got a banana, and in a pinch you could put up some shelves.

-Captain Jack Harkness: Who looks at a screwdriver and thinks: 'ooh, this could be a little more sonic'?
The Doctor: What, you've never been bored? Never had a long night, never had a lot of cabinets to put up?

The Doctor: I'm looking for a blonde wearing a Union Jack. A specific one, I didn't just wake up this morning with a craving.

Captain Jack Harkness: [Rose falls from the barrage balloon rope but is caught by a beam of light. Captain Jack speaks to her via loudspeaker] I'm just programming your descent pattern. Stay still as you can and keep your hands and feet inside the light field.
Rose Tyler: Descent pattern?
Captain Jack Harkness: [via loudspeaker] Oh, and could you switch off your cell-phone?
[Rose starts to complain]
Captain Jack Harkness: No, seriously, it interferes with my instruments.
Rose Tyler: You know, no one ever believes that.
[switches phone off]
Captain Jack Harkness: [via loudspeaker] Thank you, that's much better.
Rose Tyler: Oh yeah, that's a real load off, that is! I'm hanging in the sky in the middle of a German air raid with a Union Jack across my chest but, hey, my mobile phone's off!

The Doctor: [still recently regenerated] Am I... Ginger?
Rose: No, you're just sort of... brown.
The Doctor: Aww, I wanted to be ginger. I've never been ginger. And you, Rose Tyler, fat lot of good you were. You gave up on me. Ooh, that was rude. Is that the kind of man I am now? Am I rude? Rude and not ginger?

Mickey Smith: Tea. While we're waiting for the world to come to an end. Very British.

The Doctor: Look at them. Look at how much potential they have. From the day they arrived on the planet... blinking stepped into the sun. There's more to see than can ever be done... more to see than can ever be... hold on. Sorry... that's The Lion King

Sycorax Leader: [shouts] I demand to know who you are!
The Doctor: [shouts, imitating him] I don't know!
The Doctor: See, there's the thing. I'm the Doctor, but beyond that, I - I just don't know. I literally do not know who I am. It's all untested. Am I funny? Am I sarcastic? Sexy?
[he winks at Rose]
The Doctor: Am I an old misery? Life and soul? Right-handed? Left-handed? A gambler? A fighter? A coward? A traitor, a liar, a nervous wreck? I mean, judging by the evidence, I've certainly got a gob.

Jackie Tyler: I'm gonna be killed by a Christmas tree!

Torchwood Quotes (This show is tied for my second favourite show):

[Gwen is attacking Owen]
Captain Jack Harkness: You know, strictly speaking throttling the staff is my job.

Captain Jack Harkness: Alright, usual formation.
Gwen Cooper: What's the usual formation?
Owen Harper: It varies.
Gwen Cooper: How can the usual formation vary?

Gwen Cooper: What do you do to relax?
Owen Harper: I torture people in happy relationships.

Captain Jack Harkness: Ianto... come in Ianto. If I don't hear those beautiful Welsh vowels, I'm coming to look for you.

Captain Jack Harkness: [about the last person they kissed] Are we including non-human life-forms?
Owen Harper: You're a sick man, Harkness. That is disgusting!

Swanson: Are you always this dressy for a murder investigation?
Captain Jack Harkness: What, you'd rather me naked?
Swanson: God help me, the stories are true.

Gwen Cooper: Jack, what would have tempted you? What visions would have convinced you to open the Rift?
Captain Jack Harkness: The right kind of Doctor.


Viewing 12 of 18 friends


path_2_sunny's jornal

it's a jornal, what more do you want?


Viewing 10 of 14 comments.


Report | 01/23/2009 6:43 pm



It's me!! Michelle!! User Image

Add me up! User Image

Report | 07/22/2008 4:28 pm



The guy below me is a fraud! no clicking the link!!!!

p.s.- this is reika

Report | 07/16/2008 4:04 pm


Erm well i just got accepted to the battle beta....i am giving it out to random people! here you go....

User Image

Report | 06/17/2008 7:55 pm


xD I'm feeling artsy too
Heavenly Tempest

Report | 05/13/2008 9:45 pm

Heavenly Tempest

=o no comments in forever!

Heavenly Tempest

Report | 02/02/2008 5:54 pm

Heavenly Tempest

-gr33n d3m0n-

Report | 02/01/2008 1:35 am

-gr33n d3m0n-

hey try this out!send this comment to ten profiles then press f5 to get 10,000 gold

Report | 01/31/2008 6:37 pm


HEY~ this is tehara or u mite know me as (s.s) my real initals anyway this is y new account would love it if u added me as a friend!! ~ tehara
Heavenly Tempest

Report | 01/29/2008 6:33 pm

Heavenly Tempest


who is this kim?


Thanks =D

Apparently its blinding xDDDD

Report | 11/20/2007 6:23 pm


Thank you that was lovely of you *sprinkles good luck*



I will gladly hug anyone if they donate (yes, I`ll hunt you down and give you a hug)