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Kinata Dosu's avatar

Last Login: 12/06/2009 10:35 am

Registered: 02/05/2006

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I'm really crap at doing this kinda thing,by the way.

Name:You won't need it.
Last name:Ya won't need that either.
Age:Why the heck should I tell you?
Ummmm......Oh yeah!Appearance:You don't need that.
.................I really can't remember.Whatever.You won't need it anyway.
People say I'm a natural born leader....But I'm not.I love to turn my music on really loud,but only if I have headphones on.I get ill alot.I get nosebleeds atleast twice a week and people who know me will have heard about me getting a nosebleed at the computer,and every time I'm asked a question I'll scratch my head.I like to say "Uhhhh" and "Ummmmm".I have a memory bad enough to kill someone.Hmmmm.....I've got a weird personality.Mostly I'm evil,sometimes I'm lazy,sometimes happy,sometimes a little crazy,but that's too much of a fad.Ummmm....That's about it.

I don't like:
Flirting,chat language and all the fools that will use it,bossy idiots,pink stuff,girly stuff,roleplays which are overdone (I once saw a roleplay where someone said she was just a normal human and pointed it out.Apparently SEEING a vampire was enough to make her a mistress of all vampires-_-),YuYu Hakusho,Inuyasha,fake stuff,Greenday,Blink 182,The Automatic,Strokes,hard boiled eggs,sour stuff,alcohol,braggers(not that I don't do it),people who break my stuff,those stoopid scoubidou strings,pranks aimed at me,beggars,medicine(which I use alot.I'm always ill),people who think they're good at something but aren't,waiting,documentary programs,liers(sp?),smelly stuff,dogs,cats,Star Trek,having to use my brain,straightjackets(I thought I'd never get out) ,defunct stuff,alot of people,girls(bo offense,but I just find it hard to get along with RL girls),crazy fads over nothing,live action TV shows,school,schoolwork,homework,anything associated with school and loads of other stuff.Can't be bothered to type them.

I like*inhales deeply*:Not alot.*exhales deeply*A few stuff.Final Fantasy,anime,manga,Square Enix,Capcom,Kingdom Hearts,Disney,Warner brothers,scratching my head.Can't be bothered to type.You have to ask.
