Om den store Danmark! (About the great Denmark!)

Hej! This is Denmark! preferably known as a rather amazing country. Ja, I'm sure most of you agree. I'm part of that little clan known as the Nordics. They consult me as their king, obviously. Look at me, I'm just king material, am I not? Ja, ja.
The group consists of Norway, Sweden, Finland and Iceland. Sweden and I don't get along all that well, he's just a d**k sometimes, though. Norway and I, though, we're as close as you can get! He'll sometimes hit me or get angry ... I don't understand why, though. He's a bit of a b***h at times, but I learn to tolerate it. As for the others, Iceland is pretty cool, and Finland, I do't talk to him all that much.
I love to go out drinking, call me up for a drink, I'll be there faster than you can say the word alcohol! What's a good day out to drink without yours truly, Denmark? Præcis!
Ah-hahaha, I could write about myself all day, if I wanted to. I know you're extremely interested in hearing all about it, but I have better things to do and better places to be.
Tak og farvel!

//About the administrator:
I'm an easy going person, love to role-play and whatnot. You can call me Chamy, most do. If you were curious about personal factors in my life, such as name, age and all that, feel free to ask.
I role-play just about anything, here is a list of what I allow and don't allow.
Role-play Do's and Don'ts

✔ Roleplay do's~!

✔ Suspense
✔ Drama
✔ Cross-Overs
✔ AU (Unless in a committed relationship)
✔ Yaoi
✔ Friendship
✔ Romance
✔ Family
✔ History (As long as you give me information and articles to read up on)
✔ Smut (This is only if I’m comfortable with you, which is highly unlikely and it shall not be in public)
✔ Comedy/humour
✔ Based off of a song
✔ Fluff

✗ Roleplay don't~!

✗ Mpreg
✗ Scat
✗ Furry
✗ Starting off with smut..;
✗ God-Modding

(If you don't see something on the list and are curious, just ask. I'll add it to the list as well if reminded!~)

Role-play styles:

I really don't care on how you like to write. I'll either do literate or script. It's all right if you're not all that great with grammar, but it be nice to understand you.
