
NEWER I will no longer be a completely active member of Gaia. If you wish to contact me, you can reach me through my soliaonline.com account, Pisces. Or, through my email, [b[mizu_inari@yahoo.com. I will occasionally come back to check messages and etc, but I won't be here regularly.

NEW: Okay! So, I write, and I love it. I now have posted the co-written fanfic of Kingdom Hearts in Fanfiction.net. I would be very happy if you'd read it, so please go find Speculum quod Somnium by HuntedByTrees. Now, on to the actual profile...

But first! Links to the guilds I am part of. Please join if you have time!
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New life, new changes, new profile. Welcome, and I hope you came here with happy thoughts! If not, then hopefully sometime soon you will have happy thoughts.

Most of you reading this will be my beloved friends, seeing what ridiculous things I have to ramble on about this time (not all the pix are done, but if you have one you'd like me to use, send it!). But any who have just met me or want to, here's a simple run-down of myself.

Name's Mizu. Obviously that isn't my legal name, but I'd be a downright fool to put that up here. I'm still in high school, and I'm able to legally drive (since putting down my real age is just welcoming more idiots into my life). I'm pretty simple looking, with dark brown hair and brown eyes. I wear glasses, but that's by choice. Contacts are just so annoying. I used to have braces, but not now, so at least my teeth are nice and straight. I wouldn't say I'm beautiful, but neither am I repulsive. Just…plain. But let me imagine I'm attractive, okay? >.<

I follow the ways of Wicca, and believe in the Goddess and her many forms. I am, however, open to other religions, and actually enjoy having civilized discussions about other religions. But if I am that open to your religion, I expect you show the same open-mindedness to mine. I only respect those who respect me. *cough*frenchteacher*cough*

I love animals, and support organizations that are all about protecting them. I work at a veterinary clinic (yes, and I'm still in high school. Cool, huh?) so I know my way around them. I don't claim to know everything, but I do know a tad more than the average person's knowledge. Oh, and I'm fully against animal testing, for whatever reason. Yes, I know that we can find the cure for cancer and all that, but I just don't like the testing of animals. Their body makeup is different than ours, and who can guarantee that what cures their cancer cures ours? "Unseen they suffer, unheard they cry, in agony they linger, in loneliness they die." StopAnimalTests.com

My hobbies include reading, swimming, watching anime, reading manga, drawing manga, writing (both fanfiction and my own original stories), and listening to music. I'd go insane without my music. I've got some weird thing with a big '-phobia' ending name that means I have a fear of silence. My happy-place is my MP3 player (I refuse to have an iPOD, I'd become normal if I did *shudders*). Rock is my music preference, mostly theatrical type music like progressive and symphonic rock. If you know any good bands, I'd love to know about them! My current favourites (all rock, not just symphonic or progressive) are Nightwish, After Forever, Dream Theater, A Perfect Circle, Sixx: A.M., Three Days Grace, AFI, Signal to Noise (I know the singer's sister. She's awesome.), and Evanescence. But I enjoy some stuff that isn't rock at all, like the TwelveGirlsBand.

Favourite time of the year: When the Metaphysical Fair is in town, heck yes! Foxes, bats, cougars, rodents, horses, coyotes, wolves, water meats, and chimeras all rock my sox. Stanley, my water meat, will Flip-Flap anyone who disagrees with me with his tail!

When I'm out of school, I want to do some voice acting. As a side hobby, I want to do some paranormal investigating. I love the paranormal; I LIVE for it. I'm a firm believer in it, all types of it.

Time to introduce my treasures. I've just moved my entire life, and only now am I truly realizing how much I love them. Guys, if you haven't gotten a personal thank-you from me, just wait. I'm still trying to find all the right words, but for now, here's a re-written break-down of how I feel. (NEW: I have some more people I want to add up here, but I'll need time. If you want me to add you with a certain picture, send it to me, along with whatelse you'd like me to add. There are so many of you it's hard to keep track!) The greatest treasures on earth are (in no particular order):
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Hibana: If I'm water (and my name means just that) then she is fire (which is partially what her name means). I know, you'd think she and I would get along like, well, fire and water then, but not true. Well, half-true. I'm such a passive and laid-back person, that sometimes I need her to light a fire under me and get me boiling. If she didn't help me release all my angry emotions, I'd have some serious stomach problems. Ever since she's been helping me get angry when I need to, I've had less tummy aches. But Hibana is so much more than that. I love her so much, and without her I'm a terribly lonely person. She's such a huge part of me, and I'd like to think I'm a big part of her life as well.
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Nasoma Kuron: "When people don't laugh at our jokes, I don't think of it as a 'you had to be there' thing, more of a 'you have to be mentally retarded like us' thing." That's our relationship in its simplest forms. Nasoma came to our group, and though I think it took everyone a bit to fully accept her, she became a huge member. She's super hyper, but we all love it. Once she's hyper, we all know we're going to have fun. She's an amazing friend too. She speaks her mind and what she perceives as truth without really caring for the consequences. It's not that she doesn't know them, it's just that she doesn't care. To her, if you have something to say, say it. She's loyal too, and I hope she'll continue to be my friend as we all grow older. (Picture done by me, by the way.)
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Kiba: I love her boobs. Yup, she's got one of the best pair of boobs out there. But that's not why she's my friend. Aside from Saru-chan and Zy-chan, I've known her longer than my other friends, since elementary school. We've gone through hell and back, just to go through it again, all the while supporting each other. WE had some downs, but most of our relationship has been a steady up-level. She's so mature, although you wouldn't tell when she's hyper.
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Mouse: Kiba's b***h. No one touches Mouse without her permission, lol. Mouse is that make you laugh and call you a dork while supporting you type of person. I still got your Christmas present from three years ago waiting for you, Mouse…^^;
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Asobi-kun: The Gamer. Gizmo. Hobby Lobby. Lol. Don't mention games unless you can talk games right back. Asobi-kun is always ready with a joke, or an interesting fact you never knew. You'll never be bored around him. He may get picked on us a lot, but that's 'cause we all care. If he was a girl, we'd all be like mother hens, dressing him up in pretty bows *mwahaha* Asobi-kun is special in the way he isn't completely perverted like the rest of us, and he treats his female friends with respect and dignity. I may have only met him this past year, along with Sempai and Shade, but I hope that he stays within my group of friends. He's one of those people you never realize how much they mean to you until you don't have them anymore.
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Saru-chan: So much to say. I've known her since second grade, when I was eight. Over half of my life, I've known her. She's so special, and words can't describe her. But three words seem to sum her relationship to me: MY LIFE SUPPORT.
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Zy-chan and Buwie-chan: Zyrin, the other childhood friend from second grade. Most think he's insane, I think he's a genius with a twisted sense of humor, which is just the right kind of person to be my friend. There a was a time where we didn't talk for over four years, not from any fight, but because our lives just drifted. But after some help from Kiba-chan, he called me back up, and it's like the four years never happened. He feels he has much to make up for in not talking for four years, but I admire that because not many men would admit that fault. So, he's forgiven. Buwie-chan I met through Zy-chan, and mostly through his forum board (did I mention Zyrin is a master with computers like Asobi-kun?) but she's already very dear to me. Hell, anyone who can understand so much of me in the way she does is considered close! She understands my religion perhaps more than anyone (except Punky-Sempai) and for that she has my eternal gratitude.
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Chinoumi-san: Someone shoot me for forgetting Chinoumi-san! She was rather new to the group, but had past relations with us. Ace is good buddies with her brother, Koheleth. Chinoumi is our resident mistress of evil, though her cute and bubbly personality would fool you into thinking otherwise. She's one of us vampyre fans, and isn't afraid to play with the darkness. And she won't ever succumb to it, 'cause she's too much fun and can always make you laugh. For some reason, she's obsessed with getting me an X-mas present, no matter how many times I tell her I don't want one…o_0
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Shade-sempai and Chie-sempai: Last year, these two wonderful people let me eat lunch with them, and I had one of the best second semester of my life. Punky-sempai (Chie-sempai) is an amazing person who makes want to be a better person myself. When I'm with her, I can see the parts of myself I don't like, and I'm able to fix them. I think this summer away is all the harder because I became accustomed to her just being there to passively help me be a better person. I miss her seeing her everyday, but we bonded very closely, so this absence won't break us! I just gotta find her phone number….Eh heh heh… She undestnads that spiritual part of me that I always must express, and although I always feel I'm so childish compared to her maturity and life experience, I hope to learn much from her.

Shade is Punky-sempai's "personal assistant." But we all call him her servant (and "Windy Marsh"). But he's not. But he's like one. They are good friends, and don't usually see one without the other. But now that Sparky-chan is dating Shade-sempai….things get a bit complicated, but it's that family complicated that we loved. One of the most vivid memories is the RP at Punky-sempai's birthday…oh my, that was fun! Lol. Shade-sempai is quiet, but once he talks, he's funny as hell and definitely worth the companionship.
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Ace: Ace is Nasoma's good friend, and she's a little soul who only wants to please others. She's a good Christian, not the kind that go around being condescending to other religions, but the kind that hold true to their beliefs while respecting ones that differ. She's been touched by an angel, and the world is a bit brighter for it.

The following poem does not belong to me, but I was given permission to post it.
~~I’m sorry
I guess I’m trying to say I’m sorry
For not being there for you
For not being what you needed
And unable to protect you
I’m sorry for not helping you when I could
And always missing my chance
And I guess I’m sorry for never telling you
Just how much you meant to me
Just how much I missed you when you were gone
And just how much I loved you
Now all that remains
Is the quiet of my soul to lull me to sleep
I will dream of you


Viewing 12 of 41 friends


**Mizu's Place of Ranting (and questions)**

I will rant and rave about things that make me want to rave and rave. They are my own thoguhts, so if you don't have anyhting nice to say about them, don't say anything at all! I also write about cool things that happen to me and such. My BS journal.



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

0 SunshineStorm 0

Report | 08/02/2010 9:53 pm

0 SunshineStorm 0

Hi! Sorry to bother you, but I see that you are a fan of Danny Phantom.
Would you mind signing a petition to revive the series? Thank you!
Link: http://www.petitiononline.com/stgwltm/petition.html

Also, please join/like the Facebook group Revive Danny Phantom.
Please spread this around if you really want to help.

Contact me if you want to do more than just sign the petition.

Report | 06/13/2010 10:54 pm


Hey! Its been a while, are you going to ndk this year?

Report | 11/14/2009 5:49 pm


hey mizu it's josh from jics long time no talk how have you been

Report | 03/25/2009 12:56 pm


HEY WOMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love ya lots ^^!!! Stupid computer of mine has issues with connecting to you >> I'm sorry, I know I missed your B-day, but I'll make it up to you! I SWEAR!!! EVEN IF IT TAKES MY SOULD TO HELL (well, I'm already doomed to going there anyways>> wink BUT I SHALL MAKE IT UP TO YOU!!! MORE THEN ANYONE ELSE CAN!!!!....I know,I'm crazy, but would you have me any other way ^^? Well, hope you get this and hope we can talk sometime ^^!!! LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!!
Nasoma Kuron

Report | 12/27/2008 1:09 pm

Nasoma Kuron

aren't you going to come up here to visit?
Her Royal Kittyness

Report | 11/19/2008 2:21 pm

Her Royal Kittyness


Report | 10/05/2008 5:43 pm



Report | 10/05/2008 5:08 pm



Nasoma Kuron

Report | 10/02/2008 5:46 pm

Nasoma Kuron

gimme a link to your story and sol something
Nasoma Kuron

Report | 10/02/2008 5:34 pm

Nasoma Kuron



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