My Goodbyes

It's been 3 years since I enter the world of Gaia, at first I though it was kinda lame, but I get hooked somehow, I met a lot of people, some people that weren't so important, and some people that mean a lot to me, but the truth is that Gaia took away a part of me, that is why today I'm saying good bye, along with some other reasons for example, I think I'm kinda old for this, I only came here to socialize and stuff but I'm sticking to the real world, where I can breath the fresh air of nature, get wet in the rain, and hear the sound of birds, there is more to life that meets the eye, and in the real world what you SEE is what you get, in the internet you can't see crap!!! lol, I'm done with taking some crazy chances, but do not worry...... this is not the last you will heard of me, I will be famous, more important I will do my best to help the world, I will keep improving and I will make it to the top but for a good reason so do not worry.

That is pretty much what there is to say, if anyone want to keep talking to me just send me a message and with any hope I will read it in a future, but for now I will go and live life the more Human Way.

God Bless everyone and do things right, because we live through our actions, which will reflect our future.

Good Night Gaia. From Victor M. Duperon


It Feels amazing when people can't stand your Success and you are getting better than then, so if you are my friend I want you to know something...Your Wins are Mines too, Take Care.


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