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Kittykoo-Tabsypoo's avatar

Last Login: 05/31/2011 8:37 am

Registered: 01/28/2010

Gender: Female

Location: Tallahassee, Florida

Birthday: 03/14/1994

Occupation: High School Student

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Dream Avis


Welcome To My Life...

Hey guys, Kitty here.

The Following is some of my artwork. You can find more at

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My Dream Avis:

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My Dream Avis Designed After Characters:

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Mak Opalia, Mak Opalia as a Princess of Kannon

A real boyfriend
> When a girl walks away from you - [Follow her]
> When she pushes you or hits you - [Grab her and don't let go]
> When she's quiet - [Ask her what's wrong]
> When she ignores you - [Give her your attention]
> When you see her start crying - [Just hold her and don't say a word]
> When she's scared - [Protect her]
> When she lays her head on your shoulder - [Tilt her head up and kiss her]
> When she say's that she likes you - [she really does more than you could understand]
> When she grabs at your hands - [Hold hers]
> When she looks at you in your eyes - [don't look away until she does]
> When you break her heart - [the pain NEVER really goes away]
> When she says its over - [she STILL wants you to be hers]
> - Stay on the phone with her even if she's not saying anything
> - DON'T let her have the last word
> - Say you love her more than she could ever love you
> - Argue that she is the best girl ever
> - When she's mad hug her tight and don't let go
> - When she says she's ok, don't believe it, talk to her
> - When she says she's sorry, she truly means it
> - Call her before you sleep and after you wake up
> - Treat her like she's all that matters to you
> - Let her wear your clothes (sounds funnyy x3)
> - When she's bored and sad, be there for her
> - Let her know she's important
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>thanks to pandagirl_lovescookies


So I guess some introductions are in order!

I'm Kittykoo-Tabsypoo, or Tabs for short!
My deviantART id is Kittykoo-Tabsypoo as well. look me up! >:3 The link is above the pictures!
I'm 16 3nodding
(YAI, finally) and now officially allowed to date.... but, boys are stupid. stare Whatever. Like I need the extra drama.
I just got mai liscence -- YAI!
Straight, Single.
I have brown hair with red, auburn, and blonde highlights.
5'6 1/2''
108 lbs, if it matters.
My eyes change color all the time, but ima go with bluish/greenish/greyish. 3nodding
Types are botch.
I want a black '67 Chevy Impala so bad i can taste it (*is Dean Winchester included in that purchase? Please?*)
I have to pay for my own car, so I'm saving up for it.
I like bright, colorful things and standing out from the crowd. I don't like to follow stereotypes -- although i guess by saying that i'm putting myself in with the "rebellious" stereotype sweatdrop
Beautiful things make me happy.
I like to sing, dance, draw, and write. Whether or not i'm good at all four has yet to be decided.
My parents are divorced, and that's a good thing. I neither need nor want your sympathy. It's a better situation now for all involved.
I still see my dad, but i live with my mom most of the time, and i like it that way.
I like random quizzes. I apologize if my journal becomes flooded with them.
I like shiney things.
I'm a hopeless romantic.
I believe in love at first sight.
I do not believe in coincidences. Everything happens for a reason, even if it takes us years to understand that reason.
Damn Disney for making every girl believe she can have her perfect prince. Guys can be such posers.

Religion:Christian, but not deeply so (my religious beliefs are a
little confused atm)

Hobbies: Drawing (a lot), Writing (also, a lot, but my stories don't
often get completed...), Singing (i was in my school's
talent show my freshman and sophomore year),
Photography (i'm on yearbook staff - YAI stress!), Gaia
(although i'm a little annoyed that i can't seem to figure
out how everything works anymore), Hanging with friends
(mostly at school, though, yearbook takes up all the rest
of my time), Facebook (rarely, anymore. I see my friends
at school so it gets boring after a while), Picnik (it's kind of
an addiction), coloring books (yes, I'm a child),
scrapbooking (when I have the time), web design (thank
GOD i took that class), design (i'm thinking about going to
college for it), making things with my hands (i'm a very
artsy person), music (i ligit couldn't live without it), texting
(it's a worse addiction than picnik. and that's nothing to
sneeze at).

Favorite Band: My Chemical Romance

Favorite Song: "Iris" by the Goo Goo Dolls
"Hey, Soul Sister" by Train

Favorite Movie: The Nightmare Before Christmas

Favorite Color: Uhm... anything bright or sparkly

Favorite Kingdom Hearts Character: Axel (<3 <3)

Favorite TV show: Covert Affairs, Supernatural, NCIS, House,
Criminal Minds (creepy guy, creepy guy! ~_~),

I kinda have a short temper... I feel guilty about it afterwords, though, and I usually get over things quickly (b/c I feel bad about getting mad in the first place) sweatdrop
I used to wear glasses, but now I have contacts (YAI, visible makeup!) Sometimes, I wear too much of that stuff. But I like crazy, zany colors (i have neon pink mascara). In fact, I just love colors in general (i have lots of knee-high socks in ridiculous colors and patterns... even though i hate wearing socks). Rainbows are good, very good.
I'm skinny!
(I dropped back down to 105 lbs crying ) and 5 foot 7. I'm not short. I'm not.
I'm kinda quirky but people usually get used to it fairly quickly... i'm loud, but i'm not exactly brave when i'm in a new sitiation... my friends don't buy it, but i get really shy around people i don't know. Once they start talking, though, it's usually all good (all the time) and then the difficulty is shutting me up.

Once I'm attached to you, you'll never get rid of me. And that means.... HUGS HUGS HUGS!!!! biggrin YAAAY!

I kind of act like a little kid sometimes... but, hey. Nobody wants to grow up (yes, I have a Peter Pan complex). I'm prone to random, loud outbursts and sudden, misplaced PDAs. I get it from those crazy psycos i call my friends.... i think...

I want to learn to play the guitar and the piano, and maybe the drums. Actually, on second thought, I'll leave the drums to the boys. I <3 drummer bois. ^_^ Although guitar bois r hot too... and singer bois.... And anyone who can play piano is just friggin amazing. I said so. So no disputes. I have a guy friend who plays tuba, too. Thats kind of awesome.

I really like jewelry, too. At my sweet 16, one of my friends called me "the earrings girl" because almost everyone got me earrings for my birthday. One of my friends spent the night at my house, and she said my room was like a Claire's. I have about 4 earring racks' worth of earrings all hung over each other on 2 (racks). I like bracelettes, too, though. When I was younger, I used to wear them all up and down my arms. I like to think i'm a little more moderate now... but i still wear a lot. I like necklaces, but i find they get tangled up in each other far too easily and that kind of annoys me.

I cry easily when frustrated, which is kind of embarassing, so i try to avoid things that annoy me too much.

I like oversized jackets (especially guys' jackets). My closet is pretty much 3/4 jackets, 1/4 dresses, and if i had all my jackets and hoodies and sweaters and stuff actually hung, i think the dresses would have to go somewhere else. I literally have like a million jackets. Between jackets and books, idk what my mom and i spend more money on in a given year. It might be pretty close.
ALSO, i like stealing guys' hats :3 3nodding

OH! I've been on Gaia before, but my very first account, Mistress Solinari, got a virus, and then I wasn't on for a couple months, then I made Undefinedwannabe, but that got a virus, and this is my first time back in a couple years... yeah, prolly almost 2 years. And so I'm having to relearn everything and everything's changed and i'm kind of having a ridiculous-super-hyperventilation-freak-out-heart-attack-seizure-stroke. Yeah, THAT'S what I said.

I have a webpage, so if your free time is more excessive than mine, you should totally check it out!

Photobucket Album:

User Image
This is me Kyonkyonlvrbaby before our school's sophomore-sponsored Sadie Hawkins dance. We had lotsa fun!

There's more to come, so check back often! heart love to all!
Thanks for visiting! wink


View All Comments

Baby Mastermind Report | 05/27/2011 11:34 am
Baby Mastermind
Death by Punk Pikachus Report | 11/24/2010 1:49 pm
Death by Punk Pikachus
MY SACANNR IS WURKIN!!!!!! so if u want to see meh pictures they r on mai profile-site-thingy. also, ur right. ur not short, ur fun size.
Sophiee_Luvs_TW Report | 10/22/2010 10:17 am
^_^ ur welcome smile xox hows yhu been??
Death by Punk Pikachus Report | 10/16/2010 5:49 pm
Death by Punk Pikachus
why thx ewes!!! ummmmmmm.......scanners not working! fooey! exclamation point!!! oh, and i knew it'd be axel, i read ur profilee........
Manuel M Report | 10/16/2010 2:57 pm
Manuel M
it sure is...thats my goal till death ^_\
kiki_chan_1o1 Report | 10/16/2010 1:54 pm
I would hav commited suicide by den
Manuel M Report | 10/16/2010 8:46 am
Manuel M
whats awesome???
im sorry i don't remember what i respond eek
im sorry crying
Death by Punk Pikachus Report | 10/08/2010 2:33 pm
Death by Punk Pikachus
Hello, again! whats up? you know, if i could get some of my pictures on here, i would definitely like to know what you think... you draw goods! lawlzez! hey, if you watched channel five news today you MIGHT have seen me, IF you were looking hard enough, WHICH you probably weren't. WHY am i doing this? OH well. RANDOM POLL!!!! WHO is your favorite KH character??? Gotta be Riku for me. He's a BEAST!! mrgreen WTCHAAAAAA! okay, im dun ranting sweatdrop ......
kiki_chan_1o1 Report | 10/05/2010 9:44 pm
Woot Woot~!!
So, whats up
Manuel M Report | 10/05/2010 3:49 pm
Manuel M
hahaha i see
well i wanna play all the instrument