›› My alias on Gaia, and other sites, is Kiwi Heiru. If you are lame, and need to know my birth name- It’s Alyssa. Kiwi was an old nickname that was originally used by my mother, since my middle name is Keely, and I would much rather be called by that. Heiru was a Japanese translation of my last name. I chose to translate it to Japanese, because of my love of Japanese culture and my disdain for my father.

›› I am nineteen going on twenty. My birthday is on October 3rd, making me a proud memeber of the Libra community. I was held in the womb for two weeks past the time that my mother’s water broke, so originally, I was supposed to be a Virgo. I do have some Virgo aspects to me, so just consider me a default Cusp baby~ I much rather prefer Libra over Virgo, however. In the Chinese Zodiac, I am year of the Rat. If you've read Fruits Basket- You'll understand me when I say that I would've loved to be year of the Cat..

›› I am genderfluid. Which means that on different days- I feel like a girl, a boy, both genders, or no gender at all. I am not picky with pronouns, though I usually go by female pronouns. But if you feel more comfortable using male or neutral pronouns- No one is stopping you. Just keep in mind that you may or may not confuse people. lol

›› I consider myself as a demiromantic pansexual. Which means that I do not discriminate against gender, or lack thereof, when it comes to relationships. However- If we do not have emotional bond on some level, I cannot have romantic feelings toward you. I get puppy crushes, yes- But after a week, if that puppy crush hasn’t made some kind of move to get to know me better, I get bored and move on. Eye candy is just like regular candy. Sweet, but gone within thirty minutes. I am usually more of a femme/uke, but I can go between either role.

›› Currently, I am married to my wonderful fictional husband and in a relationship with my perfect nonfictional bae~ Only one person can play my husband right, and they know who they are & if you mess with my bae, then I'll mess with you. I will get jelly over anyone who thinks they could court these two better than me, so when you see me coming- You better back down, because I've been waiting to smack some idiots around. #OverProtective

›› I worship the Wiccan religion. I have been studying this religion for almost five/six years now. I used to have a small coven that consisted of me, my old friend, and her sister- But things didn't work out between me and them. Currently, I have a make-shift coven that consists of Tamera and Tally (even though they both are agnostic), of which I am the High Priestess by default (since I'm the one with the most knowledge of rituals and sabbats). Otherwise- I have come to be more of a solitary wytch. The element that I am attuned with is Air. My personal deities that I worship are Athena and Hermes from Greek Mythology, Bastet from Egyptian Mythology, and the Morrigan from Celtic Mythology.