klein fuchs

klein fuchs's avatar


Pictures I Have Drawn.



questing nitemare scarf...

403,000 // 6,000,000[ormore]

Sweet Song ~<3


About Our Little Fox

My name is Carene.User Image
I am seventeen, a senior in highschool.
Love to draw, it's a passion I have.
Strawberries are wanted, pancakes fill my soul.
I have a loved one, though he is far.
I'm a little Bi-curious, of whatever sort.
My best friend in the entire world would have to be petit lapin.
She's completely amazing and keeps me happy.
Not many people can do this.
Eric is the best guy friend of my life on gaia.
I wouldn't trade him for ANYTHING, not even if my life depended on it.
He makes me smile and laugh.

Anything else duckies?
Just ask...

Comment Me?
petit lapin
klein fuchs

Twincestic wives. <3

Yeah bby. o;