
klhflhrjej's avatar

Registered: 12/05/2010

Birthday: 12/08


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Mister George Kapland Report | 02/12/2012 8:03 pm
Mister George Kapland
At home, mostly in the dark. With no internet salad.

With gaia dressing.

Neko Namida Ame Report | 02/01/2012 8:12 am
Neko Namida Ame
I've missed you too. My computer charger died as soon as I moved in to my new apartment and on top of that, we have been having terrible internet problems. I only use my phone to get online these days. Aside from that, things have been good. My friends are fun to live with, I'm always busy, and I'm in a wonderful relationship in which we're constantly teaching each other new things and experiencing together.

I look forward to reading your posts when I can smile I love it when people are jerks in the ED. Makes me laugh.
Mister George Kapland Report | 01/07/2012 4:45 am
Mister George Kapland
Well i am without internet appearently, so i hve to use my celly to talk to you.

You know, i generallypicture people by their avatar, so withyou i picture sone chick always hanging out in her skivvies.
Jaaten Syric Report | 01/03/2012 6:14 pm
Jaaten Syric
Sorry, I can't help you. I'm an ex-atheistic satanist turned plain vanilla atheist. The image you were asking about is a design for a personalized 'Celtic' Sigil of Baphomet that I commissioned from a friend. I am completely ignorant of (and do not believe in) any of the pentagram orientation meanings you were asking about. Sorry.
Mister George Kapland Report | 01/02/2012 2:24 pm
Mister George Kapland
Oh, no. You're fine. I had just walked in from an aforementioned New years party/concert. And it was rather hard to read, various alcohols and intoxicants, I'm sure you understand. wink

I wouldn't ask you to get that. The only thing I have is a droid ZTE, and I'm not sure if they make anything badass like that for the droid. . I'll have to look her art up, as once again I'm walking out the door. I'm sure one of these days I'll have time to give you the full reply you deserve, miss.

Neko Namida Ame Report | 01/01/2012 8:23 pm
Neko Namida Ame
Not really. I just gave her an item that looked like her old troll look a lot for fun. It was cute. Role playing is very fun but I'm wicked picky about who I do it with. It can get boring with the wrong people very quickly.

I have no idea, lol. Thank you again for it though. : D

I've been meaning to read the Hunger Games. I hear they are good.
I got very high and drunk. It was fantastic. I went to one party and crashed a no pants party upstairs in pants and smoked their hookah. One guy at my friends' party got so drunk he was just funny but kind of annoying. More funny though. We had a lot of fun.
Mister George Kapland Report | 12/31/2011 6:22 am
Mister George Kapland
Cant'. Make. Reply. Long. Must. Sleep.

New Years is more of a party affair, you know usher in the new year with drink and merryment I like it, I'm a strange sort of person though, so maybe my opinion on such maters should matter all that much. I am a sucker for the watery-color look

Anyway, Carry on and good cheer. I'll reply to the rest when I get a moment, miss. Happy new years and all that pish posh
Neko Namida Ame Report | 12/29/2011 6:10 pm
Neko Namida Ame
Haha, actually it looks like a friend of mine's avatar. I think though I am not sure that they are one of those people who role play their avatar 24/7. Fake FB account, the works. It's interesting. I wouldn't call him charming in personality but he certainly looks charming. The Gaia item is called Celebrity Date. It was a gift from PC Fabulous Troll. I gave her a monocle, mustache, and top hat combo item (my favorite gift to give).

Awww, thank you so much. : D I really appreciate it.

Did you get anything good for Christmas?
Mister George Kapland Report | 12/29/2011 2:20 pm
Mister George Kapland
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery biggrin .

I find that ipod cover to be quite pretty, actually. It's so water colory, and cute. I dig it, I really do. I'd hang that picture up in my room if I could find it.

You didn't have to get me a gift, miss. I'm glad to hear that your christmas was good. Mine is about the same, a largely secular affair that revolves a tad more around seeing family, and exchanging gifts than anything really religious. I prefer to stay out of religious affairs, though. I'm absolutely fascinated by them, but I couldn't commit to them, y'know?
Mister George Kapland Report | 12/27/2011 2:19 am
Mister George Kapland
I think that's why I'm so fond of it, it's so undeniably cruel, yet so amazingly unexpected it can't be anything but a funny statement. I've tried various other ones (Cows in a Catapult, Elephants in an Elevator) but 'Kittens, if you kick hard enough" just, works.

Did you have a good holiday? Which ever one you celebrate, since I'm apparently one of those all inclusive people.



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