
klokwerk66's avatar

Birthday: 07/11


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Japanese Buffalo Report | 05/22/2011 3:59 pm
Japanese Buffalo
You should've added some melted chocolate and toasted marshmallows =D
Make some s'mores ice cream. MMMMMMMMMM~! heart
Japanese Buffalo Report | 05/17/2011 7:33 pm
Japanese Buffalo
Japanese Buffalo Report | 05/06/2011 11:57 am
Japanese Buffalo
Friggin' Missouri. xD I can't go to Massachusetts from Missouri.
Japanese Buffalo Report | 05/05/2011 8:06 pm
Japanese Buffalo
All the way to Massachusetts? Damn, dude... . o .
Japanese Buffalo Report | 05/05/2011 7:40 pm
Japanese Buffalo
Haha We'll see.
Japanese Buffalo Report | 05/05/2011 7:15 pm
Japanese Buffalo
Well what's bad is over. Nothing good happening, nothing bad happening. So, good. Lol
Japanese Buffalo Report | 05/05/2011 6:48 pm
Japanese Buffalo
Good, for once. Lol
Japanese Buffalo Report | 05/05/2011 1:20 pm
Japanese Buffalo
Haw Haw XP
Japanese Buffalo Report | 05/04/2011 8:51 am
Japanese Buffalo
Haha well thanks for keeping me informed =D ~
Japanese Buffalo Report | 05/03/2011 8:48 am
Japanese Buffalo
You have no idea how many people have told me that. xD

Rush BU2B

Japanese Buffalo

wats up


Rush - BU2B Lyrics:
I was brought up to believe
The universe has a plan
We are only human
It's not ours to understand

The universe has a plan
All is for the best
Some will be rewarded
And the devil take the rest

All is for the best
Believe in what we're told
Blind men in the market
Buying what we're sold
Believe in what we're told
Until our final breath
While our loving Watchmaker
Loves us all to death

In a world of cut and thrust
I was always taught to trust
In a world where all must fail
Heaven's justice will prevail

The joy and pain that we receive
Each comes with its own cost
The price of what we're winning
Is the same as what we've lost

Until our final breath
The joy and pain that we receive
Must be what we deserve
I was brought up to believe

Rush - BU2B2 Lyrics:

I was brought up to believe
Belief has failed me now
The bright glow of optimism
Abandoned me somehow

Belief has failed me now
Life goes from bad to worse
No philosophy consoles me
In a clockwork universe

Life goes from bad to worse
I still choose to live
Find a measure of love and laughter
And another measure to give

I still choose to live
And give, even while I grieve
Though the balance tilts against me
I was brought up to believe