How does it feel to know
That your own body,
The one true thing
You were able to call yours,
Is now mine?

That while you watch
Trapped on the inside
Looking out
I am the one sitting
Behind the controls

Every shred of hope
That you pathetically cling to
Will be tossed into my
Unbounded fire
And reduced to ash

And as you sit
Rapidly deteriorating
I will gleefully remind you
That dying is worse
Than being dead

I will find you.

As I devour
Mind, body, and soul
Until this cage of flesh
That binds you becomes
The ultimate hell

I will take you

And while you are
Praying to die
They’ll be dying to save
You, unknowingly
Prolonging my wrath

I will be you.

Consuming you
From the inside out
And not a single day
will pass where you
Do not fear me

I will break you.