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The Denault Clan Official Forum(this link changed, please click on this!)

╚ My Special Ability: (hang on, I'm changing this..)

My name is Kolten Denault. I'm usually a quiet, but attentive guy. I have to know someone, or really like them, to be able to open up right away. I also don't like being told what to do, so I suppose that's why I formed my own clan/coven. We are called the Denaults. I've been a vampire around 75-80 years and I'm 'frozen' at 23

As I formed this coven I fell in love to a gal named Emalie Cullen. She was lovely. We got married and she was Emily Denault. I grew close to her lovely sister, Samantha. I also introduced the girls to my good friend Robert Stine. (I had known him for 20 years).

So the four of us really started the Denaults.

Emily and I had two kids; twins, named Megan and Cam. They are the best thing that ever had happened to me. But, Emily cheated on me.. So our happy family didn't last long. She and Seth Clearwater had a little baby.. and that was the end of our marriage.

After we devorced I fired Emily from being second in command of the Denaults, and I hired Robert. But, soon after he died... The turn of events that had happened to me weren't all that pleasant.. but, the Denault clan is growing bigger and stronger everyday.. I wouldn't under estimate us if I were you.

I've declared my son, Cam, second in command of the Denault clan..

A little bit more about me: I'm a pretty good dancer and I actually like to dance, I also like basketball. ╝


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OfficialJosieLoren Report | 10/06/2012 6:46 am
Josie rapped her arms around Kolten's neck and stopped for a second "You want to get a little more comfortable?" she asked seductively.
The Official Austin Report | 10/05/2012 4:19 pm
The Official Austin
"Well you seem friendly hmm i wonder why some people don't like you Sherlock" Austin smiled maybe this guy might be a good ally "Sorry that was mean but i am Austin "
OfficialJosieLoren Report | 10/05/2012 2:35 pm
Josie smiled and said "I just have one question." She paused for a moment placed her forehead against his and said "Why did you stop?" She chuckled and kissed Kolten again and with more passion.
OfficialJosieLoren Report | 10/04/2012 3:37 am
Josie laughed and said sarcastic tone "If only there was a man who didn't think about his 'needs' then ill be happy but somehow I only find the ones who only think about that stuff." Josie chuckled "Yup life just isn't far to a girl who wants to find true love."
OfficialJosieLoren Report | 10/02/2012 5:22 pm
Josie blushed and smiled. She looked up at Kolten and said " Thanks... But I cant say the same for you and Emily I thought you to were go together. And if I may ask did you who she cheated with?" She asked "Nevermind that question, its not my business to know." She looked down and felt bad. "So listen if you think I deserve better, who is better?" She asked very flirtatious.
OfficialJosieLoren Report | 09/24/2012 3:44 pm
Josie laughed "OH YEA! He just thought that i didn't know, but at one point i thought he stopped but... He didnt."
OfficialJosieLoren Report | 09/12/2012 5:52 pm
Josie took a breath and said "Maybe like a week after we broke up I still worried but after that then I just stop. Thank god! That was to much stress for me. And After we broke up I didn't need to worry who he was sleeping with because he wasn't coming home to just sleep right next to me." she chuckled.
OfficialJosieLoren Report | 09/08/2012 8:12 pm
Josie chuckled Thanks and Im glad you had a good. and the two laughed lightly Josie got up and seat a little closer to Kolten because they were sitting kind of far each other Tonight was the first time I was out and i didnt need to worry about kevin and if he was doing something that he wasnt suppose to do. she said
OfficialJosieLoren Report | 09/01/2012 7:59 pm
Josie smiled and said "I have a great time." she started to blush so she looked down at her coffee. "I'm going to go put this on and I'll be right back." she put her cup down and took the shirt and went to the bathroom the change. After about a minute or 2 she came back and the shirt was a perfect length. "Thanks again for the shirt. But again, I have a great time tonight." she looked at Kolten and smiled.
OfficialJosieLoren Report | 09/01/2012 4:05 pm
Josie nodded "That would be perfect." she smiles. She took a couple of sips and said "So besides the whole thing with Kevin, how do you think the night went?" she asked
officially homo
S u r r e a l L u s t
The Official Jace
M a r i e - s e m p a i
The Official Zach
Kolten Denault
Offcial Drew
the official thalia
The Official Cam
The Official Megan
The Official Lily
The Official Sage
The Official Sabrina
The Official Kristen
Official Mason Royale
CoraStar x x
Lucy Hale Brandon
The Official Kevin
Scarlett Denault
Official Leonardo
The Music Maniac
Katerina Grigori
Serena Grigori
The Official Sarah

Main Account

Clan Leaders

The Denaults

The Denault Crest

1st- Kolten Denault
2nd- Cameron Denault
3rd- Emily Denault
4th- Megan Denault

My son, Cam.

My daughter, Megan.

My ex-wife/mother of my children, Emily.