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Yukina's Profile

Name: 雪菜 (Yukina)

Age: ??? (not yet one hundred years)

Gender: Female

Species: 氷女 (Koorime/Ice Maiden)

Place of Birth: Hyouga no Kuni (Land of Glaciers)

Gentle by nature, Yukina is soft-spoken – depicting a flawless portrait of innocence. Her kindness is not only for her friends, but extends to strangers and even those who have caused her suffering. This is demonstrated in episode 25 of the anime when she implores Hiei not to take Tarukane’s life, saying “I don’t want to see any more of people injuring each other, and hating each other! No matter what sort of person they might be…” Yukina also possesses a naïve side – not quite comprehending Kazuma’s outbursts when in her presence. Despite her delicate demeanor, Yukina seems to hold great contempt toward her own race – going so far as to say they do not deserve to survive if they remain slaves to their own prejudice. In contrast to the popular belief on Hyouga no Kuni, Yukina chooses to follow her mother’s example; she does not discriminate against anyone regardless of their gender or sense of morale.

(氷涙石/Hiruiseki/Ice Tear Gem)
Hiruiseki are created when a koorime sheds tears. The only way an ice maiden can prevent production of these sought after jewels is not to cry. Although the gems possess a generic appearance, every one hundred years while giving birth a koorime will shed a tear which crystallizes differently than the others. It is then given to the infant as a memento of her mother, and without any question has greater value.
(治癒能力/Chiyu Nouryoku/Healing Talent)
It is exactly what it sounds like. Yukina is first shown using it to heal Kazuma’s injuries after he and Yuusuke rescue her from Tarukane. It is not specified if this is a technique learned of her own accord, or if all koorime are skilled healers.
(冷気/Rei Ki/Cold Spirit)
This technique is no doubt a defensive maneuver associated with the koorime. Similar to the women who likely forged it, it is a frigid technique that allows them to lower the temperature in an area, creating a layer of ice as a result. It is speculated (by me) if properly manipulated, it can also be used for offensive purposes.

Mother (deceased): 氷菜 (Hina)
Twin Brother (who isn't so long-lost after all): 飛影 (Hiei)
Mother's Best Friend/Surrogate Mother (Maybe): 泪 (Rui)

Background: (written in Yukina’s PoV)
(work in progress)

Japanese: Shiratori Yuri (白鳥由里)
(Series) Jessica Dismuke
(Poltergeist Report/Honoo no Kizuna/Bond of Flames) Veronica Taylor

Extra Information:
It seems a lot of people believe all koorime have some shade of blue/green hair and red eyes. However, I do not believe this to be the case. While watching Eizou Hakusho, during Hiei no Sho, a woman with turquoise hair and purple eyes is introduced. I am under the impression that she may actually be Hina, which would contradict the popular theory of ice maidens being similar in appearance.


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 09/25/2010 5:54 pm


How are you, Yukina? > >

Report | 08/29/2010 6:23 am


Thanks for the add, Yukina...

Ghilani Surana

Report | 07/11/2010 5:33 pm

Ghilani Surana

Hi Yukina, how are you?*smiles*
Wrathchild 138

Report | 03/05/2010 2:36 am

Wrathchild 138

Wrathchild 138

Report | 01/31/2010 5:01 am

Wrathchild 138

I'm in Iraq right now, been here for 2 months as of tomorrow. Got until August before we're coming back. It's a bit boring, nothing's going on anymore, though things may pick up with the elections coming up and stuff. We're trying to get the government on it's feet so we can leave out. RPed anything as of late?
Wrathchild 138

Report | 01/30/2010 12:29 am

Wrathchild 138

How are you old friend, it's been quite awhile

Report | 01/06/2010 1:58 pm


very nice avi *smiles
Sadistic Scalpel

Report | 08/20/2009 8:04 pm

Sadistic Scalpel

~Wow a Yukina cosplay,finally.Wonderful job dear.

Report | 07/21/2009 9:57 pm


im doing pretty well 2

Report | 07/18/2009 9:46 am


ur welcome so how r u today miss yukina