You lied

Who i am

About me:

Just abit random!

Good afternoon you people looking at this, weather morning or night biggrin good afternoon!

I am one of those people youll ever see once in a life time! weird but yet, weirder o.o...

I create music from my guitar and keyboard and make your ears and eyes bleed with my singing XD

I can draw things which turn into real life stuff with add effects that burn your eyes of course, wouldnt be as fun without that skill man.

Life is a big cheese. I am a huge Big fan of Final Fantasy and Bleach.

Pretty much a anime/manga crazy cow and games type person really XD BUT theres a catch! i also am crazy about japan!

will someday live there acturally, someday..

I draw some stuff, make some manga (few pages at a time.. harder then it sounds..), and then you are eaten alive by my awesomeness at randomness which will never i say never be somthink you think you would what to, nor think of doing because i am so great at making pies and eating them and then running off the fat that i gained! ( breaths ) and then the world is destoried by a tinyness piece of sweat that falls from my eye ball, yesh my EYE BALL MUAUAHHAAHHAAH AHHAH i will be rich and famous while you burn in hell MAUAHA na im not that big headed XDDD

or am i o.o.... ... . . .


im just wierd you may know that by now, or your just lieing to yourself becuase your weird like that too!! 'high fives' XDD

Cheese on toast..

Im really bad at writing a load of s**t unless its about a load of crap like this so mehh bare with me biggrin

Im ASIAN! Oriental to be presies,how ever you spell that hard a** word = =..

half vietnamese and chinese, cantonese!

am i Japanese? i wish T__T!

Im bad at spelling, can be boring, can be hyper and can be the monster you wish you had never met! ;D

but over all! i am someone you oculd never forget biggrin unless you get a brain transplant or somesort of crazy thing to do with brain cells and eye balls, you know the normal stuff in kid programed cartoons which i ever love to much biggrin i taped everything cus im cheap like that >. >... Life sucks! but i am not a emo! ill tell you that, because i do not do all those emo stuff.. but i do have similar 'personalily?' to an emo of the natural resources of this world.

1. i have long ish hair sometimes which happens to be black cus im asian and goes over one eye cus i like it that way.

2. i used to and have stoped, cutting myself, yesh im that stupid

3. i have and yet again stupidly tried commiting suicide but no notes cus thats just funny XD

4. i listen to emo songs biggrin what? their awesomes

i think theres more but i have bored you enought.

im in a band but that will be coming sortly >.>...

I create manga pieces and i do fan art! WOOOHOOO

Ive started to read darren shan again biggrin so im going to be more smarter since im reading now.


look it up in the dictionary >. >...

I started knitting but i think i already said that..

>.>.. ah ha! i reread it and no i didnt say it >. >..

OH and i love music!

Drama too, i want to be an actor, could be fun XD but never happening since T__T well i dont tihnk id be able to pick it up nows, unless i redo gcse .... but ! i could go to random aduitions for fun biggrin .

Other things? well you talk to me and find out XDD

oh and I still need to shave T__T

see ya!

Dont lie?

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KoruTakai's avatar

Last Login: 03/19/2015 2:49 am

Registered: 10/01/2006

Gender: Male

Location: London

Birthday: 08/31/1991

Occupation: Student

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Destruction_Abides Report | 01/26/2009 6:43 pm
nope. sorry i took so long.
Forgotten-Mog Report | 07/29/2008 1:24 am
Destruction_Abides Report | 07/06/2008 7:08 pm
many many welcomes.

What've you been up to Bao?
Destruction_Abides Report | 06/20/2008 8:33 pm
haha lol thanks!

btw i totally love ur new profile!!!!!!!!!!!
Destruction_Abides Report | 06/18/2008 5:16 pm too

lol friend made it for me.. since

they were upbeat ish songs that would fill in

music for the moving backround.
Destruction_Abides Report | 06/18/2008 12:29 pm
ur welcome...

and you know what life does go on.

and believe it or not you'll eventually get over her and find someone who loves you back! User Image
Destruction_Abides Report | 06/18/2008 11:44 am
ok well i guess then there's really nothing you can do about it.. but i know how you feel..

i hate the feeling of when u like someone but know you'l never be with them..

Destruction_Abides Report | 06/18/2008 3:21 am
lol glad u agree!

idk for some reason i like it short! bette than i lked it long.

Thanks for the vid links.. i like breaking benjamin and diary of jane is a good song!

haha however i verry much dislike jonas brothers idk for some reason they annoy me.

i'm sorry.. i know this just sounds typical but y don't you tell her how you feel. if she rejects you at least you know you tried instead of wating and wondering not knowing what would or could have happened.
Destruction_Abides Report | 06/16/2008 5:52 pm
omg! ur hair its soo short..

but don't worry you still look cute.. you look more mature too..

which is a good thing cause not i can actually picture you going to

and u don't look gay...u lied to me

omg! i know u have u send me another video the other day on

this one is good!

dude they are japanese? idk why for some odd reason i thought they were

don't think crappy.. that just makes you feel worse.. be happy!

y are u feeling crappy?
Destruction_Abides Report | 06/14/2008 9:14 pm
oh man that sucks.. but at least now thats over

man this weekend so far has ben fun! i went to a carnival today!!

what did u do?