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Last Login: 03/26/2010 4:13 pm

Registered: 06/03/2008

Gender: Female

Location: Murfreesboro,TN

Birthday: 12/12/1991

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The Entire Full name that is on my birth certificate is Kristen Paige Peek.I was born on December thirteen , ninteen ninety-five.My Birth place is in Murfreesboro,Tennessee.i live in my birthplace.I have Deep Blue Eyes.My natural Hair color is Deep Strawberry Blonde.Im Five Foot Two.i have ear preicings wanting langel and snake bites and a belly botton ring.i love taylor swift,avril lavigne,three days grace,three doors down,and many more.My Addictions are,,,, absolutly love all songs!i dont have a genre of music.I love Neon Green and Eleticric Blue.I like spoungebob squarepants.i love fastandfirous;Tokyo Drift.i like tacos.Walmart and korger are the best stores ever!number two is the best.Dr.ThunderAKADe.dunder is the best drink ever made!i dont have a brand of clothes as long as they are awesome clothes i dont really care the brand.I love converse!i like white tigers.Pepperoni.summer is the is out and summer is in.December is my month to is my day to celebrate the lords birthday.tennessee state flower is my flower.i like rainy days.chocolate is the healing treatment to a broken heart.Fruit is my world.night is my darkness.sweet is what i aim is the way of'd rather be poor and happy then rich and miserable.if you go for looks your just down right low.i personally go for personality.tea makes me places make me sweat.EW.cold places make me numb.i like goal for this year is to bring all grades up to at least most missed memory is zach harrison.he would be is she wouldnt have messed it up.mybest physical feature is....idk?? ask around.first thought waking up is everything!I wish to get married and have 2 kids.i really dont wan college.i dance in the rain and love every moment of it.I dont smoke..i hate peole who smoke.i dont drink and one day will try.i do shower daily.I love thunderstroms.helps me clear my mind.i curse like a sailer.i don sing!I am out of band.i am not one bit good looking.i have a great relationship with my mom.i cant whistle and proud i one is proudly left bed time is 10:00.biggest fear is SNAKES!!!.three things i cant live without is myspace,facebook, and tacos.Pink blanket.neon green rug.brown dressers describes my room pets but i want a tiger.krissykayp,krissy,fluffy krissy are my not for gayness but love is love.i hate abortion. it makes it out that u have no care in the world for life.I'm single yet I fall for people really easily. I'm really quite a caring person; I wouldn't ask you about your day so I could talk about mine. I try my best if I care. I'm very competitive and hate to lose. I hate making promises that I can't keep so I usually don't. I make horrible first impressions. If I'm comfortable around you then I will talk like there's no tomorow but if I've just met you, I'm incredibly shy. I don't change for other people. I live for those late night calls to Sammie, crying about love and life. I love walking in the rain and not having to make an effort to impress anybody. I take things personally and get upset too easily. But I try not to show it. I can cover my emotions pretty well but so can most people. I'm an attention seeker and live for the laughs I get. I think I'm quite insecure and paranoid. I hate lots of things but I don't like people moaning. I'll be surprised if you bothered to read this so if you have, drop me a comment. I love talking to people I don't know and just random people. There's a lot more to me than this paragraph so just give me a chance.

I'm proud to say I get whatever I want. I worked to get where I am now. I stole and bribed my way to the top. I'm a huge b***h, and I have no problem telling people what I think about them. I'm a partier fo' sho'. I really don't know where I'm going in life, but I don't consider that a problem. I'm living a day at a time, what more could you ask for? I don't want to go to college,but i have to to become a daycare manager. i want to live past 100. Basically, I'm your average teenager. But a whole lot better.

Sometimes I honestly wonder what people really think about me when I walk past them and every now and then I'll catch them looking twice. Am I a pretty face? Another girl being a teenager, an inspiration, everything they ever wanted, someone who looks like someone else they know? I'm not one to mope, or hold on to things, or admit that I'm wrong, but sometimes I wish I had someone or something to break me down. Sometimes I wish people would stop looking at me and starting thinking about me. I don't want to be an item, something to store on a shelf, another one on the list... I want to be envied and nothing else. I want what they all have and everything else that they don't. I want the sky, the sun, the moon, and unlimited love. I want your kiss, your touch, your laugh, and your smile. I want it to be me, and no one.
Center>Dear Diary,

There's always a point in your life where you have uncontrolable questions. Questions inwhich cannot be answered. You spend a long period of time searching for those answers when in all the answer is in you. Those questions are unanswerable until put in the hands of those who ask it. I've found it to be more difficult in life when all you do is smile fake. The fake smiles put there to reasure everyone else you're fine. Making it so they dont have questions such as, "did I make her like this?" "what did I say?" Why must life find ways to bring down the weak? I'm weak, but then again so are you. People tend to call themselves hard. Hard? No. You seem to be as hard as a kitten in a rainstorm. There's always gonna be a weak spot. You're weak. Face the facts. I hit myself hard in the face a while back. Asking questions isn't always the best for some of us. "Can I sit and listen?" "Sure, go ahead!" BAM! Right in the face. I've seen the light. That was the start to a new begining. A new friendship. A new source of brokeness. Goodbye. Life seems to repeat itself. I dont know, we've done it all before. There's been wars and afairs and death and despair. We've cried and laughed day after day. We're dull and predictable. Kids are born and the elderly die. Yet, the unpredictable happens. And sometimes we feel like we can't make it on our own, so we look for help. More questions. You need to realize the truth in life. We live on our own inside. Because every mistake comes with a benefit; mistakes we made due to choices of our own. Solemn. I'm not deep, but then again, neither are you. You just think. Think a little bit harder. Get to the center of your most inner thoughts, and see it's nothing but a joke. We think and think so we can come up with words to describe our emotion, but our emotions can only be described with the motion of our body. Give up. You cant dream a thought or think a dream. Dreams come from what we feel, but can't see. Why do you think dreams are so out of place? You can day dream with thoughts, but what thought would be realistic? Your day dreams only meet your desires. Shut up. You cant speak without motion. Talk with your hands if you wanna be so specific. Stop studering you fool. There's no reason why you can't speak what you're thinking. If you know what it is, speak it don't splurr it. Dream it don't think it. Feel it, don't say it. I speak my mind so why don't you? Just breathe. Exhale and forget. Gurdges only make you weaker. Remembering every horrible thing done to you can hold you back. Sit in a dark room with your eyes wide open. Things will be alot clearer. Those voices in your head telling you to shut your eyes, they make you weak. Don't fear the nature. Fear your mind, it can decieve. Dear Diary, I'm afraid, but then again are you...

The things you Try To hold on to,To remember,Those are what you end up loosing.And everything you try to throw away,To forget.Those are what stay with you.

Stop the hate, congratulate,You know my name, so eat some cake.You already started reading,Why stop.Abby Irene Johnson(: I have a style,You Can't change it.I take myself as very funny,From what people tell me.MY SEXUALITY DOES NOT CONCERN YOU !.Life is what you make it..And i ever want to loose my fireflies<3 .I support love more then anyone! I'm heavily influenced by people,Everything around me i take in.I feel like one day i will fly and i will be able to know why colors are visible.I don't know anyone of my kind.I drive people crazy.I try not to be mean.I can't wait to chase my dreams when i'm 18.I'm currently working my a** off in school,.I forget how to breathe,Alot.Embrace you're life.Don't judge people for their looks because you're pretty much a low life if you do that Love someone for their personality not their looks people.I'm not like my friends at all.A piece of advise,I LOVE MY LIFE DON'T ******** IT UP.I can curse,I can scream,I can dance,I can do whatever i damn well please,You may think i wear LOADS of makeup,Well you're right.And i love it.I love everything around me.I have fun with my life,Let's hang out.Yeah,I'm not "emo" The world might be a b***h doesn't mean i have to cut because i hate my life.I'm short.I'M NOT FAKE.Please,Make me smile.I don't want to be alone.I plan on dying.Fer sure.".Mini school 2.Yes i am short.Hah.Keep talking because i love to hear you're voice.I don't much care for the people that treat me like I'm so special and i deserve better because i really don't.I'm in love with beautiful music.I'm so different from anything you know.I'm not comfortable with you touch me,Thank you very much,You're not my mom you don't have the right to say "Why do you have it",And i don't much care for getting complemented on my makeup,It's just makeup.But thank you for noticing.I'm not stupid.I'm just slower on answering,Because i want to be perfect.I do get good grades.If Help me I'll help you.I'm a giving person,I'm also a person who doesn't take you're s**t.I don't fight..CRY ME A RIVER I'D LOVE TO JUMP IN SOME SALTY WATER biggrin

Inside Ive Been Dead For Years,But You Make Me Feel Like I'm Alive..

im always a mess.i can never keep my own secrets. i laugh to hard at stupid things. my favorite songs can make me cry.i always watch for 11:11 but i miss it more than i notice it.i live in the past,in the memories i have with the ones i love.i hate thinking about reality.and im so homesick thats its not even funny. but not homesick in missing my house kinda way. its more like heartsick for all the things i cant get back. its hard for me to define myself. i guess im just a cliche--the girl who loved to hard. and didnt get anything in return. i dont want to be the eroine in some tragic love story. i just want the one person who has never given me a second thought.

Everyone deserves a happy ending. Preferably a neverending one. Neverending happiness to the extent that God intended. Marry the one you love; die with them aswell. "Til death do us part." Now how is that logical? Love is neverending even after death. & I find it hard to believe that love has an age limit. Im 13. 13 years old, & I believe that with faith itll come sooner than most would think. "Love makes you a philosopher," someone once said. I put faith into that. But I also put faith into what a friend told me. He said that one day itll come with patience, & until then I should live life one day at a time without frowning. It makes me a positive person & Ive learned from it. I believe that dating only gives you the reasurance that youre capable of falling for someone. Fall for people as often as you must. You have to meet all the wrong people before you meet that one person. & im trying my best to keep a positive outlook on life & love. I found it to be more difficult lately, but I have friends to support me & atleast one shoulder to cry on. But I wont use it. I wont cry anymore. Its just nice to know that shoulder is there next to me whenever I need it. I believe everyone should love once & I believe everyone will. Im waiting for my turn. I hope its here soon. But I have to keep telling myself ... "With love comes patience."

My imperfection poors out and all I feel is perfection.I can do and say anything..and feel as if Im being understood.Never have I felt so secure and safe in my life.Ive felt like I was dying inside;about to break loose and drown myself in tears.Being told that everythings gonna be okay.Being told that I look "beautiful".Being understood and heard and not judge.It all gave me a sense of happiness ...I cant express how I feel about of all of this -- happy isnt it.In all I guess I feel like my life is flawless, perfect, a fantasy.And one day this will allend ..and I wont be able to handle it.How can this happiness just fall apart one day? Growing up? Really? ********. ********. ********. Build me up, then tear me down ... I guess I just cant trust.

erm...My life has been messing only 13 years old and im stress all started when he came in to my life was perfect in texas then i moved back to tennessee.and i met him and it all went down hill from there.people think im depressed. im not depressed i just dont know what to do anymore.i have to much s**t on my grandma has cancer. my nonbilogical granny has a bulging vessel and could die in minute isnt going good.c and d's arent trying my best to keep going but its killing me to try to keep life is the worst.sometimes i wish my life would go back to normal.i hate being a teenager. its to hard for losing friends and gaining them.i feel like im emo. becuz of the way things are going right now.This isnt the best life.i hate my life.teachers are questioning me about s**t. and getting in my bussiness. i hate school. thats one reason why im always down. i have no real friends i can trust anymore. the only one i can trust is me.people are calling me a whore and all that.thanks to zach,dakota,maxi,abby!they ruined my life has been offically ruined.Sometimes i wish i never had friends.i want to just go back to normal when nothing went was right.

In My life i have done things i wish i had never ever done and yet i dont regret one thing i did becuz if i didnt i wouldnt be where,who and what i am now.i am very thankful for the things i did and the thing i will do in my future.i have always been told never to regret.i learned the hard way.i would always regret.then zach harrison cae and he left.and i dont regret one thing after that.Abby is right secerts and promises lead to mo then just losing causes you to be alone.and have no one there to be there with you.just abby johnson was always there.she always believed in matter how many times i let her down.but this paragraph isnt about abby or zach or anything like is about will i dont just letting my feelings out.i would do a blog but those things are stupid to me.people if you wanna think im emo.g ahead but i know im not.I have been very blessed seen abby knows who? he really changed my life.and he may have cheated and done me wrong i have to thank him for making me stronger and believing that no man is worth ur time.

Dear Dairy,

I am as Down as a hill.People make their mistakes.But for some odd reason they regret them.when a mistake is just as wrong as doing it on purpose.Always write your life down in pen.if u mess up.dont hold on to it.let it fly away like a butterfly.if it comes back.Brush it off your sshoulders and go on with life.dont let things bring you down to a stop in is meant to live in happiness.Starting rumors is like starting rumors on yourself.if u have an addiction to drugs.dont stop cold turkey.stop hot turkey.Make believe you live in your own little orld so what if people think your weird and crazy.if thats what u do then whycare and try to change yourself.changing is like not being you.

I won't like you, I won't be nice to you if I don't feel like it, I probaby won't talk to you, but I might talk about about you beind your back, I might be ignorant, I can't take guys in tight pants seriously, I'm a sarcastic piece of s**t sometimes, but there's 2 people in my life who still found something about me that's worth keeping me around.

Sure, I come off as emotionally aggressive sometimes, and my nuetral face often makes me look sad. But when I don't feel like talking that's not code for "try harder," so tough s**t. If you don't know how to worry about your own s**t, and stay the hell out of mine, then don't even bother trying to be my friend. I wasted enough precious time trying to be patient with those who I thought could just give it a rest, but I was wrong. I don't have my facts straight but I have enough common sense to deal with it. When I meet you, I will hate you until you give me a reason not to, because to me, all people are s**t nowadays. You can't argue with that logic.

you are my best friend and have been since 3rd...and will always will be..Nothing can come between us..we havent had a fight..since we met and i hope that it stays that are my best friend, my nonbilogical sister,my other half. with out u i would be nothing..i love how everytime i talk to you, you seem to make me laugh some how...And you always make me feel good abut myself...*yells across hall not caring what other people think* ILOVEYOU...well bye bye....I LOVE YOU...
iiC o o k i e s xD

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