About me:

ωɛℓcσмɛ to my profile~! 4laugh

My last username was "reiri_chan24"

But now I chaged it to "Krimaja" since those are the first syllables to my first, second and last name. (( KRIsha MAe JAring))

I'm not very good at writing 'about me' and the like but here goes nothing.

I'm currently 16 years old living with my oh so very beloved family here in the amazing Philippines!

Pets? Don't have any; I'm lousy at taking care of animals, things and people.

Love life? Well it's very complicated between me and my fridge D:

Friends? I have my t.v., my laptop they're great company when I'm alone <3 . Oh, and food he's my best of friends he never complains when I bite him biggrin

Sports? I consider my couch very loving so I don't leave him to do spots and stuff.

Like I said I suck at writing 'about me's so yeah.... Actually I didn't say I suck at it.. I said I was lousy at it., meh whatever.

I write stories on Wattpad (( www.wattpad.com/user/krimaja ))

You can follow me on twitter ((@KriMaJa)) or ((@Krimaja_backup)) whee