Kunoichi Suki: derp

Kunoichi Suki's avatar

Last Login: 05/28/2011 4:29 pm

Registered: 01/15/2005

Gender: Female

Birthday: 10/01/1991

Mah stuffs i has on

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Posts per Day: 2.74

Total Posts: 19734

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Badges: Ooh Shiny

  • Peelunger Pounder[120]
  • Gramster Gladiator[121]
  • Lawn Gnome Clipper[122]
  • Pink Flamingo Fighter[125]
  • Air Fluff Deflater[131]
  • Garlic Picker[134]
  • Laceback Bootsnake Skinner[140]
  • OMG That Hurt[143]
  • Clutch Holder[146]
  • Cherry Fluff Victor[149]
  • Taiko Drum Banger[152]
  • Ghost Lantern Dim[155]
  • Kokeshi Doll Trickster[158]
  • Goof Course[221]
  • Gnoman's Land[222]
  • Close the Barn Door![223]
  • Durem Blockade[224]
  • Hallowed Ground[246]
  • Ranch Hand[250]
  • Ninja Trials[252]
  • Jack O'Smasher[276]
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About Teh Suki :B

ON HIATUS I don't know when I will be back.
Maybe a month. Maybe a year, who knows?
Leave me some love for when I do come back 'kay?

You see what happend was... I was hacked. But I got my account back. :] Thank you gaia mods.

PM me starters if you like to Role Play, as I am too lazy to make my own.
Maybe sometime down the road I will.

Here are some things I do like:

Best friends
Any kind of romance
Rock star/Fan or groupie
Damsel in distress

Must be at least semi-literate. :]
Also I DO NOT 'cyber'. KTHX

Want to know about me?

[Picture of meh]
[Me and mah kitty]

I'm Alexandra, but I prefer to be called Alix, Alex, Lexi. Whatever.
I'm 19 years old.
I'm a Libra.
My blood tybe is A negitive.
I'm full italian.
I have a short fuse.
I don't smoke.
I don't drink.
I like to flirt and fool around, but if I'm taken I am loyal.
I have the most amazing friends, maybe you can be one of them.
I love sushi and asian things.
I love vampires, no I'm not "Emo".
I listen to a lot of types of music, however I hate Rap/R&B and Country.
I dress how I want to and in what ever is comfortable.
I may be chubby but at least I eat food unlike anorexic hoes.
I like to make friends.
If I'm mean to you I got good reason to be.
I don't use instant messengers very often, so chances are you don't find me there.

Want to contact me?
A random PM is always good, but heres other ways:

Facebook: Alexandra Soscia (I will not add you if I don't know you, duur)
AIM: yuukialix
Gaia: I'm mostly roaming around the chatterbox, playing Zomg, Black Jack, or fishing at Gambino.
I also play xbox, my gamer tag is: Fear My Spork

Nao GTFO mah profile betch.

Mah Siggy

19//On Hiatus. :/
Give me your:: Cans//Bugs//Inks//Tickets
PM me to role play, must be at least semi-literate.
Up for mostly anything. No I do not 'cyber'. :/

"Touch your lips to my soul, eat this sorrow away.
How am I so lucky I found you?"

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Leave meh one?

View All Comments

Kilzin Report | 09/19/2011 9:26 am
Storm Meteor Report | 12/30/2010 4:26 pm
crying biggrin crying biggrin crying biggrin crying biggrin crying biggrin crying biggrin crying biggrin
Five_powered_and_basics Report | 12/05/2010 3:48 pm
Don't thank me, take it off!

Er, I mean... ninja
Five_powered_and_basics Report | 12/05/2010 2:44 pm
what do you mean how!? you're a hottie >:O
Five_powered_and_basics Report | 12/05/2010 1:56 pm
o= So sexy~
lishoshen Report | 12/04/2010 8:41 am
Thanks for buying
Phantom-of_Winter Report | 12/03/2010 3:35 pm
Wasn't it? <:3
unorthodoxx god Report | 12/02/2010 12:34 pm
Just felt like I needed to comment you. heart
unorthodoxx god Report | 12/02/2010 12:30 pm
~He makes himself comfy.~ I have to say you're the brightest looking gift I've ever laid eyes on.
unorthodoxx god Report | 12/02/2010 12:24 pm
I hope you don't mind me moving in on it pretty lady. 4laugh

Buy Mah Stuffs?

Thank you for stopping by!

Willing to haggle but please be reasonable.
Willing to trade for items worth the amount of the item I am selling, PM me in this case.
Willing to take off 2% tax for any items over 500k. Just shoot me a PM.
My price for items worth over 50k is the average price for that item at the time I put that item up for sale, plus the 2% tax.
Don't complain if it's too expensive.
Don't PM me to beg for the item.
No, I don't donate unless I really, really, really like you.



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Mah wishes

i want this nao!
