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duck and cover's avatar

Report | 06/02/2010 10:43 pm

duck and cover

It's a 2010 Dodge somethin' or other.. razz It's a van, 'cause my aunt has three kids.

We had my mom's side of the family over for a BBQ and swimming. The day was awesome, but ended with a dead squirrel on out front lawn and my grandma calling me a b***h. :/ Lolol. biggrin Fun times.
duck and cover's avatar

Report | 05/31/2010 3:24 pm

duck and cover

I didn't run into anyone, but my Aunt called and asked if I wanted to take a ride to the store in her new carrr. Eventually I gave in, after some "but I haven't eaten anything todayy" and "but I was about to go in the poool." When I got home my mom and dad were home and they wanted me to help with dinner, so I didn't get to stay outside for very long before the sun was behind the house and there was no sun in the backyard. :/ Oh wellll.

Did you do anything fun for Memorial Day?
duck and cover's avatar

Report | 05/31/2010 11:47 am

duck and cover

Me? Naughty Nancy? Neverrr. XD

I'm going outside to read in the pool, I'm just hoping no one is downstairs to stop me to ask questions/have me do something for them. D: Wish me luck!
duck and cover's avatar

Report | 05/30/2010 11:31 pm

duck and cover

I did. :] I "watched it" with a friend, too. "Watched it" as in we're states away from each other but we were on MSN and talked while watching it. XD
duck and cover's avatar

Report | 05/30/2010 4:42 pm

duck and cover

It's with Johnny Depp.. he's a writer and this guy comes to his house and says that Johnny stole his story. o.o It's full of murder and suspense and yummy Johnny Deppness..
duck and cover's avatar

Report | 05/29/2010 6:24 pm

duck and cover

I'm okies. Watching Secret Window and chatting with some friends on zOMG. :]
duck and cover's avatar

Report | 05/25/2010 1:27 pm

duck and cover

Omgawd, sup.
duck and cover's avatar

Report | 05/20/2010 11:03 am

duck and cover

Min Yunki's avatar

Report | 04/25/2010 6:26 am

Min Yunki

Kura! Was it your birthday today?
Well then,i wish you a very Happy Birthday^^
duck and cover's avatar

Report | 03/14/2010 6:08 pm

duck and cover

I need a distraction. Guess what it's going to be! 0:] 

It was not a sick cough! It was a "I don't -really- think it's normal to forget High School Foresics, I'm just saying it to make you feel better" cough. Yus. That's what it was. Naw I'm not too much of a dinosaur.. but I'm getting up there! 21 in August :< you were close enough! Ah, I recognize The Raven! That's about it. The only thing I've read my Stephen Kind is Carrie.. I've wanted to read some of his other stuff but I never got around to it.

Texting ish funnn. I have a blackberry so it's super easy for me to type. What's different about being on hold on an iPhone? Does it play elevator music like Customer Service numbers? Keke. It's understandable that you don't have a phone if you don't like texting or talking. I guess you could use it for the internet, but then I'd say to get a laptop and save paying a phone bill every month. 'Sides, internet is pretty sucky on little phone screens. I don't really have a life either.. I was in a sort-of-but-not-really relationship with this guy for a few months of '09, and during that time I abandoned my computer (and computer friends; it wasn't very nice of me) and was out and about until 5 in the morning almost every day, but when it ended in October I went right back to my computer life. Now the most I do is work, go out with my friend Emily for free movie Tuesdays and visit my aunts, one of whom is one of my most bestest friends. That's about it. :]

Two brothers, one is 13 and the other is turning 16 in August. I can say the same about my brothers - we're not getting along very well lately. I think I'm just fed up with their lack of help around the house and inability to remember how to do anything I tell them. What are the ages of your stepbrothers?

I go through Apps a lot.. (fluff)Friends, Pet Society, Mafia Wars, FarmVille.. some more here and there. I've been playing SuperPoke Pets through the SPP site. I adopted a dragon, so I'm trying to collect anything dragon-related. XD Gives me a goal to reach in the game, not just endless hours of feeding and tickling friends' pets. Not a big CA fan. I think I just.. wandered into the chat one day looking for people to talk to, I met them, and we've been friends ever since. I've been making all my friends on Gaia now, not so much from FB Apps.

[I just went back and deleted the bulk of this comment - I don't wanna swarm you with text when you get on. >.< Don't haaate me for my long comments. ._.] I went to a local Community College for two and a half years right after HS and took about 65 credits towards an Associate’s degree. I have a College English class I took in 12th grade that I need to apply the credits of to my degree and then I'll have completed the degree. Again, the laziness/procrastination comes in, because I should've done that right out of HS when I was accepted into the Community college. I definitely enjoyed college, and I'd like to go back to ~continue my education~ but I like the carefree life I have now. XD Such a predicament. Like, the college was so close and if I get my Masters in Library Science (Young Adult Librarian baby, woot! rofl) I'd have to drive farther and start at a new, unfamiliar school and I don't liiiike driving or new schools. D: *whines* hahaha.

It's raining here. Again. Yesterday it was storming so bad that a HUGE tree fell in the neighbor's backyard behind us. Fortunately it didn't fall anywhere near our house! I can't imagine what it'd be like to have a tree fall on your house. :/ A ton of people came into work today asking to use our outlets because their power was out. We only had a flicker of the power going out and then it came back on.

Okies. I think I've been distracted with this for long enough; I might start watching Dexter from Season 1 on my computer. o.o It's into it's.. 4th or 5th season, lol. I have to go make food for myself, too, because no one cooked and we all fought over what to order in.
duck and cover's avatar

Report | 03/14/2010 12:59 am

duck and cover

Woot, not-so-nice people UNITE! See, the second the perverted side of me saw all those coughs like, forever ago, my mind went straight to the gutter.. but.. I wasn't sure if you thought like that too. Now I know! So I can throw in some little innuendos here and there and you'd understand them. ;D Awesomesauce. I'm more cowardly than you, though. I don't like to tell anyone anything to their face, I'll just vent to my friends about the person 'cause I'm too chickenshit to confront them about anything. :3 I avoid confrontation like it's the plaaaague. Yes, yes I do. *is the source of all the stickiness in the world.*

"Maybe you will be once you're under their control >.>" What other control would it be? Their sex appeal would control me and blind me with lust that I have no choice but to obey to their rules? Rofl. :3 lol@ ba-dum che. Very funny. They are too sketchy and I'm not changing my mind about it. You won't see ME going to any of those professional magic shows anytime soon.

OMG newspapers are fail. Newspapers and the NEWS. I mean, it's the same thing, but some people can deal with the news. Not me :/ Same with like, celebrity news, I hate it too. I don't care who married who and who cheated on whose wife with the maid. XD I wouldn't have went to sleep without saying g'night, although I gave up on you writing back tonight a few minutes before I got the text to my phone that I had a comment. I was like "oooo, comment? yay comment! happy panda!" Lolol. D: I tolded you I'm not evil enough! Maybe taking over the world isn't so great of a job for me afterall... you might have to be like, Peanut Butter and Banana with someone else. ;_; And that would make me saded. Maaybe I'll hire the banana to work for me, that way it isn't so sad? :3

Ohh do you mean like, how the vamps in Twilight just have pointy teeth, and not really fangs that come out? If that's what you're saying, then I agree. I mean I've read all the books, I own them all, and I'm planning on seeing the third movie this year, but I liked it more before it became so popular. I was the one that introduced my boss to the series, and she ordered the books for our library because of ME. Stephenie should give me some sort of reward for that. ;D Jk,maybe.. >.> Vampire Knight the manga? I haven't read it, but I've seen the books on the shelves.. LOL why would I judge you on the name Caine? You didn't judge me on Damon. :]

I'ma getting sleepy. Hope you're still on to read this. *sends*
duck and cover's avatar

Report | 03/13/2010 11:57 pm

duck and cover

I dooo. I'm rly not so nice.. like.. I speak my mind to a select few people. Otherwise I keep my mouth shut about my opinions. I guess that makes it even worse when I am mean, lol, 'cause it's all bottled-up meannes.. :3 I do usually get a kick out of her inability to understand most of the stuff I find funny, lol. Especially 'cause I have a way dirty mind, and she doesn't always understand all of my jokes. It just makes them that much funnier. Nah, Jells will never be as amazing as Peanut. You make up the whole sandwich, babe!

So now they also have some sort of mind control, these magicians? They're getting sketchier and sketchier as this conversation goes on... O.o SEE. I think you're lying now. "It's not like they're truly as evil as you think." I CALL BS! You're just trying to make them look good. razz

I dunno, I hate being three hours ahead of my friends, now four hours is teh suck. XD Maybe if I lived there or vice versa I wouldn't be staying up so damn late. I dunno, she just says it when something is sad, and I thought it was cute. razz OMGAWD. It's taking me forever to type this out, people never freakin' talk to me and now that I'm trying to respond they decide they want to talk to me. > neutral Angry panda! >.> Lol. Maybe I'm all talk and no action..? I -think- I'm evil, but in the end I'm just a sandwich spread that thinks she's evil.

They don't sparkle, no. Twilight is not so high in my books (lol books) right now. Of course they have fangs! What's a vampire without fangs? Have you seen Vampire Diaries? I've decided that if I have a son I'm going to name him Damon, after one of the characters in the tv show. XD

Srsly, if I saw a mob of clowns coming after me with duct tape, rope, and like a potato sack I'd be scared shitless. ;_; I do not want them to shove me in their little clown car, either.
duck and cover's avatar

Report | 03/13/2010 11:06 pm

duck and cover

She IS lucky. We voice when we're on zOMG and we make fun of people XD Naw, well.. yeah, we do. I'm not gonna lie. Rofl. It wasn't uncontrollably, she just had no clue why I was laughing, 'cause she hadn't said anything. Lols. HAH. Airheads. I'm failing at this whole.. winning the argument thing we have going on, lol. You're just too clever for poor old Jells.

But, but, I'm not emo! I would not enjoy being cut, therefore the magician would most definitely not get another show from me. PSH.

I JUST SAW MY CLOCK JUMP AHEAD TWO HOURS. That.. was.. scary. It was like we JUMPED into the future! O.o My friend's clock didn't fix, though, so now I'm four hours ahead of her in California. ;_; Sad panda. (She wants credit for sad panda. I wrote it and said "I just stole your sad panda." and she went GIVE ME CREDIT, DAMNIT!) Okay, I'm done with shouting. I'm getting a little too excited here.

Dude, the magicians are totally at Wendy's. Burger King has all the vampires. MMm, vampires. That's my place to beee.

I do look forward to talking to you! :] *glomps back~* Yayy official penpals! biggrin I think I tried doing it with my cousin when I was younger but it never really worked out. :/

Kura, I'm skurred. I don't remember my friend saying brb and all of a sudden she's rly quiet! I'm even messaging her on MSN but I'm not getting an answer! >.<
duck and cover's avatar

Report | 03/13/2010 10:29 pm

duck and cover

LOL I'm on voice chat with my friend and she's like WHYY are you laughing so bad. I'm trying to explain the whole rabbit in the hat thing to her but she's like "whaaaat? I'm so confused!" :3 Balloons do not feel anything, my dear Peanut. I highly doubt they're screaming inside their little non-existent brains that they're being tortured. XD I think you're just making excuses for these horrid magicians. Do you have magicians in the family? I'm gonna have to watch my back, make sure no one comes up behind me with a cloth and makes me disappear. D:

It's okay, I'm more of a Burger King girl myself. ;D

@other comment: I -will- reply! It gives me something to look forward to, lol. I've always wanted like, a penpal, so this is as close as it's going to get. ;x
duck and cover's avatar

Report | 03/13/2010 10:15 pm

duck and cover

PS. I have to at least reply to SOME of the long one. There were some interesting points in it. ;D If you ask me what, I can't tell you off the top of my head. >.> But I do know I wanted to respond to some of it. Maybe I'll try to keep it short this time.. :3
duck and cover's avatar

Report | 03/13/2010 10:12 pm

duck and cover

Heck yeah. Magicians are like, worse than clowns, in a sense. All clowns do is make little puppies out of balloons. Magicians LIE and freakin' pretend like there's nothing in a hat and then all of a sudden POOF a bunny. WHAT. (hahahah. I'm loling at myself so bad right now). And um, when they put SWORDS through a box with a PERSON in it? But MAGICALLY the person is not hurt? Psh. You know that person is just faking it. After the show is over they take the body out of the box and they're all cut up and bloody and it is not a pretty sight.
duck and cover's avatar

Report | 03/13/2010 10:03 pm

duck and cover

Trick = lie! Hands down. Writing back is gonna take me like, half an hour. I started before, but then I got on zOMG. It's kindaaaa boring now, though. :3 Don't tell my friends that. ;D Honestly you don't really mind what? O.o
duck and cover's avatar

Report | 03/13/2010 9:57 pm

duck and cover

YOUUU lied to me, Peanut!! ;_; crying *decuple cries* I would've written back, too! But I was like pshhh, he's gonna abandon me for a week, why should I bother. ._. *sniffles*
duck and cover's avatar

Report | 03/13/2010 12:01 pm

duck and cover

;O That is not fair at all, Peanut! Lolol. Jells is fun, I could call you Nutty, but that's not very nice.. rofl. You are younger than me, so I guess Peanut could work. ;x Anyway. Umm, a week is a really long time. ;_; And it's not like I wasn't going to finish the comment, I just had to leave! I snuck onto the computer at work just so leave you this, so I should at least get some credit for that. ._. *sobsob*
duck and cover's avatar

Report | 03/13/2010 11:51 am

duck and cover

*sextuple hugs* I have to admit, I looked it up.. >.> However, I *was* going to say septuple, but apparently that's 7 :3

No, it wasn't a promise. razz I woudn't ask you to go from coming on a few times a month to coming on every day. XD I think that would be a bit selfish of me. I'm starting to write back on my lunch break and I only have a few minutes left before I have to get back so I'm writing this in Word so I can save it, lol. *is a dork like that*

Okies. It took me too long to type, and that's all I got out. XD I'll finish this in two hours! I see you're online now, but I'm not gonna tease you with just a paragraph. Or, maybe I will.. >.> *sends* *insert evil laugh*
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