my house is in..

my house is over in Barton 21001000 if yall wanted to go to it ♥♪♥♫

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Kurisutaru_Koibito's avatar

Birthday: 10/08



well where to start i love cats rofl uhmmm lets see i really dont care about ppls opinions so if you wanna be rude please keep it to your self cause bullies are dumb xp because in my eyes i see it as:Got a problem with me? Solve it! Think I'm trippen? Tie my shoes!Can't stand me? Sit down! Can't face me? Turn the hell around! and thats juss the truth wink lol ♫♥♪♥ xp anywho i am kinda unique in my own way i love all the colors of the rainbow b/c you shouldn't like just one o them and the fact that i cant really see color blind well not fully though b/c i can see some greens, yellow, pink, brown, black, and white...oh and grey and if you only wanna talk to me juss to ask"oh what is this color to you?" then leave me tha hell alone! pirate ♥♪♥♫ i also absoulutly lubb me some music i listen to everything except classical music very random and crazy dramallama and most definatly loud! lol hahah anywho i spend most of my time in rally or on zOMG! so ya'll can talk to me there well hope to talk to all yall soon...l8er ♪♥♫♥


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chonpiras Report | 10/08/2014 11:17 am
Happy birthday ö enjoy it c:
DeAdLy_EmO_JoKeR Report | 02/13/2013 2:37 pm
Derping it up till this very day :3 Derpett ftw
Eef-LiNn Report | 03/12/2011 11:42 am
Its okay mrgreen mrgreen

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a really good friend♥♪♥♫

my pofle kicks a**!!!lol♥♪♥♫

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