
KuroiAnei's avatar

Birthday: 10/08


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Name: Kuroi Anei
Age: 19
Element: Shadow
Chakra: Lightning
New Moon's/Star Dance - ONLY works at night. Works BEST on the New Moon, but on it's own it's just called Star Dance. She dances of course, but it's usually by the middle or end of the battle, that way she can find out what kind of fighter they are. I dance often enough I can quickly set a rhythm that will best capture my opponent's mind and enchant them.

Whether they're watching me out of enchantment or "letting me have my fun" I use the time to my advantage and incorporate my power into the dance. I incorporate my Lightning power into this dance to make sparks fly and act like fireworks and look like...well...stars.

Black Wish - when I'm angry...like, really really angry, my energy seeps out of her and the form into whips. They can't be cut, and nothing can get rid of them, because they may look like shadows, but it's my pure energy. They grab the one who made me angry, and in a voice which is...sort of demonic, I ask them "What is it do you wish for? A quick death, or pain?"

If they choose pain, I just might leave them to suffer and they could survive. Anything thrown beforehand will be used against them to kill or torture them, and if fire, light, or lightning are used to disperse it when they think it's just a shadow trick, will just be absormed and make it more powerful. All in all, it's my most deadly attack.

Shadow's Grip - unlike Shikamaru's ability, this isn't like hands more like tenticles and it uses's the person's own shadow against them instead of using the shadows of surounding areas to reach for them. Unless they're in a secluded area like a desert and no trees, and the person jumps, the tenticles can't reach up after them, but it'll only grab hold once the person touches down again.

Shadow Puppet - this is actually more like how Kankuro uses his puppets with chakra strings. I can make a person do my bidding by using shadow strings from my fingers.

Hanging Shadows - works only in forests, they hold onto the opponent just long enough for me to escape

Shadow's Veil - I can turn into the shadows themselves.

Darkness Decend - great getaway up to half a mile the whole area is covered in pitch black, and any light sich as fire or lightning will only reveal a few inches passed their mark (for example, light a match, hold it in front of you all the way it'll disappear into the darkness).

Love interest: Eiji
Preferred Weapon: katana
Fears: being burned (I'll add more later)
Weaknesses: fire (I goes into a sort of trance), full moon (my powers don't work well)


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Sevael Miozaki Report | 07/29/2012 3:15 pm
Sevael Miozaki
thanks for buying smile
Javanese Report | 06/26/2012 12:59 pm
ahh ok.. xd
Javanese Report | 06/26/2012 11:40 am
thankz for buying
deadaccountbb Report | 12/20/2009 6:36 pm


"The brightest light in the darkest shadows is yours."

RED - courage, strength, prosperity, joy, love, fire, passion, blood-life and vitality-, focusing, dynamic and active energy

BLACK - mystery, darkness, shadow, misunderstood


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