
My name is Codiak, but I'd rather be called Codi.. I'm 16 years old and I'm currently living in Canada. I got offered a soccer scholarship worth 32,000. Not bad eh? My favourite hockey team would be the New Jersey Devils; I also like The Vancouver Canucks. My favourite soccer team is Liverpool. I don't believe in god, yes that's right. I'm ATHEIST, so deal with it, I won't change what I believe. I always have my friends backs when ever they need me and I don't need people backing me up nor do I expect you to. I am sarcastic every second of the day and I'm pretty perverted. I don't care what people think of me, if you are just trying to piss me off, don't bother talking to me, I have no time to waste on your immature behavior.

God is just an idea made up by us to make us feel more secure about death and ourselves.

LIKES: The New Jersey Devils, my friends, anime, yuri, girls, animals, emo's, punks, japan, music, drawing, parties, dirtbiking, comedy, hanging out, sleeping, playing all sports.

DISLIKES: The Ottawa Senators, Toronto Maple Leafs, annoying little kids and people. Stupid comments, George Bush, John McCain and War. People who judge before they even get to know a person, My Chemical Romance, winter and bugs. Hunters, global warming, animal abuse and people who act differently just to fit in.. just be your ******** self, if no one likes it then they can go ******** themselves. Like who you are, not what you're becoming for other people. A true friend accepts you for who you are, fake ones make you change.

That pretty much sums it up, if you wanna be my friend or get to know me better just leave a comment or pm me; if you like my taste in music and think I might like some other bands, just tell me and i'll check them out.

There are no regrets in life, only lessons.




Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 03/25/2010 1:26 am


Been too lazy. btw, i quit gaia. that's why i'm on.

Report | 03/16/2010 2:21 pm


Hey! smile I didnt even know you got on here anymore. XP Alot has changed hasnt it?... This is Niki. If you forget lol.

Report | 12/27/2009 1:28 pm



Report | 12/27/2009 1:04 pm


in a good way ((:

Report | 12/26/2009 6:34 pm


jajaja dork

Report | 12/26/2009 1:32 pm


ahhhhhhhh dats nice

Report | 12/25/2009 6:16 pm


yep ive missed u *hugs* its been a long time

Report | 12/24/2009 3:12 pm


ive been good 2

Report | 12/23/2009 2:27 pm


hey !!!!!!!!! how uve been?
Hottie Bleach Baby

Report | 06/09/2009 10:21 pm

Hottie Bleach Baby

hey i love your name so u must like bleach too