
Trapped forever in an inferno of hell, always hoping, praying…failing in the one duty the gods have given me. Your tender voice whispering softly to me as I fall deeper into my sins. Endlessly I fight for the freedom we may never get, for the dream we so desperately yarn for. I stand here battered and torn, my blood staining the ground I stand on, cursing at the fiend who dares cause you such suffering. I lunge, sword in hand, I plunge my weapon into the beast’s belly granting him a sweet death that his kind is undeserving. And there I lay, my life taken by my own will. No longer will I fail you, torture you with the promises I made so many lives ago. No longer will I scream your name and hold her limp body in my frantic arms. No longer will I allow your suffering to thrive in my selfish wantings. No longer will I protect you…not when I cannot defend myself. I will be reborn and we shall meet again. The red thread always leading us back to our other half. Only then will I grow, making the gods themselves tremble in my might. Only then will we meet. Only then will we be free.

A big thanks goes out to my number one girl MissDeviant! For buying me half of my needed armor and helping me out with my suoer expensive scarf! You roc my sox dudet!!
I finished my dream avi!
*Does a jig o' happiness*


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Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 08/23/2009 4:48 pm


Happy Birthday!
Fioa Houten

Report | 05/20/2009 8:00 pm

Fioa Houten

Yeah, after a bit of coaxing. >.> -Huff, you little dork you.~ -Nuzzles- <3

Report | 05/08/2009 6:13 pm


POKE!! *runs away snickering* >;3
Lunar Guardian Angel

Report | 03/20/2009 12:47 pm

Lunar Guardian Angel

Well its re-done, so we got some Roleplays going now that arnt dragons. If you want to stay you can, you dont have to be uber active. I just want to know whos alive still really lol
Lunar Guardian Angel

Report | 03/19/2009 5:30 pm

Lunar Guardian Angel

Please respond to my pm about the guild before I send out a ban for inactvity. Im just clearing the guild

Report | 03/10/2009 2:31 pm


Blub~ <3
Hilt Clordor

Report | 03/10/2009 2:15 pm

Hilt Clordor

Oiya, how's the pansy do'n? 'eard you were up to no good again. Heh-eh

Report | 12/28/2008 9:18 pm


Good luck in the arena!

Report | 12/01/2008 11:01 am


I poke thy!!

Report | 10/31/2008 12:45 am


WOOT!! *does a jig*


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Dream Avi