l Takagi Saya l

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Birthday: 02/01

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Takagi Saya

"How could I just die!? What kind of person would let themselves die!?"

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Name: Saya Takagi
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Height: 155 cm
Weight:52 kg
Eyes: Orange
Hair: Pink
Measurements:Bust: 92 cm(F), Waist: 59 cm, Hips: 87 cm
Weapons:Electric Drill, Kiku Crest Luger P08, MP5SFK
The girl behind Takagi: I'm A Genius

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"I'm a Genius"
Saya Takagi is one of the main characters in Highschool of the Dead. Saya is a genius, and her high level of intellect is her major contribution to the group, though it often causes her to be stubborn and arrogant. She usually stays out of combat, preferring to think of strategies to help the others fight. However, this changes when the group prepares to leave the police station.

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Saya first made her escape with fellow classmate Kohta Hirano. She is the daughter of an influential Uyoku dantai politician and her family is deeply involved in Japan's politics. A self-proclaimed genius, Saya's knowledge and deductive capabilities have allowed the group to escape from harm on multiple occasions. She was the first to conclude that "they" respond only to sound. Despite coming from a prestigious family, she despises her parents whom she thought had given up on her in the crisis. It was before their escape from the mansion that she managed to make up with her parents. Other than Rei Miyamoto, she is the only one who has a history with Takashi Komuro since they were children and is hinted to having deeper feelings for him, though she denies this. Slightly self-conscious, she detests the fact that people neither address her by her first name nor look her in the eyes while speaking. The only exception to this is Kohta, with whom she has a strange relationship. Saya has grown very attached to Alice and acts like an older sister during the crisis. She does her best to keep Alice Maresato's innocence intact and will severely scold anyone who would dare attempt to tarnish that to the any degree.

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Saya has long pink hair which she mostly keeps in two pony tails on either of her head. Her hair also has two thin, long bangs at the sides, two thin strands of hair over the left side of her forehead, and a spiky larger portion of hair covering the left side of her forehead. Saya has fierce orange eyes and furrowed eyebrows. She wore contacts at the beginning of the series, but because her contacts dried out she has worn glasses ever since. Saya's physique is slender, however according to Morita she has bikini model sized breasts. Unlike the other female students in the group, Saya's attire has varied more from the school uniform and she has not worn it since leaving Rika Minami's apartment.

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Saya tends to be a very mean and somewhat impolite person. Being a genius, Saya always considers herself right and because of this can be considered 'stuck-up'. Despite being this way, Saya has been shown to be a very caring person and looks out for the rest of the group, mostly Takashi. Saya also considers herself to be a mother figure or an older sister figure to Alice and will scold anyone who tries to ruin her innocence.
Saya's view of Kohta also changes throughout the series. She goes from thinking of him as a useless gun otaku to a respectful comrade. She also goes from calling him by his family name to his given name, a sign of closeness. It is also hinted that she may covet romantic feelings for him.

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psilo Report | 08/25/2013 7:22 pm
You're really, cool ~!
The Scientist Elco Report | 05/07/2012 2:22 pm
The Scientist Elco
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M i y a m o t o R e i
I know, right ? I think it's really sweet really when they brag. :3 From what Nile told me, he pay attention to my legs because I wear alot of mini skirts and mini shorts. :3
Big boobs and small boobs get alot of crap for different things. >w< Have big boobies and get lots of unwanted attention and I believe the pain too ? >w< I got that from the Busty Boobs thing you were reblogging on tumblr. And from having small boobs, you basically can get teased about them not being big enough and crap and then they say that if you try to find a woman with small boobs, she won't be able to be mother, which isn't always true. >.> Since people with small boobs are seen to look less feminine. :3
My friends would tell me that the only time I'll get big boobs is when I become pregnant. lol
Mainly, Nile's friends would talk about how they like my legs and how perky my a** is. >w< lol Of course, they would have to bite their tongue. Because Nile told me, he likes when guys look at me but he doesn't like if they speak about it to him or act on it. lol That and I don't like hearing that crap either. >w<

The Scientist Elco Report | 05/07/2012 1:55 pm
The Scientist Elco
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M i y a m o t o R e i
I'e alwasy kinda been close to flat-chested. But Nile likes them the size they are. He is glad they fit perfect in his hands. Because he said if they were bigger than his hand. He probably wouldn't like them too much. :3
All his other brothers go for big breasts and junk, like in hentai. lol Nile never really cared for them. lol :3 So that made me feel special about my B cup. :3
But I can understand what you mean about bragging. >w< Nile likes to brag about how tiny I am compared to other couples we have met on base and stuff. lol

The Scientist Elco Report | 05/07/2012 1:44 pm
The Scientist Elco
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M i y a m o t o R e i
lol All hail small boobies for me. >w< lol
But with all the workout Nile does with them during kinky time in the past 6 years. >w< He helped me go from a size A to a size B now. :3
Whatcha up to now, Takagi-chan ?

The Scientist Elco Report | 05/07/2012 1:37 pm
The Scientist Elco
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M i y a m o t o R e i
I see what you mean. >w< You need the big boobies. lol
Aw, you will ? >w< Yay !

The Scientist Elco Report | 05/07/2012 1:27 pm
The Scientist Elco
Aw, gotcha ! >w<
I bet you will make her look awesome !
I put yous on my profile. :3
The Scientist Elco Report | 05/07/2012 12:49 pm
The Scientist Elco
your welcome ! >w<
I think you did great ! :3
Are you planning on making one for the nurse or yous changing to the nurse ?
The Scientist Elco Report | 05/07/2012 12:03 pm
The Scientist Elco
Aw, thank yous !
So does yours, your Takagi looks so accurate and adorable. >w< lol
I had to use the background sadly of my other Rei friend though. That was only one most close up and big enough, so it didn't look like it was repeating. >w<
The Scientist Elco Report | 05/07/2012 11:58 am
The Scientist Elco
Takagi. :3
mewliz Report | 04/14/2012 12:00 pm
whats the hair style called
The Scientist Elco