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Life Story!


Well, would you look at that~? I have another visitor! I shouldn't be surprised I'm so popular, hm?

I'm Zack, Zachary if I'm in trouble, and you can even say Zachary Fair if you're Cloud and you're about to strangle every bit of life from me. I'm getting up there in my years, Shiva above, I'm already eighteen. Look at that, I'm an adult now! Can you believe it?

... alright, just because Aeris said she doesn't believe it doesn't mean ANYTHING. You hear that, Aeris? I'm an adult.

Now, don't get me wrong, just because I'm an adult and all. I'm honestly a child a heart. I'm not below a water balloon fight, or building myself a life size pin ball course in my apartment. . . Kunsel and I had loads of fun with that one. Haste Materia, pillows on the wall, a tunnel of blankets. Though the pinball incident was uh. In my infantry days. Our instructor was NOT happy with that mess in the barracks. Jeez, I miss being that young. It was so easy to get into trouble.

What do you mean, you're surprised how I got into SOLDIER!? I worked hard! I enlisted at fourteen, which I guess is kind of young, but after 12 weeks of basic training, then all that time as an infantry man, I dunno. It wasn't too hard to adjust to. I was only there for the end of the Wutain War, so I didn't spend a whole lot of time stationed there. I did mostly boring work up until I was fifteen, then there was a huge fight that broke out in Junon where I was watching the door for the elevator. A bunch of Wutains had apparently snuck in under cover. . . and it was sort of my fault. Well, over looking that fact! Me and two other guys went to go solve the entire issue. Guess we did something heroic or something, because next thing I know I had an offer for SOLDIER. And who could pass that up?

It took me another year and a half before I reached first class. Sixteen, can you believe that? I would say it was luck, but no one believes in that, right? Must have just been pure skill.

So I guess this is the part where I stop talking because I'm starting to get a few looks that usually mean 'Shut up, Zack!'. I know those looks pretty well by now. So uh. Let's move on!


The Important People in my Life

Where would I be without these guys? heart


Cloud Strife


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This kid and I have been through it all. Thick or thin, and trust me, things have gotten pretty damn thick. ( Cloud, hey. D: Why are you turning red? You got a fever?) I'm just real attached to him, and I think vice versa, even though he'd never admit it. In fact, I believe one of the most fun activities ever to be carried out in my time as a SOLDIER has been Cloud-napping. Just stealing him randomly out of whatever boring work/training he's been put into so we can go hang out. It always takes so much convincing to get him to follow, but he gives in eventually. I mean, who could resist my charm~? All those teenage hormones, Cloud certainly can't. ;D

It's also great to steal him off for sleepovers. I usually have to sneak him out, because Shin-Ra's picky about the things the infantrymen do after lights out. -Throat Clear- Note, one is never too old for sleepovers. We'll hang out and play video games, or cards or just cook up some weird things in my microwave. It's always loads of fun when he's over, and we can just sit on the couch surrounded by blankets and pillows and play some late night video games. Cloud has issues with my zombie killing games, issues the usually lead him to curl up in my bed those nights. Eh heh. Maybe I should lay off the more gory video games when he's over.


Angeal Hewley


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Angeal was one of the best guys I ever knew, I really miss him. He mentored me while I was still a second class, and I heard the 'Zachary Fair' use of my name all the time when he was around. But alot of things came up, and now he isn't here anymore.

I really wish he could see what I've done, thanks to him.

He was a really level headed person, always kept his cool regardless what was going on. He helped teach me to be less excitable, even though I still have my moments. He also loved this weird fruit from his town, stupid apples or something. And whiskey, which he never let me touch. Kept saying I was too young. Pfft.


Aeris Gainsbourough


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When it comes to down and dirty places like the slums, this girl was one of a kind. I asked her out, actually but . . . it never worked out. I still care for her, but it's more of a friendship then anything. She writes me letters all the time! I'm so bad about replying, I forget . . . I hope it doesn't make her worry. I think I'll fnally send one tomorrow. <3 But this girl has a knack with flowers, seriously, you should see the garden at her house. I've never seen so many kinds in one place!




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Shiva, this guy is some HUGE deal to every infantry man out there. A hero and all . . . scary to think how I know him like a friend now. Right. Uh. We're friends, Sephiroth yeah?

...oh, don't look at me like that, this is an important question!

Anyhow, yeah. Even I thought he was amazing when I heard about him as a kid... but ever since I've been a first class I've seen him on a near daily basis. And you just know I do not bug the living s**t out of him in ANY manner.


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Viewing 3 of 3 comments.

Aerith Gainsborough xox

Report | 05/31/2008 5:30 pm

Aerith Gainsborough xox

[It's okay. I do that a lot. It's a bit upsetting. D:]

She laughed lightly at his forgetfulness, then smiled. "I'm glad you got some sleep. Good evening to you, too," She replied, pulling a loose strand of hair behind her ear. "How are you?"

Report | 05/31/2008 5:14 pm


Geeze Zack, Cloud's a big boy he can handle himself.
IAeris GainsboroughI

Report | 05/31/2008 2:09 pm

IAeris GainsboroughI

Hi Zack ^^ how are you doing toaday?