
Bonjour tout le monde!
Name: I'm La Belle Cherie, pleased to meet you.
About me: I'm relatively normal, so don't be afraid to talk to me. PM me or leave a comment if you'd like to chat.

This profile was made by the wonderful Royal Belle.


Viewing 12 of 19 friends


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

-chary queen of spades-

Report | 11/01/2011 8:08 am

-chary queen of spades-

happy B-Day biggrin

Report | 01/22/2011 3:13 pm


Oh yes. Family/friends staying can always be fun…but crazy. Yes, I do now. And it’s been awhile since you’ve written me. I’m so sorry! D:

I’m glad to hear college is going well. And I’m sure it’s an adjustment. 5?! That’s a lot. Yeah unfortunately you never seem to get away from the studying/homework, it’s why I took so long. Nothing wrong with the library, at least you will get your studies done instead of the ones who slack off.
Are they? People keep telling me I should have at least experienced one year in dorms. Oh are they? Ok that would really gross me out. Thanks, so does that mean you are going to try and find an apartment or something with roommates next year?

Oh good! I’m glad. Yeah, vacations are nice, but spending the time at home is always…better at times. So, you are back now I take it? Hope the spring semester is going well, though I’m sure you are looking forward to spring break.

Woah. Hole cow, no wonder you took off a class. What? I feel like inferior to you right now. xD And I’m taking five classes. x.x What’s Econ? Economy? Chinese sounds cool though!

Thanks it did! Not a whole lot of stuff but still fun! My boyfriends mother got engaged new years night!! biggrin

Report | 12/29/2010 10:09 am


And now the reason we haven’t talked has been mine. I’m sorry! Family/friends are down this week so it’s been near impossible to get on and respond to this. But finally!

Wow. That really has been a long time huh? Well, college is more important so I completely understand. I hope things are going well there and everything? Classes and whatnot not too bad? Are you staying in a dorm? Getting the full freshman experience? I never did that. Always just been at home.

I’m doing alright thanks =] Just school, work, and Gaia when I get a chance. Same ol’ same ol’ here. Cupcake never changes xD Had a pretty swell Christmas though, did you?

Wow. Really? That blows. Seriously. What classes? If you don’t mind me asking. Hope it wasn’t too much work. I know it’s long away from that weekend now. Hope your Christmas/winter break is also going incredibly well!

Report | 11/01/2010 1:23 pm


HAPPY BIRTHDAYYYYYY!!!! I feel awful that we haven't been talking recently. And it's totally my fault. I'm so sorry! I hope everything has been going well? And I hope your birthday is awesome! I wanna get you something!! Are you questing anything? <3
Fifi Lapin

Report | 08/16/2010 7:29 am

Fifi Lapin

YAYYYYYYYYYYY MOI AUSSI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~flAiL gonk
Fifi Lapin

Report | 08/14/2010 5:14 pm

Fifi Lapin

Fifi Lapin

Report | 08/12/2010 6:54 am

Fifi Lapin

*is uggie* crying

Report | 08/04/2010 2:46 pm


Hi I was wondering what your siggy translates to . I can only translate a few words , and online translators are no help at all . Is Le Petit Prince a book ?
Royal Belle

Report | 07/28/2010 7:11 pm

Royal Belle

*shniffle* ;_;
Royal Belle

Report | 07/28/2010 6:39 pm

Royal Belle

NOOOOOOOOOOOOO. I just bought it then RIGHT AS I CLICK IT there's a better deal crying crying crying


Voici mon secret. Il est très simple: on ne voit bien qu'avec le coeur. L'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux.
~Le Petit Prince