Lady Ignea

Lady Ignea's avatar

Registered: 06/29/2006

Gender: Female

Location: Poland

Birthday: 06/25

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Colonel_Moran on 06/27/2024
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Lady Ignea's Profile

"In short, I do not believe there has even been a great man who, even at the height of his happiness, has not believed and proclaimed, even without cause, that he was unfortunate and persecuted (...)"
'The Man of Genius'
, Cesare Lombroso

User ImageWelcome ~
Im Lady Ignea, but people call me Sasani, Sasol, Sasa, or... Anka. First one are variations about my OC name, that last one is my name .

Ignis - fire, thunder, star, shine, light, anger, love

- birthday: 25 VI
- Cracow, Poland
- chemistry student
- optimistic, but my mood changes extremaly fast
- writing short stories, drawing comics, creating hundreds characters... just to get bored after few days.
- tea addict
- computer addict
- fandubbing vocaloid songs~ and not only
- rpgs! with a game master and group of friends sitting around the table ( :
- wants to learn a lot of different languages and see other countries
- likes learning about different mythologies
- loves reading books, mostly fantasy and science-fiction, but the all-time fav is 'The Sorrows of Young Werther'
- my deviantart : here

-But I don't want to go among mad people.
-Oh, you can't help that. We're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad.
-How do you know I'm mad?
-You must be. Or you wouldn't have come here.

Alice in Wonderland


View All Comments

Colonel_Moran Report | 06/27/2024 7:53 am
Happy Bday. :3
Colonel_Moran Report | 08/12/2020 9:45 am
I wouldn't know. She hasn't been here in forever so I was wondering if you had contact with her. D:
Colonel_Moran Report | 08/11/2020 1:19 pm
Hullo! Long time no see! biggrin Hope you've been well. Do you know by any chance what happened to Songwriter?
iHermes Report | 05/18/2017 12:17 pm
Masz pięknego avka <3

Ale ale ... rączki mają inny kolor niż facjata xD

Belliesan Report | 09/12/2016 1:35 pm
U mnie kryzys wieku średniego, dlatego tak tu wpadłam. Strasznie mnie bawią ceny wszystkiego biggrin
I, ze w ogóle ty aktywna jesteś po tylu latach, szok!
Belliesan Report | 09/11/2016 8:27 am
haha tak, BARDZO mi się nudzi jak widać biggrin
Rooke Report | 08/29/2016 5:30 pm
your artwork is so pretty! I love the coloring style! heart
SongwriterPatries Report | 08/02/2016 6:45 am
Good to hear!
I'm doing quite alright ^__^

I wanna go to the zoo this friday with a friend, but we're still waiting for the weather forcast because it has been quite rainy this week, if the weather is bad, we'll go next week or the week after that ^__^
Next to that, I've started on the new Harry Potter book/script
How about you? =D
SongwriterPatries Report | 08/02/2016 6:21 am
*hugs* whee whee
How have you been? =D
SongwriterPatries Report | 07/30/2016 9:28 am
Thank you so much for the card =D It just arrived!
And it looks so pretty 4laugh


art ig

