
"Let me feel one more time what it feels like to feel alive
And break these callouses off of me one more time"

Let's see, a general outline of me? Hmm. Well, my name is Kristie. I'm 20 years old. I'm tall, am forcing myself to grow out my dark brown hair, have had glasses for about as long as I can remember, and have eyes that like to change colors between blue and green. I've played piano since I was seven, and violin since I was nine. I'm in the process of immigrating to Canada, but I grew up in the United States. Next fall I'm planning on starting college training in order to become a Vet Tech. I have three cats: a five-year-old calico named Cookie, an eleven-week-old Egyptian Mau mix kitten named Anakin Skywalker (we call him Ani), and a ten-week-old American Shorthair mix named Jazu. I'm pansexual with a general tilt towards lesbianism. My fiancee and I have been together for nearly four years now--thus the reason I'm moving to Canada. My papers haven't gone through yet, so I am currently without a work permit and health insurance. My baby works and supports all of us in this tiny one room apartment, and I sit at home by myself being a generally purposeless "housewife." It doesn't suit me.

This is where the notice to my friends on Gaia comes in; I apologize for my prolonged absence, but I'm finding it difficult to be social. I believe that I may be developing minor clinical depression, and without health insurance, the only "meds" I have at my disposal are forced daily walks in the sunshine, music, and human contact (whenever I can muster up the motivation to engage in it). I still care about all of you, but it may be awhile still until I can get myself and my emotions working properly again. Right now my biggest focus is on trying to to keep myself away from self-destructive behavior, as I have a tendency to engage in self-mutilation and otherwise mentally unhealthy practices when I feel purposeless for extended periods of time. I'm doing mostly okay with that; my last big slip-up was in May, but it's something I have to be careful about. Anyway, I am sorry that I've basically vanished off of the side of the Earth, but I need to bring myself back to life before I can promise to resurrect my friendships.

Take care,

~Miniji, October 19th. heart

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Viewing 12 of 30 friends


Musings of the Morbid Maiden Miniji



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Higher form of porn

Report | 10/31/2008 5:27 pm

Higher form of porn

i love you <3
Higher form of porn

Report | 06/20/2008 9:11 am

Higher form of porn

Miss Kupi

Report | 06/11/2008 1:14 am

Miss Kupi

You're not really anywhere lately. User Image

Sorry I was in such an awful mood the other day. User Image Just been a lot of fighting at home with James that's made everything all crappy and bleh. D; Stressing me out.
Miss Kupi

Report | 06/04/2008 11:31 pm

Miss Kupi

Canada: Where current events take a week or two to process.

Name change was ages ago duh. User Image Ohwell.

You back?
Miss Kupi

Report | 05/14/2008 11:22 am

Miss Kupi

Yeah, they'll probably be yanked from the Cash shop after prom. Idk. about the ones in Ian's shop, but probably.GOod luck buying them all. User Image They're priceyyyyyyy. I probably have enough to buy one of the ones from the Cash shop. Idk. I actually saw some of the Cash cards at Wallmart yesterday. User Image But it was $25 and I don'tr eally want to start paying for pixels~~~ The card was neat, though.

That guy sounds creepy. O.o One of our neighbors left a weird toy-lawn mower by our porch for Malachi. I'm not sure who did it, either. xD;;;;; People are nice enough in the neighborhood, but it's still creepy.

Anduh, shouldn't your landlord be responsible for that crap himself? User Image I mean, we're responsible for mowing but it's 'cuz we rent a house. I've never lived in an apartment that made the tennants mow. O_O; (How would that even work? User Image "Your responsible for this 4 foot square, and 4b is responsible for that square, and 4c gets that one.." wink
Miss Kupi

Report | 05/13/2008 9:53 pm

Miss Kupi

Yeah, I like all the new dresses. x3 I think I have one or two of them, Idk. Probably buy others later on.

Grrrrl, u needs a tan liek bad. User Image Can't go to the prom looking as pale as a ghost!
Miss Kupi

Report | 04/02/2008 8:25 am

Miss Kupi

zomgusing gaia again? User Image

I got an extra Easter egg for you because I thought you wouldn't get one. T_____T;; but u don't needed it.
Bobby Disco

Report | 01/05/2008 7:31 pm

Bobby Disco

You haven't gotten commented in forever. User Image

Report | 12/19/2007 2:58 pm


Thank you for selling it so cheap! User Image

Report | 11/01/2007 7:42 pm


You like The Labyrinth too? User Image It has been one of my all-time favorite movies since I was little. :nod: User Image

Aww, you're very sweet and kind! X3 <3 Thank you for helping me out as much as you did, I couldn't have done it without you. And it was really no trouble at all, everyone was trying to help out those who needed it and were getting zero respect. That's a no-go. XD

Thanks! Good luck to you in the event as well! As soon as I have some time off and my computer decides to behave itself we should do battle. User Image <3


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