
Lady_Abraxas's avatar

Last Login: 01/16/2011 12:25 pm

Registered: 01/12/2008

Gender: Female

Location: Galway, Ireland

Birthday: 07/30

Occupation: Student.


The Universal Declaration Of Human Rights


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Lady Abraxas's journal


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About me, Rants and Random stuff

What to write? Silly, really...I'm supposed to be a writer; yet when it comes to writing about myself, my fingers freeze.

As I said up above, I'm a writer. Right now I have four projects going on. Two solo and two with other writers. xHawkstarx and Roy Symphonia.

You'll notice my profile is very simple. This is because I do not get along with computers. At all. I do dabble in Photoshop, of course it ends with me shouting "what the heck did I just DO?" about half the time. I'm getting better, slowly. XP

Video games...ah. I love video games. Left for Dead, Castle Crashers and World of Goo are my favorites right now. I do like the Halo soundtrack, but suck at playing the actual game.

I love to learn about different cultures. I'm interested in anthropology and sociology. I also have some interest in Therianthropy.

Taking walks with friends
Playing Volleyball with friends
Taking freezing showers in summer and sauna showers in winter. Mediocre showers for fall and spring. XP

People who say things just to get a reaction, not because it's their real opinion
People who do things just to be a rebel, not because they want to
people who refuse to even try to understand other people/cultures
People who harm animals for their own enjoyment (You are a dead human! Just wait…)

Personality: Hmm…Kind, compassionate, stubborn, loyal, sarcastic AND sardonic, sharp/intelligent, sometimes quick to anger, and Empathetic.

Although I am empathetic; I will not heap pity on you. I will try to help you though. I don't like seeing people in pain. Actually I don't like seeing animals in pain either.

Yeah, really, really random. So, anyway, feel free to comment. I
won't bite your head off, promise. Even if you disagree with what I believe, I won't bite your head off. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Just be polite about it. XD


Your aquarium is undergoing maintenance!

Stalk my conversations!

View All Comments

xHASHx Report | 10/23/2009 3:26 pm
im gonna kill you User Image
Alenisa Report | 08/23/2009 6:22 pm
I can't remember where I got them >.< sorry -.-
LegionOfCharacterz Report | 08/17/2009 2:01 pm
No problem :3 I don't mind random posts btw! :3 its all peace, love and occasionally rampage lmao!
LegionOfCharacterz Report | 08/17/2009 1:51 pm
I guess*** you just have to* Me and my typos lol
LegionOfCharacterz Report | 08/17/2009 1:50 pm
It's not an anime I don't think. It's a clip from Guilty Gear. Not sure which one lol I just you just have to look up "Guilty Gear Jam fight scene" or something lmao
Pocket Nerd Report | 08/13/2009 11:11 pm
Pocket Nerd
Thanks! That truly means a lot!
Pocket Nerd Report | 08/13/2009 10:55 pm
Pocket Nerd
When we can get the money to be together.

Right ow he is in London and I the US.
Keiko Tamaka Report | 08/12/2009 1:51 pm
Keiko Tamaka
thanks! smile
Soulless_Shane Report | 08/07/2009 8:57 pm
thanks... cool
RockstarRaccoon Report | 07/31/2009 10:23 pm
happy yesterday.


The Keeper of the Center Fire is my Teacher. He shows me the Way.

Learn new words and help stop world hunger!!


"If you call one Wolf, you call the pack." -Bulgarian proverb.

"The strength of the Pack is the Wolf and the strength of the Wolf is the Pack." -Rudyard Kipling

"A girl is a person who screams at the mouse and smiles at the wolf." -Shyam Kapoor

"A child is a curly dimpled lunatic." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

"There are no seven wonders of the world in the eyes of a child. There are seven million." -Walt Streightiff

"Dogs believe they are human. Cats believe they are God." -Author Unknown

"Oh, you mean my pilot's license? That's out back in the Cessna. Or perhaps you're referring to my license to kill. Revoked. Trouble at the Kazakhstan border. I could give you the details but then I'd have to kill you, which I can't do because my license to kill has been revoked." -Shawn, from Psych

"Wow... Dad. Tell me you're wearing that shirt because someone has to spot you from space." -Shawn

"Hang on Doogie. Where'd you get that juice box and does it come in grapalicious?"

Lassiter: If I find you anywhere near this case, I will throw every book I find at you.
Shawn: What if you find the Bible? You gonna throw that too? Seems a little sacrilegious to me, don't you think?

"All the stories are fictions. What matters is which fiction you believe." -(Children of the Mind)

"Knowledge is just an opinion that you trust enough to act upon." -(Children of the Mind)

"I am not violent,
I am not malicious.
I am a result."
-Death, The Book Thief

"Dance is two hours' of childbirth every
weekday evening at eight and Saterday
matinee!" -The Wizard's Dilemma

"You killed my father, your a** is mine!"

For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.

Speak gently to my Guardian
Don't raise your hand against me
For she is fast to take offense
And to mercy she won't agree

I ask for too much

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Find your Celestial Choir

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“Those who know the truth are not equal to those who love it”-Confucius

“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.”-Martin Luther King, Jr.

“There is nothing permanent except change.”-Heraclitus of Ephesus

“To live anywhere in the world today and be against equality because of race or color, is like living in Alaska and being against snow”-William Faulkner

"To be equal does not mean you have to be the same.”-Eva Burrows

“I like the religion that teaches liberty, equality and fraternity.”-B. R. Ambedkar

You Are a Cougar

You have more strength than most people, and with it, the ability to inflict a lot of harm.
Your power gives you confidence, and you find leading others to be easy.

You believe that you need to the best, and you are very driven to excel.
Most people immediately admire you, but some people feel very envious of your abilities.

You have more strength than most people, and with it, the ability to inflict a lot of harm.
Your power gives you confidence, and you find leading others to be easy.

You believe that you need to the best, and you are very driven to excel.
Most people immediately admire you, but some people feel very envious of your abilities.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights Thread (CLICK IT)