
lady_shale's avatar

Registered: 10/13/2007

Location: In the darkness!!!

Occupation: writer, part-time counselor/therapist/psychiatrist, professional eccentric

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This is pretty much just whatever I feel like putting here...


  • Peelunger Pounder[120]
  • Gramster Gladiator[121]
  • Lawn Gnome Clipper[122]
  • Lawn Gnome Mower[123]
  • Mushroom Cannon Thumper[128]
  • Air Fluff Deflater[131]
  • Air Fluff Decimator[132]
  • Garlic Picker[134]
  • Laceback Bootsnake Skinner[140]
  • OMG That Hurt[143]
  • Clutch Holder[146]
  • Taiko Drum Banger[152]
  • Kokeshi Doll Trickster[158]
  • Goof Course[221]
  • Gnoman's Land[222]
  • Close the Barn Door![223]
  • Durem Blockade[224]
  • Hallowed Ground[246]
  • Ranch Hand[250]
  • Barton 3[251]


Hey all, Shale here.
Had a job. Lost it...sad face. Need a new one.
I love reading, video games, writing, and music, along with many other things.
I honestly have no specific career I wish to dedicate myself to; I want to do a little bit of everything!
I live in Minnesota, though I'm thinking of moving at some point because it's just too cold for my taste.
I try to be a nice person and get along with people, but I can be an a** sometimes. Sorry if I am.
I'm know to have inexplicably random mood swings, so please try to bear with me if it happens, and I apologize ahead of time.
If all you want is to be friends, or even just talk, that's perfectly fine with me! But if you'd like more...well, let's just see how things go.
If there's anything else you want to know, please ask!
I love to meet new people and to have conversations, so feel free to randomly talk to me anytime!


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xXMaliceWolfXx Report | 12/21/2011 3:34 pm
*Staaaaaare* 0_0
xXMaliceWolfXx Report | 04/18/2011 5:08 pm
Happy almost Easter big bro!
Forgotten Silversin Report | 03/03/2011 6:28 pm
Forgotten Silversin
MM nice profile like the simplistic of it.
xXMaliceWolfXx Report | 01/29/2011 8:34 am
Update your 'About' thing. <3 Sami
pmandev Report | 08/30/2010 3:39 pm
cool avi
xXMaliceWolfXx Report | 08/11/2010 9:59 am
Happy Birthday, Bro! Miss you!
paper giraffes Report | 05/05/2010 10:02 pm
paper giraffes
          Hee, why thank-you!
Lord_IsaBella Report | 12/07/2009 6:39 pm
hey ... sorry i havnet commented back.. i hope ur doing good.! its snowing here now! hehe whatcha doing *glomps and kisses cheek* gots a gf yet.. i gots a bf im really happy..
Lord_IsaBella Report | 10/19/2009 9:07 am
i know i heard.. damn snow lol .. anyway hows my jon jon i missey u osoo much!!!! i wish i was back there in minnesota with u !!!
Lord_IsaBella Report | 09/29/2009 11:59 am
Im alright .. waiting to get my passport. hows life with u ?


[center:213e3c307d]"A pineapple? But a pineapple just doesn't make sense. I mean, it would rot or something, right?"[/color:213e3c307d]
It's a show about a talking sponge; it's not supposed to make sense![/color:213e3c307d]


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