

LadyRavenFrost's avatar

Birthday: 10/23

Feel The disease

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What Raven Wears

Ravens Wishe's


obscenities that man has created, the corruption, the pollution, all these must be annihilated, nature will reclaim its dominion, the Earth will breathe again; but first must come the apocalypse. Im the one called the Reaper.....This is what shall happen to mankind.....and no one can stop it from happening...not long as Im around.

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These obscenities man has created the corruption the pollution all these must be annihilated nature will reclaim its dominion the earth shall breath again....But first must come the Apocalypse.

Ravens Music

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Ravens Bio For Dark Hunter

Code Name:Raven Nemesis Frost
Name: Raven Frost
Race: Master Vampire
Family: The Nemesis Clan ( Vampires that have lived for hundreds of years They are know to shape shift and to be very powerful with there power usages)
Heratige: Latin
Relatives: Mother NightShade Father Deacon Frost Uncle Anubis.
Personality: Dangerous can be Insane at times. good sense of humor and kind even though it dont show much.'
Likes: Kill Any that get in her way Hunting Down The people That has cursed her.
Dislikes: Hunters depending. People that get in her way. Seeing her family hurt.
Class: Shifter
Type biggrin ancing Alchemist
strength: ***
__Power: ******
__Speed: ***
__Agility: ******
____Skill: ******
Element biggrin arkness
Skills: First Aid, Poison brewery, Polearms skills, Martial arts
Family Skills: shape shifting, hunting,ninjistu,Acrobats,Dancing, Hellfire
Weapons: Scythe (Loki) Claws, Poison Alchemist.
Wall of Bats: Bats form around her blocking small attacks thrown at her.
Swarm of Blood Bats: Cutting her self throwing blood out forming bats that swarm the person to hold them off.
Guard:the Madly Dancer: Using Acrobatics and shadow steps to dodge attacks.
Guard:Ice hands: she waves her hands in the direction the person is hitting it forms small thick ice walls stopping them from hitting the person.
The Madly Blossom. ( depends how much energy she puts out determines how big the swarm will be and how deadly.)
Blossom Breeze: A wide spread swarm of cherry blossoms that cuts the body with a thousand slashes is steadily sent toward the enemy, on a swift wind. ENERGY COST 2 POWER POINTS
Blossom Gust: A spread swarm of cherry blossoms that slices the body with a thousand slashes is quickly sent toward the enemy, on a strong wind. ENERGY COST 3 POWER POINTS
Blossom Gale: A concentrated swarm of cherry blossoms that shreds the body with a thousand slashes is special sent toward the enemy, on a powerful gale. ENERGY COST 4 POWER POINTS
SPECIAL:Blossom Storm: A massive all consuming wind of cherry blossoms that blazes with dark power is sent at the enemy, barraging them like a great river of blades.

Icey Thorns
Short Vines: Sends vines with sharp thorns into the ground to spout out of the Skill Zone to block attacks and slash nearby enemies or Surround them from below and close in on them, piercing the body, binding them, and incasing them in ice. Can be charged up to 3 turns with the vines being able to reach the extra distance of half a zone, per turn. Vines can be cut, but uses the enemies turn to do it. ENERGY COST 1 POWER POINT
Balanced Vines: Sends vines with sharp thorns into the ground to spout out of the Agility Zone to block attacks and slash nearby enemies or Surround them from below and close in on them, piercing the body, binding them, and incasing them in ice. Can be charged up to 3 turns with the vines being able to reach the extra distance of half a zone, per turn. Vines can be cut, but uses the enemies turn to do it. ENERGY COST 2 POWER POINTS
Long Vines: Sends vines with sharp thorns into the ground to spout out of the Speed Zone to block attacks and slash nearby enemies or Surround them from below and close in on them, piercing the body, binding them, and incasing them in ice. Can be charged up to 3 turns with the vines being able to reach the extra distance of half a zone, per turn. Vines can be cut, but uses the enemies turn to do it. ENERGY COST 3 POWER POINTS
SPECIAL: Blizzard Thicket: Uses a version of Icy Thorns on all three zones that blaze with dark power,simultaneously and engulfed by a powerful blizzard.

Elemental Whip
Fire Whip: A Flaming thorny vine whip forms out of her fingers and she whirls it around herself burning all that comes near. Causes minor burn damage. ENERGY COST 3 POWER POINTS
Miasma Whip: A spiky thorny vine whip that drips sap forms out of her fingers and she whirls it around herself, slashing all that comes near. can poison enemies. ENERGY COST 4 POWER POINTS
Icey whip: An icey thorny vine whip forms out of her fingers and she whirls it around herself, freezing all that comes near. Causes major numb damage and freezes the enemy's blood, slowing the respiratory cycle, cutting the enemy's strength by one star, can't cut enemy's strength a second time. has opposite affects one enemies who draw power from water. ENERGY COST 5 POWER POINTS
SPECIAL biggrin emon Whip: uses all three types of elemental whip combined int a powerful whip that causes all three status effects and blazes with dark power.

Bloody Rose: a gun she rarely Summons up that can knock your head off your shoulders. energy cost 18

Comments From Ravens Friends

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Rennefar Report | 06/16/2011 1:58 pm
*nomes on clothes.*
Rennefar Report | 05/15/2011 1:45 pm
*pokes* we are moveing within a week :3
Rennefar Report | 04/10/2011 9:32 pm
I am moveing about a hour away from were we live now. its pretty much a village sicen its only about 150 people liveing there.
Rennefar Report | 04/05/2011 3:47 pm
doing good, im getting ready to go back to collage, still looking for a job and my mom and I are going to be moveing hopefully around the end of the month, if everything goes well.
Rennefar Report | 03/28/2011 6:08 pm
hello. biggrin im doing good, not up to much. you?

Lady Raven Nemesis Frost

Mother NightShade
Normal Form

Mother NightShade second form

Sister Luna
Innocent Form

Sister Luna
mad form

Family Crest

Father Deacon
normal form

Father Deacon
Second Form

Brother Alucard
Normal Form