I think you kids should leave a comment.



My name is Lars

and I'm deathly serious about all this.

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I am the master of deception.

Clearly Kitty didn't approve of your f**-bag.

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These adorable little specimens are my ******** toys.
Love them, but do no touch.

WAIT. Scratch that. You get the bottom two. I get the top two.

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Purdy Pudding Report | 07/01/2009 4:35 pm
Purdy Pudding
I find your photography very intense and surreal.
CROCODILE ALLIGATRORE Report | 11/30/2008 2:52 pm
'rest up it isnt'?
CROCODILE ALLIGATRORE Report | 11/30/2008 2:37 pm
i kindof would if that was you in your signature
dilettante iconoclast Report | 08/17/2008 11:47 am
dilettante iconoclast
it's definately an lol situation. P:

i know!
it blows, but my summer starts earlier. >:3
dilettante iconoclast Report | 08/14/2008 3:46 pm
dilettante iconoclast
my trust, my friend's trust.
i don't trust people very lightly, and the little i give out should be treated with respect, not thrown about like a dirty old doll.
i'm beyond any level of vehemence that i've been in a while.
it was hard to even face her today at school, in class and at lunch.
i wanted to tear her apart from the inside and use her insides for christmas decorations.
but, my firend told that she wanted to talk to her first because it was her mother that my friend ratted to.
so, i'm very paitently awaiting my time to pounce.

my weekends are always amazing biggrin
it's me, what else would you expect?
dilettante iconoclast Report | 08/13/2008 6:35 pm
dilettante iconoclast
haha, : P
I spent the weekend with a friend of mine and drank rum to my crippling heart's desire.
Partied, went to a show, basically did the normal thing.
I do this almost every weekend, with the same friend, but we always have different guests over.

Unfortunately, we had one of our oldest friends over and she broke under the pressure of the number one rule: "Everything and Anything that happens within this circle, REMAINS within our circle."

It's not going over well. :]
dilettante iconoclast Report | 08/10/2008 8:16 pm
dilettante iconoclast
wait, you're a 40 yr old maan?

the world is great currently, i'm a little worn out from this past weekend, but otherwise i'm great : D
dilettante iconoclast Report | 08/06/2008 7:22 pm
dilettante iconoclast
like you could scare me. ;p

lawl, don't make fun of me!
dilettante iconoclast Report | 07/22/2008 11:35 am
dilettante iconoclast
and why haven't you come to sex up my world?
geez :[
oh well, i guess comments make up for it; i feel special that you actually sent me one. ;]

yeaah, i forgot about it for a while to, i was always off, out and about; had better things to do and all that such.
dilettante iconoclast Report | 07/16/2008 5:34 pm
dilettante iconoclast
where have you been?!