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Lunamra Report | 02/16/2011 8:59 pm
Heyya, time for my semi-annual reply! ;D

Abigail turned out to be a girl, and she will be two on July 4th. And yea, it is pretty nifty. We saw her most recently for Christmas.
And DEAR LORD. Lava is a Mr. Smarty Pants! Your courses would be a nightmare to me. I'm glad you're keeping up with them though, it must be hard work. Pharmaceutical sounds interesting, and regardless of which road you travel down I am sure it will be most fulfilling. Publix cant be that bad though, and I am sure your pay is good now that you have been there for so long.

Right now I work in Walmart, the Electronics dpt. And I am doing well in Valencia. I admit though, I did withdraw from a class this semester. Spanish. It's my own fault really. I made the horrid choice of going at 8am, and between work and my other classes, I just fell so behind. Then again, that sounds pretty lame compared to the stress you must go through with your classes. My second semester though, so I wont be falling to far behind I hope. And eeek, 21! I turn it in March, and I have NO idea on what to do. I don't really drink, only if we have Christmas parties to attend. Even then I prefer wine, I can't handle the hard stuff. I like those ubber fruity things. So, probably wont be getting drunk on my 21st. I've become addicted to video games too. Right now I have a ps3 but am dieing to get another xbox. Dragon Age 2 comes out the day after my bday, so instead of getting drunk for my day, I'll probably be lame and retreat to my game cave lol.

Umumumumum, what else? Still living with the parents, filed taxes for the first time (I owe wtf), painting the house currently, with boyfriend for almost four years now. I'm still fat x__x.

That's about it really, gonna go jump on the ps3 now, toodles! And oh, if you happen to have one my name is PiratexAlien if you would like to add me.
Lunamra Report | 10/26/2010 4:20 am
Girl smile
The family decided on the name Abigail, and we stuck with it too. And mhm, has not been to bad. The first year we saw her about 3 times. So pretty nifty. And dear lord, hard work but good profession! And hey, Publix isnt a bad place. I hear you guys do not get any discount on items, but the money is decent, right? Valencia is going well, started in August. Working at Walmart right now, almost a year now. I havent actually gotten a CNA job yet, mainly because Walmart has been so good to me. Turning 21 in March! (scary) thinking of going tandem skydiving ;D.

How much longer do you have with school? And having no time now pays off later when you have your career. Exactly, what are you aiming for? Lol, and yea, I think we say hi every four to six months now? Took me awhile to remember the pw.
Lunamra Report | 05/07/2010 4:14 pm
That would be interesting, lol. I'm ehhh, I got fat sad lol

So our paths cannot cross until I lose weight, that way you cannot laugh at my fatness!

I hardly ever come on..haven't in months. I have a few of the friends on Facebook now. Andrew, Chelsea, Mander, Faith. We hardly talk, but we make little comments now and then about each other via facebook, so it's still nice.

Working at Walmart, TRIED Publix, but they denied my butt lol. Ahhhh, I had a baby July 2009...however, due to situations and what not we gave her up for adoption. So that would be the biggest news. Open adoption however, so we see her throughout the year. The family lives in Winter Park, like a 10 minute drive from me. I got a CNA license, trying to shoot for Valencia but having trouble with the Financial Aide x_x
Lunamra Report | 11/07/2009 8:46 pm
Hello, how are you?
I probably havent talked to you in oh, a year?
I went to Publix today and was like, I wonder if I will ever randomly run into Lava? Then again, Im not to sure how I would even know it was you unless you dressed up like you avatar...now THAT would be interesting.
In any case, what is new in the life of Lava?
Mizz Faith Report | 10/15/2009 6:17 pm
Thank you so much ^_^ Nothing much is up, besides the wedding and baby biggrin I'm pressed for time tonight, got so much to do, but I'll try to write asap. Thanks for the well wishes again and hope you're doing well!
Mizz Faith Report | 06/11/2009 8:02 am
Thank you so much! *hugs* How are you?
Chelsaphobia Report | 05/25/2009 8:17 pm
Chelsaphobia Report | 05/22/2009 7:06 pm
I know this is really really late, I haven't been on Gaia in a longggg time.

but Happy Birthday. :]

Mizz Faith Report | 05/01/2009 8:39 am
Happy early birthday!
Mizz Faith Report | 04/12/2009 3:47 pm
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Last Login: 07/12/2022 5:55 pm

Registered: 09/30/2004

Birthday: 05/02


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