
lawbreakerfoxy's avatar

Last Login: 03/29/2013 5:33 am

Registered: 09/01/2008

Gender: Female

Location: St. Louis, MO

Birthday: 11/22

Occupation: Trying to earn some more freetime DX


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Life is a present, it's like a matryeshka filled with absurdity.
And even if you open all it's dolls, you won't find anything but pain.

Don't let my avatar's appearance detract from what I'm saying; It suffers from a multiple personality disorder.



Hey there. I don't really know what to say live in the US...I have two annoying little sisters. I like to draw, write, and listen to music, as well as read.

I LOOOOOVE music. I play violin, play guitar, love to sing (even though i don't do it by myself when others are around), and I'd learn to play piano if i could multi-task like that with my hands. I can't play two different patterns at the same time XD. There is almost no song that i would hate, except for some little kid songs or if the person singing SUCKS. I like music with good lyrics/tune/beat, but genre makes no difference.

If you ask me, I'd say i'm pretty good at tekteking avatars. If you want to check some of mine out, go to tektek and type in my username.

Hmm, what else? As I stated above, I'm the oldest of three girls. I'm a perfectionist. Oh, I'm russian! I can speak english and russian fluently, and i'm learning german in school. I took marital arts. I <3 sushi. In case you hadn't yet noticed, I'm quite random. I look a dam* lot like my dad, but i'm similar to my mom as well (though not as much). I have very blue eyes. I haven't yet met anyone with bluer eyes than mine. I dance hiphop. Cursing? Do that, too. When I grow up, I'll probably be a lawyer (prosecutor, to be exact). My fave place to be is probably on my roof, even though I have a fear of heights. I love forests, especialy boreal forests. Probably has something to do with me being russian.

I was born in Minsk, Belarus - and for those of you who have no idea where that is, it's west of Russia (you know, the largest country on the map) and north of Ukraine (if you don't know where that is, start studying geography). I lived in Belarus for five years, and then moved to the northeast of the USA.

There's this one russian comedian, i don't know his name, but I LOVE his stories/jokes. He likes to say a bunch of racist stuff, but it's hilarious. Once he was talking about if the Earth was alive, what parts each country/continent would be. Russia would be the brain (and I love how he talked about that), and America was the stomach (and there's no point in arguing, 'cause we all know it's true).

Pride for the USA? Sorry, I lack that. Pride for Russia? Sure!
"'cause all will become one with Russia" --Ivan Braginsky (kolkolkol)
Yeah, I have little respect for the USA, and I guess Hetalia didn't help much ^.^;



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Dragon - tis me Report | 07/16/2013 11:47 pm
Dragon - tis me
You're gone, gone, gone away
I watched you disappear
All that's left is the ghost of you.
Now we're torn, torn, torn apart,
There's nothing we can do
Just let me go we'll meet again soon
Now wait, wait, wait for me
Please hang around
I'll see you when I fall asleep.

[rest well]
Dragon - tis me Report | 08/16/2011 2:18 am
Dragon - tis me
"I'm sorry," they said.
"Not as much as I am," Pi replied.
Muse Daughter of Zues Report | 07/30/2011 8:15 am
Muse Daughter of Zues
All of us will miss you.... forver. Why did you have to leave us? We need you, all of us do..... Why did you have to go?
A Logical Nonsense Report | 07/23/2011 3:27 pm
A Logical Nonsense
I miss you.
Muse Daughter of Zues Report | 07/22/2011 9:24 am
Muse Daughter of Zues
Hey Foxy! I'd like to know before I make my next post, is the capstan on the main deck, or below deck. I know of equally as many ships who have had it both below, and above deck. So I wanted to double check with you! It's just my own opinion that it will be really cool (since this is partly a mechanical ship, and although I don't know much about any kind of steampunk ships, I just think it would be cool) for it to come up out of the main deck's floor. But I'll let you deside! mrgreen So onceyou let me know, I can make my next post!
A Logical Nonsense Report | 07/18/2011 7:26 am
A Logical Nonsense
That's interesting. What about fireflies? I swear this year there's way more than normal.
And I say Guten Tag. Just to shake things up.
A Logical Nonsense Report | 07/17/2011 6:40 pm
A Logical Nonsense
And I say hi to Steev.
Wisconsin? Is it cold there because it's been really hot in St.Louis.
A Logical Nonsense Report | 07/17/2011 1:32 pm
A Logical Nonsense
I haven't seen you in awhile, how are you?
A Logical Nonsense Report | 07/17/2011 12:53 pm
A Logical Nonsense
A Logical Nonsense Report | 06/05/2011 7:58 pm
A Logical Nonsense
The hauted house one where its actually a girl living in the walls was the creepist of the creepy.
hmmm starships........ I'm not going to ask about those. Sounds interesting though. Then again, it is supernatural.
And slightly off topic, for the pirate rp are we just waiting for chandy to leave so we can make it poof daytime?

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