Leader Kassy's avatar

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Mistress of Spirits


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Kassy is a young woman, her features slim and average height with wavy black hair and shocking violet eyes.
Kassy is one to always be giving strangers the cold shoulder, sometimes even being cruel to those who push to make conversation with her. Her preferred form of communication is through battle- that's when her true colors come out. May she be losing or winning, the smile never wavers when she's having a battle. Instincts drive her and excitement takes over, there's never a dull moment when a challenger faces her.

In truth, she never planned on becoming a trainer- she used to be the kind of girl who was satisfied with only having Pokemon as friends. Kassy certainly never would have imagined becoming a Ghost Gym Leader- her parents had always specified in the Psychic types. The thought of a Ghost type being within even feet of her used to be her worse nightmare, but at the age of nine was when she met her first, true friend. The girl had an odd fascination with Ghost Pokemon, they were all she talked about. Despite the obvious differences, though, Kassy and the girl became the best of friends, but one day the friend disappeared. A young Yamask soon after the tragic loss came to Kassy, the Yamask becoming her very first partner.
Belief of the legends of the Yamask and the similar personalities between the Pokemon and the close friend, she named the Ghost type after her lost friend, Monica. The bond formed quickly and Kassy and Monica the Yamask became inseparable. She refuses to evolve her dear friend into a Cofagrigus, no matter what.
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