
"Are You Out of Your Vulcan Mind!?" - McCoy."

Hello, and welcome to my profile. I've finally gotten around to making it all spiffy. Hah. Anyways, my name is Croi. And for the record, that's Croi as in Cree. Not Croi as in Croy. Got it? I consider myself to be an advanced literate to elite roleplayer. And I say this because I possess quality and quantity in my writing. Hell, I've been writing for as long as I can remember. Since I was at least eleven. And my writing grew up with me, and I'm proud to be where I am as a writer. Writing is my outlet, and I'd rather choke myself out and die than have to go long without writing.

Getting down to the more personal stuff, I'm twenty years old. I was in college, but at the moment I am currently in between schools. I was not happy with the college I was attending, so I withdrew. Until I find the right school to transfer to, I'm just kind of hanging in a pseudo space of college-ness. Oh, yeah, and I like to make up words. It's alright, just go with it. I am currently single. Which is lame. I live in Florida, UNFORTUNATELY, and it's not fun. The air has weight to it because of the humidity. Seriously, I go outside and sometimes I try not to drown. Dear Florida, I am not a fish. Dammit. That is all.

I'm kind of weird. It's alright. Just go with it. I find personality wise, I fall between two things rather than lying on one side or the other. I'm kind of girly, and I'm kind of a tomboy. I'm kind of Republican, and kind of a Democrat. I have very complex theories of how the world works. Though I can't imagine why anyone here would need to know about the inner workings of my mind. xD. Oh well. This is me and this is what you get.

A little more personal, I am Wiccan. Or Neo-Pagan. Or a Witch. Whatever you prefer, really. I don't care. And no, I cannot turn people into frogs or fly on a broomstick anymore than you can. So don't ask, because it's really not funny. We do not worship the devil. In fact, Witches don't believe in the devil. Kind of hard to worship something we don't believe in, neh? Wicca is a nature based religion, believes heavily in karma, and it's a life long journey that takes constant learning and understanding. And our Magick is far different than the magic in the world of Harry Potter. Don't confuse the two. Because again, it's really not that funny. I am currently a solitary Witch, but that's mostly because I am not in the position to find or join a coven.

I'm kind of a weird person. I do weird things. Quirky things. Odd things. Awesome things. I create and code layouts (any type of layout you can think of) for fun. I still have to use dial up to get onto the computer (I know, you younger people just went....what's dial up? I hate you. xD.), so I cannot make graphics or watch youtube videos, or pretty much do anything that's a lot of fun. Lame sauce, I know. It's alright. I'm a dog person, not a cat person. I have a half toy chihuahua / half miniature pincher puppy named Jelly-Belly. She is my best friend. I herp derp. Every day, all day. When I'm not herp derping, I'm herping your derp. Every day, all day. Zombies make my world go 'round. Tangled is my favorite Disney movie. I listen to any kind of music you can think of with the exception of bluegrass and jazz. I love to laugh, I really do. I'm a really funny person, and I can probably make you laugh if you let me.

I'm not all sunshine and rainbows though. You see, I have this penguin. And his name is Larry. And I know what you're thinking. Oh my! I love penguins! They're so cute!! I just want to pet one. Well, I hate to break it to you, this penguin? Not so cute. Larry is my man eating penguin. I sick him on my enemies, and he is in fact helping me plot my brilliant plan to take over the world and become Croi the Overlord. So, watch out. Because I'm not above sicking him on you. And I know he looks cute right now, but I'm telling you...he's got crazy eyes. WHAT ARE YOU DOING!? DON'T LOOK STRAIGHT AT HIM! HE'S CRAZY.


Anyways, I have a fanfiction.net account. Username is Chika Croi. Look me up if you'd like to read some of my fanfiction. I have a layout and coding shop called CALLIGRAPHY and if you're looking for some layout work and some coding work done, please feel free to find that and order. I really can do any type of layout you can think of, I just don't do graphics. I also have a Quest Thread called ENCHANTED that has a ton of fun contest and events for you guys, as well as some gifts for donators. :3 My sample page is also floating around here somewhere, and once I get the graphic for my siggy, it'll be linked so you can take a look at that. My samples are all freshly squeezed, like orange juice. Only they taste better. Like plastic and oil. Because that's what your computer screen would taste like if you licked it.

Don't lick your computer screen, that's disgusting.

If you have anything you'd like to say, leave a comment. Just....seriously...watch out for Larry. I can't always control him. O.O!




Viewing 7 of 7 comments.


Report | 04/27/2013 10:57 pm


np wink
You had a good point
The Virgin Slayer

Report | 04/25/2013 7:07 am

The Virgin Slayer

Yay! I shall be on skype more often then. e w e
And Okay sounds like a plan!
The Virgin Slayer

Report | 04/24/2013 9:59 pm

The Virgin Slayer

I know! That i booty!

I was waiting for you all day!

And I have a skype, it is: Ms Sharra or MsSharra (forgot if they allow spaces for usernames)
The Virgin Slayer

Report | 04/24/2013 2:28 pm

The Virgin Slayer

It would be great if we had the same timezone!
I am on though!
I can't wait to hear it!
The Virgin Slayer

Report | 04/02/2013 1:24 pm

The Virgin Slayer

Yay! Make sure to PM me or link me somehow.
(Though I think I might post before you even do)
I know, I wanted to post, but it wouldn't let me. Q n Q

Stupid Internet.
Ooo~ I never heard of that internet before.
ovo Sounds cool though.
Ha ha, ya drawing is awesome. I would like to see one of your works if that's all right with you.

C-California! I live in California! May I ask the city?!!! sdfasjdnc! o u o

Oh yes, new art style,x and x.
Oh ya, It's hard for me to find a decent rp honestly. Then when I do, people either;
A) take forever to reply back
B) Become dead quickly
The Virgin Slayer

Report | 03/26/2013 9:12 am

The Virgin Slayer

Oh no, your fine your fine.
I was just saying that i was trying to find you. Cx
Ha ha, once I get some things done I actually plan on ordering from you once again! >w<
Ha ha, yes then I subscribed to the right thread! (I haven't been stalking you... > x > )

Aww, man. Well if you do get it up and running I would love to join!
And why have you not been on Gaia for the past months?

all right, art skills!
Ooo~ that is terrific!
I remember I loved reading the intro to the RP because of how beautiful it was. Q u Q
Moving? Wah!? To where and why?

I've been all right.
Not really the best time in my life, but definitely not even close to the worst.
Just a lot of issues.
I got a new art style!
And I have been joining a lot more RP's lately.... Cx
The Virgin Slayer

Report | 03/25/2013 10:18 am

The Virgin Slayer

Oh I am wonderful!
You don't know how long I have been trying to find you though. Cx
I lost track of your shop, So I tried searching in your old name (not knowing you had a new one), so when I looked back on my trades I found you!
Took me like 5 months though. Cx
So how are you?
Hows life?
Hows that one RP you wanted to start?


Chika Croi's Coding
User Image
If you find it hard to laugh at yourself, I would be happy to do it for you.