
Leiberry's avatar

Registered: 01/29/2007

Gender: Female

Location: Where am I? Hmm...


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"I really love to not be serious all the time, even when I am being serious."
~Matthew Thiessen (The H is silent.)


I AM: "a recluse."
I'M SCARED OF: "carelessly handled sharp objects."
I WANT: "my own place."
YOU'LL LIKE ME BECAUSE: "I will listen to you."
(One of) MY FAVORITE QUOTE(s) IS: "Love is not just about finding the perfect person, but creating a right relationship. A lasting relationship is not about how much love you have in the beginning, but how much love you build till the end."

Yeshua is the Lover of my soul.


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Narabellum Report | 06/30/2014 1:56 pm
Pffftttt I don't think I'm related to you at all!
hahahhaa jk jk XD
Totally whee
Narabellum Report | 06/08/2014 2:39 pm
Haha I get you C: Over time you just get tired of people in general, especially kids. They get to loud and whinny at times haha! Ohhh Kyra, I love her but.. yeah she gets outta hand at times. And being a tutor can get rough, since everyone has their own pace of learning.. some can be a bit slow at comprehension. heart Buts its summer! Take a break at times biggrin
Narabellum Report | 04/06/2014 11:32 am
The wolves here are pretty cool:3
Nice that's good that you gotta job
fits you cuz your so smart haha ^^
Narabellum Report | 03/18/2014 7:45 am
Hahaha yeahh! I had no idea you can actually change into animals 3nodding just trying it out smile
I'm so and so mrgreen How have you been?
Narabellum Report | 03/17/2014 5:31 pm
Heyyy Leigh xp been a while
Tantei_Saru3 Report | 10/18/2012 2:00 pm
For my main channel, once, maybe twice, but I'm talking about my SCC (SaveCaseClosed) channel, BEPplusSCC, and I've given that a decent whack, all in vain ;p But I'm starting a vlog, that's news to you lol things have happened in the last 2 weeks xD Oh, and I've gotten 4 animated promos on my BEP+ channel. Haven't really started on my main channel, the campaign takes priority, but I've written scripts for each channel, at least a couple of videos each.
Tantei_Saru3 Report | 10/02/2012 2:04 pm
Yeah, thank God for family and friends. But in other news, I'm taking another whack at my YouTube channel. Got 2 videos up in the last week or so.
Tantei_Saru3 Report | 09/24/2012 1:08 pm
No, YOU'RE the stranger xD And I'm good. Having fun, as usual, probab--maybe, possibly, you know xD
Tantei_Saru3 Report | 09/23/2012 2:56 pm
Hi-lo biggrin
Tantei_Saru3 Report | 07/31/2012 5:04 pm
..... That's true ;P AND EVIL!!!! xd



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