
Name: Leon Scott Kennedy
Age: 21(not in reality)
Height: 5'10
Hair Colour: Blonde
Jobs: R.P.D. (Racoon city police department), Government Agent

(before raccoon city was blown away...)

Day 1....
My names is Leon S. Kennedy, and I am one of the few survivors in Raccoon City. I'm able to contact the world because I found a lab-top....but it wasnt easy to get away from the "scientist", and im hiding out in a hotel, but I STILL havent checked all the rooms yet....who knows...maybe theres a few zombies here.... So I have armed myself, with whatever I can find, or use. I usually go outside the hotel looking for what survivors there are.... I'll be updating this daily. If theres anyone out there reading this....please...help me...and keep rooting for me...please, I need as much help as I can get...

Day 2....
Earlier today, I went outside to search for some survivors. I found one, but he was infected an hour before I got there. So I had no choice.... I found a survival knife in the army surplus store, so I kinda went in the basement looking for more weapons, but all I found were dead bodies, and maggots. But as I turned to leave I heard something behind me. I turned fast and pointed my Handgun to see an over-sized beetle. At first I didnt know what it was, but since I knew a few bullets wouldnt kill it, I ran up the stairs, and blocked the door. I went back outside, to go back to the hotel, when down the street I saw at least 17, zombies staggering toward me, so I ran through the alleys, shooting what ever staggerd to me. When I got to the hotel, I used the emergency switch at the counter, witch brang down metal bars, so the zombies wouldnt come in...I hope they hold long enough for help to arrive...

Day 3....
I went back down to the lobby, to check if the zombies were gone, they were nowhere in sight... So I went outside jogging around the city, searching inside cars, and houses. I searched a police car and found some body-armor, and a shot-gun. I put on the armor, just in case, and holstered the shot-gun on my back. Then as I was walking, something caught my eye, In a car there was hand-gun ammo. The window was rolled down about 4 inches. I Stuck my arm in the window and reached for the ammo, but my arm was grabbed by a zombie! I pulled my arm back quickly, but she ripped a part of my sleeve, but didnt scratch me. I aimed the shot-gun, like it was some sort of re-flex. The zombie was clawing at the window, and I pulled the trigger and glass shards went everywhere as half the zombies head went out the other window, blood squirted everywhere the decapitated part of the head would face. The corpse fell to the car floor. I hesitated to reach for the ammo, while looking at the corpse.... Then I holstered the shot-gun agains, stuck my hand through the now broken glass, and got the ammo pack. I later found a mootor cycle, hot-wired it, and drove it back to the hotel....

Day 4....
As usaual I went back outside, this time it was during the night... I checked my watch, it was 10:48. I was feeling a little more nervous, since it was dark. I hopped on the motor bike, turned on the head lights, and drove around, rather fast, doing my best to avoid any stopped cars. I saw a fair ammount of zombies, but I didnt bother with them, and continued driving. I stopped by MCdonalds, and parked the bike, walked up to the door. I tried turning the handel, on the door. Dont know why I bothered, I figured it'd be locked, so I broke the door window, with the handle side of the shotgun, and slipped inside. I looked around, no zombies... I hopped the counter, and walked to the back. I spotted the fries, and a burger, half made. I finished making the other half, dumped some fries in a little holder, and brang them to a seat. I managhed to eat the fries, and as I was about to finish the burger, I heard a loud bang from down the street. I dropped the burger piece, and looked through a window. I didnt see anything unussual.... Except the door was broken off of the army surplus store... "What happened there?". I heard heavy steps on the roof top. I took out the shotgun, and pointed it where the steps were coming from/going. Then all of a sudden they stopped. I waited for a moment, then I let down my gaurd..."how'd they get up there?" I thought for a moment, then saw a shadow on the ground, and felt 2 like sticks, rubbing my neck... I ran a few steps and turned, while pointing the shotgun, to see... The over sized beetle! "HOLY SH- -" The beetle jumped to the floor, shaking the resteraunt, I fell on my back, hitting my head. "AH" I started moving back, while still on the ground. The beetle looked up and let out some sort of a roar, the tried to attack me by falling on me! I held the shotgun side ways, stopping it from crushing and scratching and biting me, I pushed it to the side, as I rolled, and got up quick, turned and started firing. Off with one leg, then another and another. It fell to the floor screaming. I felt sorry for a moment, then I fired off its head. It stopped moving, as the green blood made me feel naucious. I ran back outside, and drove back to the hotel, wondering, what lay in store for me tomorrow....

Ok, im back, sorry it took me awhile but I can explain everything....it may take a few hours to explain. So, i'll put itin short sentences.... Captured, beaten, tests have been run(to see if I was still human), caged, beat up some gaurds to get out, jumped over the wall, hid under a truck being ported back to Raccoon City, found a new hideout with a newer computer, but with a rubber keyboard(so dont blame me if I cant type) so now I have to watch for those nrds, and the stinking un-dead! You may be wondering "why did he wanna go back?" Well its because im still searchin for survivors and to kill as many re-animated corpses as I can...
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Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

RPD_Leon S Kennedy XD

Report | 12/25/2008 5:24 am

RPD_Leon S Kennedy XD

hey leon wats up XD
CIairey Fairy

Report | 12/16/2008 9:09 pm

CIairey Fairy

Claire walks up to Leon smiling sadly "Hello Leon. Its been a while"

Report | 10/19/2008 3:18 pm


Long story, comrade! >.<;;;
Little Sherry Birkin

Report | 10/19/2008 11:30 am

Little Sherry Birkin

Good...except they arent happy with me going to Africa with Wesker...
Little Sherry Birkin

Report | 10/19/2008 11:26 am

Little Sherry Birkin

Yep =3 Im having a slumber party with Ada now. biggrin
Little Sherry Birkin

Report | 10/19/2008 11:12 am

Little Sherry Birkin

Hi Leon!How are you?

Report | 10/18/2008 7:46 pm


they have that? O.O uuuh...brb...*runs off to the store*

Report | 10/18/2008 7:19 pm


raw...bloody...cold meat

Report | 10/18/2008 7:03 pm


he has meat.....

Report | 10/18/2008 7:00 pm


he'd say no anyway.....i just want to be free and normal...have a family....but no! and i came across some wacked out stuff! i hould of killed wesker when i had the chance -_-


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