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PalinDarkSword Report | 02/04/2008 9:42 am
I dont belive so
PalinDarkSword Report | 01/10/2008 5:47 pm
nothing that I'd rather get into, beth can fill you in on my situation
MorieDeia Report | 12/25/2007 5:12 pm
Happy Christmas
PalinDarkSword Report | 12/17/2007 7:55 pm
I know the game well my friend, Being betrayed is one of the depest pains one can ever know but we cant let it consume us keep trucking keep smileing and one day someone will come along who is wothy of that smile and will give you their own in return :pats his sholder:You know I am here if you need to talk
Little patched kitty Report | 12/17/2007 11:04 am
Little patched kitty
::hugs:: I'm saying hi!!!
PalinDarkSword Report | 12/05/2007 10:13 pm
Deep thoughts Joe, looks like we have come across a simalar mentality, but we have to keep smileing for the sake of others no?

We have tasted a simalar dispare, welcome to liveing my friend, its not the most glamorus of things but its what we do eh?

Live and let live, I'll be seeing you around
Damian Itami Report | 12/02/2007 2:05 pm
Damian Itami
I'm not coming back.
MorieDeia Report | 12/02/2007 7:54 am
Hay how have you been. Hope things are going well for you.
shadowed_vampriss Report | 11/16/2007 5:24 pm
Hey!! Thanks for the wings... They're awesome! How are you doin today?
XxAmericanNightmarexX Report | 11/13/2007 3:30 pm
who the Bloody ******** are you

is there apoint to life?

Yes theres a point, every person on this earth was put here for a reason. Ive had plenty of time to think of this, and thats why I'm here today, i once thought of suicide but i know now that there are so many thing unexplored and undone.

So many thing that i want to see, do, and care about. People in my life that i care about would be devastated with the loss of me in their lives...Sometimes they don't show how they really feel, and i never understood that but usually when something happens to you by a loved one it means that there is something wrong with you, something that you are doing or not doing that you should or should not be doing. Ive come to realize that while not everyone may do something important to better man kind, you were put here to better someone, just as other people are here to better you.

I get easily irritated by other people, i find many people ignorant and many times it makes me extremely mad. Thats because they might not know whats going on or might not have the brightest ideas at times, I've done many things that i wish i could change time and a couple of relationships I've had. On the other hand i know that while i wish i could fix them i also know that everything i do is another learning experience, and maybe one day i can get it right.

Also think, how hard would it be on those you love to see a person they love perish in such an horrid way. What would you make them feel like, just because a series of bad events occurred doesn't give you the right to hurt other people like that. Everyone has their off times, some people just a few days, others weeks, but in the end its all something to learn from.

Sometimes i wonder why am I here, what am I going to do to better anyone or anything. I have in the past year personally discovered my own beliefs, and i may not pray everyday or study the bible feverishly, but i know that i feel stronger and better as everyday passes and God is with me. While i know that not all of my friends believe the same things i do or even believe in the same God, I know that if they should start to believe they will find strength and personal courage.

People you see as "enemies" today may be your friends tomorrow, don't even count someone as an "enemy" because under the Kingdom there is only one true enemy, the enemy of your soul, and life everlasting, and it is God and Jesus that will lead you strait, protect you from all that is evil and love you for who you are. Trust in yourself and you can do anything that you dream; I can, and I will.