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Former usernames (because I know you're all not wondering): Zenners, Kagehime Nakamura, Taeniophobia

Free 13-minute entertainment: (click)

DeviaSoul, Maieusiophobia, Gothic Lolita Shippy and I are planning on making a joint art shop, and we'll accept one or two more people. PM me if you're interested in joining.

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You just got marked on my map AND added to the counter, b***h.
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Note: Flames will be used for cooking meat pies. ;]

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No more picture for you.

Name: That's classified information :]
Aliases: Taeniophobia, Tae
Age: 14. Shut up.
Gender: Female, as masculine as I am.
Birthday: December 8th
Interests: Music, ponies, keychains, bracelets, bagels, spinach (YES. I like spinach.), nonconformists, art, Hitler (He was funny looking), Asians (They can do anything. ANYTHING (inside joke with DeviaSoul, ask if ya want to know about it))
Loathes: Religion, ponies, trucks, whores, spaghetti, broccoli, emo kids, art theft, George W. Bush, the Mexicans at my old middle school who reeked of STDs (Not all of them. There were only a few who reeked of STDs. So don't say I'm being racial.)
Fangirls/Fanboys: Yep. xX Winged_Horse Xx.
Nationalities: German, English, Irish and Native American. In that order.
Favorite bands/singers/artists: Retrospect and Marilyn Manson =D
Current mood: Deadish. ._.
Dreams for the future: Get a Doberman Pinscher and name it Herpes, get a yellow Vespa, visit Japan, France and Germany, die.
Forms of contact: Zantarni: Taeniophobia // MySpace: myspace.com/glacialisheart // YouTube: GlacialisHeart // HoboWars: Chuck Joe // Furcadia: Taeniophobia. My main alt is Heimlich Maneuver // deviantART: GlowInTheDarkNinja // Facebook: Ask for it. I'll send you the URL or something.
Random factoid s**t: 1) I'm 2 centimeters shorter than Allen Walker. I'm short like that. 2) My house can easily fit in between pixiedust867's two houses. Proof: (link) 3) My external hard drive is named Jasdero. I thought you'd all like to know that. 4) I love hair *_*
Current favorite quotes: "There's a whole world out there! And it's full of alcohol!"/ "That's one of the wonderful things about alcohol..." / "Jesus comes in many designer colors." / "I took handfuls and handfuls of drugs this morning, and they all kicked in at once, so it's like, whoa..."/ "I did have a dream she got attacked by molesting babies..."/ "You're such a great friend who knows how to cheer someone up using violence!" / "Your sandwich gave me strawberry AIDS!"

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Dream avvie:
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Status: Questing Ancient Katana and Dark Halo. Donate? I'll love you forever and all that happy s**t.

Future dream avvies [I made the one that IS here... pixiedust867 makes the rest of them]:
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Previous dream avvies [I'm slowly digging them up from the abyss of my YIM history] [made by pixiedust867; ninth made by me]:

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The Backpack-yasha
One day Emma was looking in her backpack for some manga she put in just that night. Having already been accused of losing her homework she knew something was up. Daring not to reach into her backpack alone she called her friend Daniell, of Ridgefield Wa, and explained to her the situation. Having determined that THE ONLY PLACE the manga could be was in the backpack they immediately launched an investigation. They met up the next day equipped with their backpacks and some makeshift manga.
The results of the test revealed the Backpack-yasha.
Certain studies revealed that it is in fact a living creature. Found deep in the backpacks of many un-organized students, populations seem to thrive in manga obsessed victims backpacks. The backpack-yashas appear spider like with bowties and party hats. The bodies of the yashas become hard and compact, so as to avoid the constant threat of textbooks. They have also adapted to hiding in the cluttered backpacks by developing dark coated skin. These multi-cellular organisms reproduce much like fish. Females (usually easy to distinguish by better tastes in hats) lay dust appearing eggs inside of backpacks.
The newborns can grow up to 8cm tall. Using a bendy straw, they easily devour unlikely amounts of pencils, important papers, homework (which appears to be a favorite), planners, and manga. They maintain a very high pulse rate and their fast metabolism allows them to maintain a relatively constant size by the amount they eat.
So next time you blame your student or child for their bad grades, missing work, or late assignments you better look in their backpack.

(Written by pixiedust867 and o--Amira--o)


Viewing 12 of 20 friends


Journal-like object



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Black Massaquerade

Report | 05/11/2011 4:11 pm

Black Massaquerade

cool avi
Mad King Ryan

Report | 07/30/2010 8:11 pm

Mad King Ryan

*is STILL using this new account* >_>;

Report | 12/09/2009 5:58 pm


Happy late birthday =3

Report | 12/07/2009 8:50 am


Happy Birthday from the Vashes United Guild!
Nen Echui

Report | 02/03/2009 4:36 pm

Nen Echui

Lol, The Veer union came to my school!


Report | 01/08/2009 8:16 pm


I fauking love your profile along with chur avi ;]

Ahh, you seem so amazeling...<3
Mad King Ryan

Report | 10/18/2008 10:27 am

Mad King Ryan

Just a reminder to everyone, I've moved to this account.

Report | 10/05/2008 9:26 pm


Yay potatoes! o~(^^o~)

Eh... What was the question again? =u=;
Mad King Ryan

Report | 10/03/2008 6:20 pm

Mad King Ryan

Okay, kiddies, here's the deal. *points to THIS account's about me section, not inactive account's*

Now refriend me.

Report | 09/30/2008 9:56 pm


I'm confused ... which account is working, Taeniophobia or Les Cr0we?

*smacks forehead ... trying to knock the cobwebs loose*


Pimp Squad for the win.
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#1 self-proclaimed Salmon x Strawberry fan of the A/M/C =D