
Lestat_isukumi's avatar

Last Login: 07/11/2011 6:17 pm

Registered: 03/18/2007

Gender: Male

Location: Outer Heaven.

Occupation: Zombie Hunter

Personal Website


About Moi

Salutations, mortal humans. My name is Holden, which is synonymous with awesome. I'm 5'7, have medium brown hair and like to wear a lot of black. Not because this makes me goth or punk or emo or any of that bull-vine excrement, but because I like it. It makes me look pale in contrast. I like being pale. My favorite color is green, but I like all colors except s**t -brown and piss-yellow. My favorite bands are The Cure, The Smiths, Rush and Sonic Youth. I would like to see any of these four, or even all four, before they die out (except the Smiths. They broke up in the 80s). I don't have the highest self-esteem ever and I suffer from clinical depression and social anxiety. I'm socially awkward in every possible way. Socially Awkward Penguin? That's me. I have experienced panic attacks because somebody's looked at me in the wrong way or somebody tries to talk to me. There are always exceptions, of course. There are some people that I can talk to without meeting them that I'm comfortable around. Examples include: my girlfriend, Brittany. Not that you care that I'm happy and in a relationship with a wonderful girl, whom I love very much, but I'm happy and in a relationship with a wonderful girl, whom I love very much. Anywho, she muh-muh-muh-muh-makes me haaaaaappy. Moving on, I hate children and love lamp. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.


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Amanda_Panda666 Report | 01/21/2017 7:45 pm
Hey! It's been a long a** time and I've seen you haven't been on in a while but I'm just saying hey! Miss chatting with ya!
Hypnotic Squid Report | 10/21/2011 1:16 pm
Hypnotic Squid
I know you don't get on here anymore, and I know we don't talk that much anymore, but I wanted to let you know, that I miss you like crazy. :/
Hypnotic Squid Report | 07/18/2011 4:29 pm
Hypnotic Squid
Honey pot doesn't talk to me on here anymore sad
Hypnotic Squid Report | 06/24/2011 7:22 am
Hypnotic Squid
I told you already, lol. I love you honey pot. heart
Hypnotic Squid Report | 06/23/2011 10:27 am
Hypnotic Squid
I'm grounded. sad
Hypnotic Squid Report | 06/23/2011 8:56 am
Hypnotic Squid
Aww I just read your about me! I love you honeypot. heart
Hypnotic Squid Report | 06/21/2011 5:03 pm
Hypnotic Squid
I know I know. Thank you. smile
Hypnotic Squid Report | 06/21/2011 12:26 pm
Hypnotic Squid
No baby smile I've got 4k now. And I'm about to play games, so I'll be okay. Thank you though. <3
Hypnotic Squid Report | 06/21/2011 12:15 pm
Hypnotic Squid
No baby smile I've got 4k now. And I'm about to play games, so I'll be okay. Thank you though. <3
Beautiful Sonata Report | 06/21/2011 11:47 am
Beautiful Sonata
Well, whenever you want to play, come get me. im on mostly all the time, so you wont be bothering me lol
Hypnotic Squid

Dis gurl raht hurrr, *****. She is my love and represents all that is good in my life. Just throwing that out there.