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katie_degrassiforever's avatar

Report | 09/25/2012 10:40 pm


Hey, I'm soooo sorry that I haven't been on. I've been so busy with work, and after work I'm so tired, that I don't even get on. But I had today off, and I also have tomorrow off! Whoo! biggrin What else is Amy doing now??? And yeah, she is nuts! She's been flipping me off, and threatening me too! I'm so fed up with her crap! crying I called the cops on her yesterday afternoon, after she threatened me. And I don't know what happened after that. But, I heard she's leaving Thursday, to go back to rehab.
sweet_shygirl19's avatar

Report | 09/25/2012 10:07 pm


I forgive you. I know, with all the drama, it has put tension on us, so much that it's hard to know everything that happened, cause Amy kept starting even more drama than there needs to be. I've been DONE with Amy since the last time I told her to stop harrassing you and I. Now I'm even MORE FURIOUS with Amy for saying that I got into a "car accident and that I'm unconsious." Thanks for telling me that. Allyson also told me that Amy said that. So, over this drama.

And yeah, Allyson did talk to me about how you and I should meet up. And we totally should. Talking everything out, and starting fresh will be good, Allyson's right. And I will have to let you know when, cause we should totally go get lunch or go bowling or something. But, it will have to be when I have money. And than we will make a day to do that. Promise.

Yeah, I'm doing better. I'm just completely stressed that I'm broke, and that work hasn't been scheduling me. But, I did apply at 3 other places today, so I'm on a role. And thanks, I am keeping my head up and thinking positive. I'm NOT going to GIVE UP on getting a new job!

And I'm sorry that Amy and her cousin got into your account, by hacking their way in. But, they won't be able to now! Allyson will tell you over fb. And I hope that things will get better for both you and I.
sweet_amazinggirl18's avatar

Report | 09/25/2012 7:50 pm


You're so totally welcome. And I totally will. Your new account will be amazing cause Jessica and I are working on it, together! Whoo!! And only you, me, and Jessica will be the one's to get into it. And Jessica and I will save the info, but won't get into it, with out your permission. Love you too girly! heart And thanks, I'm super excited for it. We are going to decide the date when he comes home. And than we will start planning a lil bit and add on. And we are both saving our money and combining to have the wedding, and for the stuff we need, and also to get an apartment too.
sweet_amazinggirl18's avatar

Report | 09/24/2012 10:20 pm


Yeah. I don't blame you for being angry. Jessica's angry too, and so am I. Hey, so Jessica and I were going to delete Amy off your your friends list, and fix up your profile that Amy messed up. But, we couldn't get in, cause you changed your username and password, which we don't blame you for doing that at all. If you want us to fix up your profile, message me the username and password via facebook. And it'll stay between you, me, and Jessica. And we will be the only one's who will be fixing it if you want us too. No body else. That's only when me and Jessica will go it, to fix it up. The other times, it's all yours.
sweet_amazinggirl18's avatar

Report | 09/24/2012 4:54 pm


I totally will. And your welcome. Oh, and Katie says hi. She's sorry she hasn't been on much. With taking Amy's shifts while Amy has been away, she's really busy and to tired to come on.
sweet_amazinggirl18's avatar

Report | 09/24/2012 4:43 pm


I'm totally going to call her mom tomorrow and tell her everything. And I'm going to go to Jessica's house tonight. I'm actually staying the night over there. If you want us too, we will make you a new account. That should totally help you out. And if Amy has your email, we will make you a new email account and I'll send everything to you via facebook message.
sweet_amazinggirl18's avatar

Report | 09/24/2012 4:37 pm


I don't know Erica, and I don't really know Cassie. But, I don't think Cassie had anything to do with the drama. It all started when Erica mentioned something to Cassie about it, because she read first, than told Cassie, than that's how Jessica and I found out was from Cassie, because Erica told her. So, Erica should have minded her own buisness about it, even if it was threatening, cause you were probably just letting off steam when posting it. Erica shouldn't have mentioned anything to anybody about it. And than about the rumor about the "threat" Nicole told Jessica. Than Nicole told a few other people about it. Jessica didn't even say anything to anybody about it.
sweet_amazinggirl18's avatar

Report | 09/24/2012 4:24 pm


I don't think Jessica got into a car accident either. I believe Amy is making that up. And yeah, I knew Amy was faking for the apology. And I'm going to tell Amy's mom again, about all of this. And hopefully her mom will get her the help she needs, cause she really needs it. And she'll also be on probation longer. I have a question to ask you, and I'm also going to ask Jessica about this too. Would you ever be willing to talk all this out face to face with Jessica, so you two could start clean....cause the drama that Amy is causing even more, is putting alot of tension on you and Jessica, that's what it seems like. So would you be willing too.
sweet_amazinggirl18's avatar

Report | 09/24/2012 12:01 am


1: Will you please stop talking to Amy. She's still starting drama, and making you think that she's really sorry for what she did, but trust me, she's not. She's just trying to get you to lure you to talk s**t about Jessica, so you could stop sticking up for her, and she could stop sticking up for you when Amy goes back to being a total b***h and harrassing you and Jessica!
2: Yes, even though Amy did hack Jessica's fb account, pretending to be her and commented on your sister's status, that was after the whole argument that Amy wanted you and Jessica to have for you two to stop being friends. I was at Jessica's house that night, when the whole argument started. And no, Jessica had nothing to do with it, or knew anything about it, until Cassie dragged Jessica into by telling her to come into her room saying "Alexa posted two statuses on fb that threatened the whole school. Erica McKusick was the one that told me, about it, after she saw the statuses." And that's how it all happened, with you're guy's friendship going downhill after Cassie dragged Jessica into it. It's the truth, and nothing but the truth. Jessica also didn't have anything to do with turning you in. Erica planned on telling the admins after all that happened. And she also never started any rumor about you either. Whoever did, must have a low self esteem, if they thought it was cool to start a rumor. And all this is absolutely positively the truth. Jessica has been telling you the truth the whole time, she just forgot to add that she was dragged into the whole argument, about the statuses. And she has stuck up for you, as well as you stuck up for herself. And she has tried to help you through anything, but some things, you didn't even want help on. But, at least she still tried to help.

I don't mind if you don't want to believe me for this, but it's all true. And I know we aren't really great friends, but I'm trying to be a friend....and by being a friend, telling the truth is one of them (honesty). I've never lied to anyone in my life, and I know I'm not lying either. But, like I said you don't have to believe me if you don't want too. I'm not picking sides, I'm just letting you know what I was a witness for when Cassie dragged Jessica into it.

sweet_amazinggirl18's avatar

Report | 09/23/2012 9:39 pm


Yeah, I know. The advice I gave you, Jessica gave to me when I was new in the neighborhood. Jessica is like my role model. She's smart, beautiful, pretty, a great friend. She always helps me when I'm sad or angry, and I always help her. Though, lately I've been worried about her. She hasn't been eating lately, she's been so depressed and stressed about work and not being able to get a job.

And I heard Amy is back home. She's been home for about a week now. She's diagnosed with depression, and she also has anger issues, so if someone makes her angry she stays angry and she writes to people, she'll be a total b***h, if she's angry. If she's not angry than she's totally not a b***h and she's all calm and her happy self. She also takes medication for her anger. (Which she told me when she got home).
sweet_shygirl19's avatar

Report | 08/30/2012 2:00 pm


Thanks, I'll need ALL THE LUCK I CAN GET!!!

I'm not able to eat alot as much as I used too. Which is a good thing. But, I still eat. I eat 3 meals a day, and a snack. But, I'm eating healthy foods. I've been trying to stay away from junk foods like cookies, cake, candy, ect. But, every once in a while, I will reward myself by eating something sweet, cause I know I deserve it. And I've also been exercising every day too! I've been walking my dogs, riding my bike, and trying to go running with my friend Ashley too. It's making me feel so great and happy!!! biggrin I eat fruits, vegetables, protein, dairy. And it feels great knowing I'm doing what it takes to keep myself healthy and doing what I can to make myself feel great too!

Don't skip meals, it's not healthy to do that. Your a growing young women, and you need to at least eat 3 meals. Or 2. Breakfast is one of the meals that you should definately eat, it's the most important meal of the day, because it gives you engergy through out the day to stay awake. But, if you don't eat, at all, you can get sick, and your body will get used to you not eating. I don't think that you should keep doing that to your body, especially since it's not healthy to do that. And make sure to eat healthy, cause you will feel great knowing that you are doing what it takes to stay happy and great, and healthy too. And also exercise, put on sunscreen so you don't get burned, and it'll be worth it, too do this. I get burned easily, and I have a few moles on my arms. But, I also put sunscreen on, and do what I do with my day!

I hope that you at least try to take my advice on this.
sweet_shygirl19's avatar

Report | 08/29/2012 2:04 pm


I heard back from Save-Mart in North Carson, and I didn't get the job. I'm still waiting to hear from Kohl's after the 2nd interview....cause after the interview I had to fill out some papers for them to do a background check, and I'm not sure how long that takes, so I'm waiting to hear from them. And until I hear if I got the job, I'm going to be looking for work still. I've been calling and going into places checking up on my apps, and filling out more apps too! And I'm also waitng to hear from Riverview Elementary School for when my fingerprints come back to know when I can be able to start volunteering their!!! biggrin And yeah, I know thanks. I'm actually taking some online courses, my sister found a website where you can take classes for free!!! biggrin And I signed up and am taking 5 classes. But, they start on different days and months. My first class starts on September 10th! So, I'm pretty stoked!!! biggrin

That hella hella hella sucks! You really need out of that environment, like so much!!! I know that it probably stresses you out, makes you so mad, and so much more, that until you have a job, and enough money to move out that you are stuck there, unless your bf changes his mind and say that you can move in with him. And yeah, I hate s**t talkers too (aka Amy).
sweet_amazinggirl18's avatar

Report | 08/28/2012 10:50 am


I don't ever care what people think about me. It's their opinion....and honestly let them think what they want, because in all reality, they don't really know me. The only thing that matters to me, is what I think of myself, because I know me better than anyone else knows about me. biggrin
And that's awesome your going to try to be happy for you, and not for anyone else. And you're so welcome.
sweet_shygirl19's avatar

Report | 08/27/2012 10:00 pm


I thought working both jobs, whatever the other job I get, but now I might just change my mind on that. And thanks!!! biggrin And I'm also hoping that I get to volunteer at Riverview Elementary School too! biggrin And I eventually want to go to college to pursue my dream to either work with animals, or work with children who have disability's.

Yeah, I've been getting asked by some guys who are "IN LOVE" with me to come and hang out with them. One lives in Carson, and the other guy lives in Reno. And they don't seem to understand that I can barely afford to drive to and from places to hang out with them, and drive back. And since I barely have money, I have to save my money for gas. And my mom is helping me out with trying to give me gas money too. I can't just go places when they want me too! And they just DON'T understand that, no matter how much I have told them.

Sorry that DJ doesn't really hang out with you much. I'm sure she will.

Do you think that you'll get the job at the Humane Society, when you fill out an app there?
sweet_amazinggirl18's avatar

Report | 08/25/2012 9:39 pm


That's nice that he has a job interview on Monday. And yeah, life can suck, but always try to make the best of it....no matter what. I always find that if you make the best of it, you'll be even more happier, and who cares what others think, let them think what they want. Just focus on you, and do what you want, and make the best of it. biggrin
sweet_amazinggirl18's avatar

Report | 08/25/2012 9:07 pm


I bet it is. I'd be really bored too. Yeah, I miss my fiance so much, and the only time I get to see him is when he comes home. But, I'm very happy with him, and I'm very happy for him that he's doing something that he wants to do.
sweet_shygirl19's avatar

Report | 08/25/2012 4:43 pm


I had an interview at Save-Mart on Friday, August 24th. I'm hoping I get call to see if I got the job or not. And than that same week, I had an interview at Kohl's on Monday, August 20th and it was a group interview. And I got a call back today from Kohl's for a 2nd interview for Monday, August 27th! I'm super stoked!!!! biggrin And not only were those my only interviews that I had this month, but at the beginning of the month Thursday, August 9th, I had an interview at Bed, Bath & Beyond....and I never got a callback for a 2nd interview for there. But, that's okay, I've been looking and applying to many places trying to get a new job. And even if I don't one of the other jobs Save-Mart or Kohl's, I'm not going to give up on getting a new job.
sweet_amazinggirl18's avatar

Report | 08/24/2012 5:58 pm


Yep, same with Jessica's mom and dad, but they can't support her all their lives. And I'm pretty sure your mom can't support you all her life either. And my mom can't support me all her life, but having a job, I know that I'm also helping my mom and step dad out. And it feels great being an adult helping them out, even though I'm 19.
sweet_shygirl19's avatar

Report | 08/24/2012 12:43 pm


You should quit picking your lips. Trust me I have that problem too, and my sister and mom scold me for that, when they see it. I'm trying to quit doing that too. And DAMN, that hella sucks that he keeps dumping you, and than you guys get back together again. Do you think that it'll work out between you guys everytime you two break up??? And I'm sorry about your mom.
sweet_shygirl19's avatar

Report | 08/22/2012 10:54 pm


Well, I even asked my neighbor's who have also met everyone who's lived across the street from me at the houses 565 and 567 if they talked to anyone named Matt, and they said "that Matt never lived in those two houses" and even my next door neighbor said she didn't even remember a Matt living across the street from us. He must have lived farther down the street, which is why I wouldn't know that he's lived across the street from me. I'm just not sure what house though. But, I know it wasn't 565 and 567 that he's lived at.
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