
I am a Ronin, a samurai without a master.
I have come to the land of Gaia in hopes of refining my skills and helping those who I deem agreeable for my services.
I am the son of a reincarnated Angel, it would seem I have inherited his kindness, honesty and compassion. Should anyone need any help, they need only call on me and I will do what ever I can do to help.
I seem to have a couple of good friends:
Sutz, who is a magnificent artist and cares beyond belief. I enjoy her company as it brings me warmth and hope.
Ember, the Leader of the Cat Sisters, she is a seer and a savior. She is able to put aside her own dire problems to aid anyone in need. Her sacrifice empowers me.

There are others who I have met and become friends with too. Everyone makes an impact on your life, no matter now small or large.

"I'm going out for a walk, I may be some time…"


Viewing 12 of 12 friends



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Ignis Angel

Report | 03/22/2010 11:54 am

Ignis Angel

hey fella r u in hiding? O_O XD

Report | 02/01/2008 4:28 pm


Another day goes by

but yet kitty still cant fly

You watch Angelic, some day I wont need to steal your wings

One day I shall fly, just think of the joy that brings

When I grow my own wings and become an angel too

I will know just what to do!

Kitty will push you off a cloud

and then go jumping off after you till we hit the ground

It may hurt but i think it would be fun!

but you see when its all said and done

kitty will be sad.. cause even though i have nine lives which isnt a ton

I forget to realize that after one.. you have none.. ^^;

Meow! hope you liked kitty's silly rhymes!

its fun to do at times!


Report | 07/03/2007 8:14 am


wondering the fields of this cold but warm world..

Death surrounds but life comes forth..

Why do I not fear death for myself...

Though I am terrified for others..

A hollow shell I be, wishing to take away the pain of others

Why cant I take away the pain that hurts my blood brother..?

Life is joyful

Death is terrifieing

Is there nothing inbetween that I may hold onto?

~A Broken Kitty~


Report | 06/21/2007 6:40 am


Hey angelic, you dont come on her very often do you? Thats otays though. Kitty ish glad that you are such a kind angeli to kitty. I wouldnt know what to do without ya meow! *huggles*

ya lil sis the kitty


Report | 02/03/2007 2:49 pm


Oh wow.. I didn't think that they would send you to the counselors office just because you checked out a book about psychology in babies and ants. That actually sounds quite interesting. I didn't actually get to read my world religions book all the way through because my english teacher dumped four new short term and long term assignments on us consuming most of my spare time.

^^; it looks like I'm back to square one again. I think this time I'll check out a much shorter, smaller book that's just as interesting.. although I have the feeling it's going to be hard to find..

Well, all I know is that next year I plan on taking up the violin. I've been dying to play it since I was in the third grade. Now, six years later, I'm finally going to be able to rent one and take orchestra in high school. Of course I can't do this until the next school year but I don't have to wait all the long really.

Anyways, I think I'm going to plan out my career for awhile and find out exactly what colleges I want to go to and where I'm going to live. I think I'm the only one in the entire freshman class that knows exactly what I want to do with my life and I've known since I was 11. smile

Well, I hope your story goes well and I'm going to read the pieces you sent me right now. Thanks for everything,

Report | 01/18/2007 10:10 am


Wow. that really sounds like an interesting story! I always try to write something but I never get more than ten pages. My motivation just seems to die off so I just stick to poetry. I wish you luck on your story but no, I still havent found a book. I looked around my school's library but I just can't seem to find the right one. So, I decided to get an informational book about the worlds religions. People think I'm weird for doing so but they're entitled to their own opinion.

Well, I hope to talk to you soon!

Report | 01/09/2007 11:10 am


hey angelic bro *hgls* what ish you up to today meow?
Liang Shen

Report | 01/05/2007 6:12 pm

Liang Shen

Current Multimedia set to the true Shining Tears opening, seeing as my original multimedia has stopped working with Gaia.
Enjoy it, if you're interested.

Report | 11/30/2006 5:47 am


hey there angelic bro =^_^= sorry i havent been on much this week.. i have just been SO busy... talk to you soon ok?

ya lil sis the kitty

Report | 11/22/2006 4:49 pm


hmm.. i like to read anything that will captivate my interest or attention..
[[that doesnt help much]]
i like fiction.
i love books that leave you smiling and in awe.
i enjoy drama, comedy and action rolled in one, but i also like the books that make you think and leave you surprised at the end.
lately ive been interested in different books involving people and their feelings. or else fantasy will do the trick.

razz im not sure if this helps..


"A person who is genuinely kind will always try to make others think badly of him or her." - Syaoran