
Hellos, All!

Linatu humbly welcomes you to this little place...

Liantu doesn't want to share too much info about herself as it will rambling and make no sense...

One piece of info that she wants you to know is that she's a wierd person... who likes anything pratically like the balloon dog she got or the notes she recieve. So if she freaks you out, take no offense...

She also wants you to know is that she'll be changing every day pratically in terms of mood or conversation subjects...

And the most important is her lord, Jesus. She's not the best servant of God but if she could she'll be filled with joy. She just wishes that others can meet Him, because she knows if they can know just how good he truly is, then it will be alright....

Oh yeah, and Liantu's not telling you what her names mean this time.....

Random Quotes Liantu is liking now...

"I don't need to take a class of art. Art is not taught and forced out, It's art." A friend...

Song Liantu likes now....

Tong Hua

A piece from it is...
"When the world ignored me, You still noticed me...."

And finally,
Liantu bids you goodbye and hopes you didn't waste your time here!

(By the way, laptop is currently getting fixed so won't be on for the next two weeks probably...)


Viewing 12 of 13 friends



Viewing 10 of 10 comments.

Master Sherman

Report | 09/12/2009 10:38 am

Master Sherman

i dont know if you will ever get this but...
happy day of your birth

Report | 11/18/2008 5:38 am


Your story about the book was a wonderful lot twist on B & B. I adored it.
Hello there my Nightmare

Report | 11/03/2008 4:03 pm

Hello there my Nightmare

Hey it's been forever. I'm rotten for not contacting you, but I want you to know that I've never met anyone like you. I was watching Fruits Basket, and my friend said that there is no one like Tohru. She's wrong; you're just like Tohru. You're amazing- you always put others before yourself, sincerely. You smile even when you should cry, you lift others up when you're feeling down. I've never had a friend like Crystal. =]
I Sinistro I

Report | 08/05/2008 11:18 pm

I Sinistro I

Hello, I'm just dropping you a line. Just saying hi and stuff, it was cool talking to you in the WF today! See you around!
Sorrow Princess Choco

Report | 05/14/2008 10:54 pm

Sorrow Princess Choco

Hi. Thanks for the add.

Report | 05/08/2008 5:23 pm


Hihi! Nice profile by the way.

Report | 04/25/2008 7:44 pm


Psst, it's me, Shanno! Add me to your friend's list. :'3

Report | 04/21/2008 3:47 pm


Hey there, Liantu! ^_^
Vanis Glyde

Report | 12/31/2007 6:20 pm

Vanis Glyde

Gaah~! D: You scary girl..! Attacking me with a giant toothpick like that... <_< Better keep my eye on you.
Vanis Glyde

Report | 11/06/2007 8:27 pm

Vanis Glyde

*pokes you evily* Take DAT! ^w^