Liekyo Tyranicia

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Fianah.Tigersnap Report | 09/07/2016 11:39 pm
cool avi
Melomar Report | 03/22/2009 9:57 pm
I know, I am angry about that with quests too. It's a bunch of bullshit that everything they do on here that is through the site is commercialized. Even the banners for new Gaia features look like ads, and in fact that's really all they are as MOST of the features you (or someone else) have to pay with actual money. Again I say: bullshit. But unfortunately that's what the internet is. You see all those cartoon portrayals of the internet and they always show flat screens/windows/billboards that are endlessly flashing and gaudy and guess what? That's what it's really like. It's like an endless stream of commercials.

That's right, I forgot you had a siggu with a quote from me in it. I forgot what I said though. xD <3
Melomar Report | 03/22/2009 6:38 pm
Kinda makes you wonder too, if they're making their rules so indecipherable. I mean YES you can look words up and infer a general meaning. But it seems a bit shady that they're trying so hard to cover their asses. :/

I think you're right. Subeta is so good because the owners love it. Same with TPM. Though that was sold, wasn't it, except that the original owner was still running it? Either way, if you have a passion for something of course you're going to put forth 150% to make it better than awesome.

True, not that I've seen many signatures. Mostly those header/footer things that someone apparently sells to make them look better. You're not "in" if you don't have one of those. Bite me, really. I prefer my noobish nekkidness. People can be wowed by my stats. >>; But um, maybe if there are adoptables, people keep them in their profiles or something? No idea. x3; <3
Melomar Report | 03/22/2009 6:10 pm
Who knows. It's so difficult to find ANY pertinent game info for Gaia. The only thing you can find is the ToS and it's so wordy and technical even college students scratch their heads.

Yeah, I'm going to try to make it as readable as possible, for your sanity and mine. <3

So in other words, Subeta is like Gaia USED to be. :/ Okay so the avatar art was never drop-dead gorgeous like Subeta's but it was more user-friendly, and friendly in general, than it is now. I'm sure they DO have forums like that, I know there are art forums, but you know, I just really didn't want to deal with all that. The trying to raise enough SP, the trying to compromise with assholes who will never compromise, the constant melodrama (and competing for the cheese with your wine trophy), the wishing and waiting for people to think of anyone but themselves, the the the. No chatting = no drama. Subeta > Gaia for Mel in that respect. XD; <3
Melomar Report | 03/22/2009 5:54 pm
I seem to remember something about 15,000 word count allowance years ago. That may be inaccurate or outdated, but there you go. I usually don't like to have to scroll forever to get to the end of a post anyway. xD

You know, Subeta anything tends to lighten my mood. I don't know why.
Melomar Report | 03/22/2009 4:54 pm
14... CHAPTERS? Holy crap. That's a lot for a post and I'm really under-exaggerating. I don't think I have that many chapters by any means. The whole document for Val's stuff (mind you it's incomplete) is 6 pages. ^^; It's going to be a pain to move around no matter what I do.

Yeah, I hope so. x3
Melomar Report | 03/22/2009 4:33 pm
I shall try! *strikes a pose* XD

Can you really break a post? o.O;;; I thought those broken posts were just from glitches. Huh... But you're right, it would be best to post as I go. It'll just be a big pain when things get really moving (and in funky order). I guess that's just what the ToC links will have to be for. ^^;

I know that would have been so much fun to read again. I had several going that night too, and you can't just read your old Comments and know what was being said. e_e;
Melomar Report | 03/22/2009 3:31 pm
Yes, just like that. With links. 8D And if I have anything to say about it, it WILL get that long. One worry I have: do I make each entry have it's own separate post? If so, that would make moving entries around difficult. If not, then posts will get VERY HUGE. Or maybe I should make a page for each anthro. 15 posts total (or 30 if I want two pages?) to do whatever I want with them? Hrm...

I think I remember that feature. It was very nice feature that I hope they bring back with the recode. *nods*
Melomar Report | 03/22/2009 3:03 pm
Yeah I was thinking about doing something like that. I haven't decided yet, but I would like to have a post with links to all the entries for easy access. :3

It really is annoying. I hope Gaia fixes it. x.x;
Melomar Report | 03/22/2009 2:38 pm

True... I was thinking I might actually reserve another post or two since that one is getting so detailed.

I really dislike the Comment system on Profiles. You can't view the conversation so far as you write. D<


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