
Hm... about me.... Hell if I know. I'm a super cool! Band geek to the extreme!! I enjoy long walks in the dark with my secret... wait what?! Woo caffeine! Anyway, I'm kinda cool, actually pretty cool, amazing even, only not really cause I AM kinda f*ckered up. I mean, really, who majors in music education? Lemons and limes are yummy and make me happy. And bright stab your eye out colors. And really, these things always make me think of the singles adds in the newspaper. Like "Hi, my name is Brianna, I like long walks in the graveyard with tall sexy vampires and I have a secret foot fetish." Really, come on! Anyway, thats enough for now! DO YOUR HOMEWORK! lol, No, really, do it, or I give you an F if I ever get through college.