
I currently go to R.C.S.S. now, instead of Mother T. up in Canada. i dyed my hair blonde with black and pink streaks I have blue eyes, and I now have to wear glasses. Ugh. My main pet peeve: When people label others.


The story of my life!

Random stuff, sometimes poems, usually really weird stuff. I have some rp profiles coming up soon, so look for those! That is, for those who even read the journal!! (Which I think are very few. Or they just don't comment! grr.)


Viewing 4 of 4 comments.

ren ren yuki

Report | 03/29/2007 10:08 pm

ren ren yuki

Aiko Hoshikuma

Report | 07/28/2006 11:46 pm

Aiko Hoshikuma


Report | 01/11/2006 5:30 pm


Being raised as a southern catholic, I often stared at the painting of Elvis' Last Supper, hanging just above our fireplace; until one night the baptist priest came to our house. Upon spotting the picture he shouted out, "You can make fun of Jesus, but leave The King out of this you Godless b***h!"

Report | 12/16/2005 1:20 pm


hi..i go to mother teresa too.