

Hey! This is LiLi_Princess!!
Name's Samantha :] .. "Lili" is based from a flower (i've always wanted to change my username but everyone knows me as lili_princess already...)

Okay! So for Gaia Astronomy i'm a Penna. :]
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Name: Samantha
Nickname(s): I don't go by any
Age: 17
Birthday: July, 17th
Birthplace: Hospital, pretty much
Current Location: Chicago, Illinois!
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown with natural red highlights
Height: 5' 3"
Lefty or Righty: Right-y
Zodiac Sign: Cancer
Harry Potter House: Slytherin mrgreen
What Do You Drive: BMW

Color: Green =D
Number: 7 or 17
Band: I can't make up my mind D= ....it depends on my mood
Music Genre: Literally anything. it just depends on the song (More than anything though... would be Electronic)
TV Show: Dexter, Lost, Law and Order: SVU, The Vampire Diaries, Pushing Daisies, America's Got Talent, Dead Like Me, 90210, True Blood, n** Tuck, Family Guy...
Movie: Phantom of the Opera, Harry Potter, Mean Girls, Pride and Prejudice...
Actor: Ian Somerhalder! (partly just because he's so hot... haha)
Actress: I could care less. razz
Kind of Movie: Romantic, Mystery, or Drama!
Cartoon: Family Guy. Hilarious!
Sport: soccer
Fast Food Restaurant: Panda Express
Food: basically anything Italian
Ice Cream: Pistachio Ice Cream! Sounds weird if you havent tried it but it beats vanilla and chocolate by a landslide!
Cereal: Captain Crunchhhh
Candy: Kit Kat Bars!
Drink: TEA!
Alcoholic Beverage: Too young to drink
Quote: "When life gives you lemons, make orange juice and leave the world wondering how the hell you did it."

{---Do You---}
Have any siblings:yepp.
Have any pets: 2 cats
Have a job: Yes! I work at a Nursing Home as a Nurse Aide
Have a cellphone: iPhone 4S like a boss
Have any special talents or skills:I can solve a Rubik's Cube
Have any fears: tornadoes/hurricanes.. (lilapsophobia) :[ Also all the Silent Hill monsters.. (except Pyramid Head)
Have a bedtime: nope
Sing in the shower: Not really. I'd probably break the mirrors.
Want to go to college: Definitely!
Get along with your parents: With my dad, yes. not all the time with my mom.
Have any piercings: oui.
Have any tattoos: no i do not.
Swear: barely. which i'm proud of. everyone in my home swears but i don't like saying it. but i could slip if i'm angry or something...
Smoke: yuck. no.
Drink: A lot of water
Do Drugs:obviously not my thing.

{---Love & All That Crap---}
Ever been in love:Never inlove.
Ever cheated on a boyfriend/girlfriend:no i didn't
Are you single: At the moment ;]
Are you in a relationship: the other question pretty much covers it up ....
Do you have a crush on someone: no
Ever been dumped: this is true.
Ever dumped someone: Yes redface

{---This or That---}
Fruit or Vegetable: Fruit. duh.
Black or White: whitee :] (oh shoot. that sounds racist. i don't mean it like that...)
Lights On or Lights Off: on. ahaha. i love light. (i'm a bit of a morning person)
TV or Movie:TV SHOWS! So much more happens.
Car or Truck: how about a Lamborghini? ;]
Cash or Check: Cash.
Rock or Rap: rock.
Chocolate or Vanilla: vanilla.
French Toast or French Fries: french toast :] yum.
Strawberries or Blueberries: Both mixed with yogurt in a cup which makes a Parfait!
Cookies or Muffins: Muffins xp
Winter Break or Spring Break: Winter Break! I lovee the snow! (its longer anyways..)
Hugs or Kisses: kisses ;]

{---Have You Ever---}
Danced in a public place: Oh, yeah.
Smiled for no reason: Uhmm yeah whee
Laughed so hard you cried: of course.
Talked to someone you don't know: sure.
Drank alcohol: oui.
Done drugs: never
Partied 'til the sun came up: duh.
Gotten a ticket: Nope. (Got someone else a ticket? Yes.)
Been arrested: No
Been convicted of a crime: Rape, auto-theft, 1st degree of murder... you know, the usual.
Been in a wreck: nope.
Been out of the country: Sweden and Canada

{---Random & Silly Junk---}
If God Sneezed, what would you say?: bless yourself :]
If you got scared half to death twice, would you be dead???: i guess so O:
If Barbie is so popular, then whey do you have to buy her friends?: because she's fake.
Do vegetarians eat animal crackers?:Yes. But vegans don't.
If 7 - 11 is open 24 hours, why are there locks on the doors?: ahahaha.
If the #2 pencil is so popular, then why is it called #2 instead of #1?: 1st is the worst, 2nd is the best, 3rd is the one in the polka-dotted dress!
If no one's perfect then how come we have to practice?: we all try to get as perfect as possible :]
If you swallow a rainbow what color does it turn?: pooped out skittles! (sorry for being specific.. heh.)
Why do they call them Apple Jacks, if they don't taste like apple?: there should be some kind of explanation behind that..
If one synchronized swimmer drowns, do they all have to drown?: ahahahaha.
If a quiz is quizzicle. Then what's a test?: testicle! hahaha.




Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 07/18/2012 12:18 pm


Lol I don't use gaia anymore either.. sad but I like to brag about how old my avatar is heheh! yeah Sam, you're legal now :O XD can't believe u aged! have you got ur CNA yet? question

Report | 07/16/2012 6:33 pm


OMG u are gonna get older XO

Report | 07/14/2012 5:17 am



Report | 07/05/2012 5:41 pm


Wonderful avi. Random greeting. Hopefully we can be friends. Deuces.
sailor mew berry

Report | 05/09/2012 1:15 pm

sailor mew berry

love yours songs!!! heart heart

Report | 05/03/2012 4:19 pm


I'd wish for something else for sure...

My grades are really good; I'm in line to be valedictorian. My SAT and ACT scores are quite above average. I'm involved in school committees and Varsity sports. So...yeah. smile

Report | 05/02/2012 4:09 pm


Southern Methodist University~

Report | 04/30/2012 7:39 pm


better i can finally talk to him smile

Report | 04/28/2012 9:39 pm


almost three months. i know its not that long but it sucks smile

Report | 04/05/2012 11:12 pm


my boyfriend is coming back on the 13 of aug. smile


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