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what am i listing to? :):)

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liliy-cmoore-potter's avatar

Last Login: 11/01/2009 7:51 am

Registered: 06/17/2008

Gender: Female

Location: Godric's Hollow

Birthday: 03/29/1994

Occupation: Witch

TALK TO ME!!!! :) :P

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Saman1993 Report | 05/27/2009 4:28 pm
hey courtney do you know who this is?
Necrolysis Report | 08/02/2008 10:04 pm
me 2
bphilsx3 Report | 07/21/2008 4:33 pm
sewp Report | 07/12/2008 6:28 am
heeeeyy. how is everything?? i missed you!
comment me bakk!
sewp Report | 07/10/2008 6:24 am
I love the songs on your profile!!!
I-Shadow Redemption-I Report | 06/22/2008 12:16 pm
I-Shadow Redemption-I
you have TWO accounts now?!?
wow......hard to keep up......V_V
Hermione Granger-Weasley Report | 06/19/2008 9:55 am
Hermione Granger-Weasley
yea sirius is awesome, but so is lily. go harry potter!
Hermione Granger-Weasley Report | 06/18/2008 11:39 am
Hermione Granger-Weasley
oh, great. so cool, u like harry potter. is lily ur favorite charcter?
uh hi ppl Report | 06/18/2008 9:23 am
uh   hi ppl
cuz there was stuff from u on ur profile
oh my fugding god!!! ya no on tv wen pplflud the bathroom through the sink or tub or somthin, well they rnt nearly as much fun to watch in person!!!
thats right i was on the computer with u+thought i heard somthin, so i went to chack+com to find out i had left the fudging water on+the freaking plug was in the drain!!!
there was enuf water to step into+hav it cover abourt half of ur foot!!
uh hi ppl Report | 06/18/2008 8:53 am
uh   hi ppl
umm, were u talikin to ur self?
hangon, ill c if i no how to change it

About Me!!!! :)

Haya!! names Courtney im 14 and im going into high school. smile
i love my friends they mean the world to me weather they know it or not. razz razz razz razz razz : smile smile smile smile smile smile smile

Well...get to know me. smile smile smile smile smile : razz razz razz razz rolleyes

Below you’ll find general characteristics for the Aries man, woman, child, lover, and friend.

The Aries Man

Even if he isn't handsome -- though he usually is -- he's the one noticed by everybody when he walks into a room. Aries men are dedicated to their career aspirations and getting ahead, and people often assume that family life doesn't fit in with their lifestyle, though this is unfair. The ideal Aries man combines rugged masculinity with urbane charm.

Aries Information
Element: Fire
Quality: Cardinal
Planetary ruler: Mars
Birthstone: Diamond
Flower: Hawthorn
Color: Scarlet
Key characteristic: Leadership
Strengths: Intelligent, assertive, adventurous
Challenges: Trouble with sharing, too much ego, vindictive

The Aries Woman

This independent lady knows what she wants and isn't the least bit shy about going after it. Aries women have quick tempers and may often give the impression of bossiness. These women have a bold sense of style that adds to their natural beauty. They prefer to be noticed for their intellect and capabilities rather than for their good looks.

The Aries Child

Anyone who has ever raised an Aries child knows that these determined little overachievers need a firm hand to keep them from getting out of line. They are extremely self-possessed and prone to demanding their own way. They may be especially troublesome during their teen years. When Aries young people rebel, they generally have a good idea of what they're rebelling against.

The Aries Lover

Aries natives have a powerful love nature and a strong (you don't need to know the word i am covering up) drive. Once they set their sights on a romantic interest, they go after that individual with all of the enthusiasm and purpose typical of this sign. Aries men and women are highly romantic. They have an extremely idealistic view of what love should be. Unfortunately, Aries natives often revert to type after they marry, devoting the greatest amount of their energy to career goals.

The Aries Friend

With their powerful leadership potential, Aries natives make inspirational friends. They often will do what they can to help their pals achieve their dreams. The typical Aries friend will try to help his/her buddies become more successful and professionally centered. It's difficult for these driven individuals to understand anything but absolute dedication to career goals. Aries people are interesting and enjoyable social companions. They make friends easily and show remarkable loyalty

There is a distinct love of home and family within your birth vibration. Anything connected with the domestic or hospitality industries would be well suited to your energies. You display fine imagination and possibly even have a writing skill. You will be popular with all your friends and your nurturing nature is noticed by your work colleagues. You are probably the one they come to when they need a shoulder to cry on.

The Aries born on March 29 will have a poetic quality about them. They are able to transcend the ordinary aspects of their personality by drawing upon their intelligence and intuition.

Aries Information
for March 29

Friends and Lovers

Friendship is special for March 29 individuals, and they wisely choose friends who are different from themselves. They choose the same qualities in romantic partners. They see love as an opportunity to grow emotionally and spiritually and to learn lessons they may be unable to learn on their own.

Children and Family

March 29 natives experience close maternal ties throughout life. As parents, they take their responsibilities seriously. These individuals are more than caregivers or authority figures to their children.


March 29 people have a tendency to suffer from nervous complaints such as headaches and sleep disorders. Because they are not likely to be physically robust, they need to find ways to boost their endurance. It is important for them to add fresh fruit and vegetable juices to their diet each day to ensure an abundance of vitamins and minerals.

Career and Finances

Individuals born on this day gravitate toward professions that allow them to utilize their mental gifts and nonverbal communication skills. They do well in professions that probe the human psyche: psychology, psychiatry, or counseling. Although they are not particularly adept at managing money, their intuitive skills can pay off on occasion.

Dreams and Goals

March 29 natives want to understand life's mysteries. In order to make this dream come true, they spend a great deal of time reading and meditating.





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