
holaa.mah peeps call me SHANiiE.i took my first breath on Dec.3rd.give me many hugs&&kisses.i luv my friends&&family.u better not mess wiff them.theyre the ones who always picks me up whenever i fall down.one of my favv hobbies is eatin' =D.my favv colour is PUrrPULE&&BLACK.i love GOD&&JESUS.
im a proud --->FILIPiiNA<---.get it straight to your thickk head.its filipina not filipian.ive learned a lot from the mistakes ive made from the past.buh thats what made me a better person.i like playing basketball&&chillin wiff my best budds.singing is my god given talent (: i regret many of the things ive done in the past, but ive learned to forgive&&forget.im livin' life in my full potenitial.im ready for what it has to offer.my bestiies are always there for me through thickk&&thin.i luv VANiiLA.i'm a cherry haterr xD.i luv playin musical instruments.right now im off limits .im taken by my homegurl cressa .yepp.that about it.oh yeah.im in luv wiff ken's clarinet playing.he's gonna be famous someday, trust mee [;

''everything good that happens, is just like waves.
they come and go. but i want something that'll stay
like the ocean; where waves come and go forever!''

add me:

**all of these things are truee about mee. i'm not like other bitchezz who makes stuff about themselves.**

~check out my journal to see those photos!~


Viewing 12 of 19 friends



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 12/03/2009 8:03 am


Happy birthday. ^_^
x Nitemare Symphony

Report | 12/25/2008 11:05 am

x Nitemare Symphony

ohmaigawd, you idiot. xD

Mayday Parade.


Merry Christmas. ^ - ^
Serenity Wish

Report | 10/10/2008 1:33 pm

Serenity Wish

Gosh Shane >>

Whats wrong with you? D:

You have been on in a long time xD
Serenity Wish

Report | 07/27/2008 12:55 pm

Serenity Wish


Summers been alright lol

Finally getting more interesting =D

And and no i don't have a myspace gosh Shane!

You should no why! -.-''

And and...

How has your summer been so far? c(=
button x jam

Report | 06/04/2008 6:55 pm

button x jam

Wow shane i havent commented in ur pro in a long time .... *gulps* sorry umm anyways like the pic it looks...............umm ........*light bulb switches on* ah ha it looks..............i.n.t.e.r.e.s.t.i.n.g....
xDestiny Dream4Lifex

Report | 05/12/2008 1:25 pm

xDestiny Dream4Lifex

What's up shane haven't see u get on for a long time get on more LOL!^_^

Report | 04/26/2008 3:52 pm


Hey What u up too?
iiYour hidden love

Report | 04/15/2008 6:06 pm

iiYour hidden love

Thanks you to
xDestiny Dream4Lifex

Report | 04/15/2008 1:03 pm

xDestiny Dream4Lifex

wow dats a kool name oh if shes here 2marrow can u tell her i said hi so ya know we all can make her feel welcome, thanx!!!
xDestiny Dream4Lifex

Report | 04/15/2008 12:42 pm

xDestiny Dream4Lifex

Hey shanie, LOL who waz dat new girl in ur class???


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